When did you start getting out more with the twins?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by sbcowell, Aug 2, 2008.


When did you start getting out more with the twins?

  1. Have always gone out lots with the twins

    0 vote(s)
  2. 2-3months

    0 vote(s)
  3. 3-4months

    0 vote(s)
  4. 5-6months

    0 vote(s)
  5. 7-8 months

    0 vote(s)
  6. 9-10 months

    0 vote(s)
  7. 10-12 months

    0 vote(s)
  8. Don't get out much with the twins

    0 vote(s)
  1. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    Just wondering when I can look forward to getting out more!
  2. shandy

    shandy Well-Known Member

    since my twins were #'s 5&6 - there wasn't much "downtime" - LOL
    We just kept on going on like normal - in fact we took a trip out of state for my cousin's wedding when they were just 3 weeks old. I also started going back to our playgroup when they were 3 weeks as well....
    A lady at Costco yesterday stopped me and told me how brave I was to be out shopping with both of them (and here I'd been thinking I had it easy becuase I ONLY had the twins - LOL)

    I think you'll get the full spectrum of answers to this one -- but I do know that if these were my first children -- I wouldn't have ventured out as early :)
  3. jasonsmommy

    jasonsmommy Well-Known Member

    We have always gotten out with the babies too. I just figure it is our life now and we deal.
  4. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It depends on if you mean by myself or when I've got a 2nd person there to help me. I think we started going out together as long as there was a 2nd person to help me around 3 months old. I started really taking them out by myself more around 5 or 6 months old.

    ETA - I definitely have not been taking them out all over town since birth. For one thing they were born in the middle of cold and flu season and for another I was a brand new mom and I remember when we had to take them to the pedi for a check up at 1 week old and it was the biggest hassle/fiasco! It was so difficult for me to take them out even with help at first! Now I'm a pro, I can get us all 3 ready and in the car in about 5 minutes. Don't worry, it will get easier each time you do it until it's just like second nature to you. Then when you only have to get yourself ready to go somewhere you won't know what to do with all the extra time!
  5. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    Funny you should bring this up. My first time ever taking both babies out by myself was last week - at 4 mos. We went to Babies R Us a half hour away. It went pretty well...I tried to pretend like I pushed a double stroller one handed and dragged a cart behind me all the time, but it wasn't easy! So a couple days ago I attempted trip #2. It didn't go as smooth...

    Took the babies to the mall. They started out having fun. Smiling, looking around, they were being so good. And then allison pooped. She started getting a little whiney. I figure i'll go to the bathroom and change her to keep her happy so I could finish shopping. As soon as i started to take her out she started screaming - total red face. I see the nasty koala baby changing table in the handicapped stall (which I vowed I would never use when I was pregnant) and had a mini stroke. But with her now screaming in my arms, I didn't have time for a plan B. I had my way too small travel changing pad and put it under her. As I was trying to undo her clothes I see her hand go up and touch the side of the nasty table (second mini stroke)...she then peed on me and all over her clothes (twice) as I was trying to change her - crying the whole time. The poop diaper came off, I wiped her up quickly and the new and now wet doubly peed on diaper went back on her and I put her back screaming in her carseat with yucky clothes now. Luckily I didn't have to worry if grant was still in the stroller behind me, because he was screaming too. People were coming in and out and I could feel them staring and feeling sorry for me since I seemed like a clueless overly stressed mom. She stopped as soon as i took her back out into the mall, so it must have been the bathroom or something that set her off. Don't blame her, I hate public restrooms too. Then I get the people stopping me asking about if they're twins and having my hands full, blah blah blah - all the stuff you think would be so fun when you're pregnant, but is so incredibly irritating when you're afraid anything is going to set them off again and you just have to get out of there. Plus, I could feel the germs crawling on her and was waiting for my third mini stroke if I saw her put her hands in her mouth. Luckily, I don't think she did. Got them in the car as my purse dumped all over and they screaming started again. I blasted the radio and drove home. They went to sleep after we started moving. They both got baths as soon as we got home. He didn't even need one, but the whole experience gave me the heebee geebies, so he got one anyway.

    BUT in the end I think about how they really were having a good time looking around and smiling at everyone. Maybe you have to go through some hard times in the beginning to know how to handle situations better the next time and it will get easier? So it actually didn't scare me too much - so I think I may plan some more little outings next week. It was also nice to see that they really didn't get off schedule - the rest of the day wasn't a disaster like I feared.
  6. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    For me it was about 5-6 months that we started going out on a regular basis. They were born as preemies during RSV season and we pretty much kept them at home until Spring and I also had a 2.5 YO DD at the time too so I had to get all 3 out by myself which was a challenge. But at 5-6 months was about the time a nice schedule was falling into place and I knew how much time I had between feedings and naps to get out and run an errand to the mall or Target. And sometimes I just had to stop and turn around and try again the next day.
  7. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    I went from NEVER leaving the house more than 2 times-- in the first five months, to going out EVERY single day for at least 2 or 3 hours from five months on.. Still doing that. If I don't leave the house, I want to die. It makes for a VERY long day and now that the boys are used to traveling- it's easy and just what we do!

    I cannot, and frankly, they cannot, sit at home all day.. It is SOOOO boring for all of us!! We go at least 3 places a day- usually the mall and then other places!! Once you start doing it; it's just simple as can be and totally NOT hard. I highly recommend it once they're past the 5 month mark; they should probably get used to going places so that when you do it isn't such a huge ordeal!! Good luck!!

    On a side note- I met a woman today at Walmart who was pushing a cart with ONE baby in it... She is following me so I look behind me and she goes.. "Do you mind me asking where you got your stroller?? (Combi Twin Savvy). And I say, "No, BRU's". And she goes "Oh. Does it come in 4?" And I say.. "WHY!!???? Do you have more?" And she says.. "Ya. I have quadruplets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I almost fell down. I said "You have 4.. OF THOSE??" And she goes Yep. All boys! TWO SETS of Identicals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    She and I had the same fertility doc and our babies were "created" 3 days apart. Thank GOSH mine didn't BOTH split. She says she NEVER leaves the house and just wants to curl up and die most of the time. OH MY GOODNESS 4 BABIES!!!

    Anyway, she only takes one out at a time cuz it's soo much work.

    She made me feel like I had it made in the shade- that's for sure!! I told her I'd think of her when I wanted to complain. We had the same fertility doc in my town and that could've been me !! OMG. She had them at 25 weeks- all 4 of them were 1 lb each. YIKES! Talk about a small world.

    Sorry to blab on but I wanted to share--!! Good luck ISIS :)
  8. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I started going out with them around 2 months. They were born in January and we were told by the ped to keep them in the house as much as possible during the first 30 days. After that, I would take them to Walmart, Target ect. I always make sure to have bottles ( I FF) even if they've already eaten. I bring rattles, toys & pacis so they have something to do.

    Now that they are on solids, it's become a little more difficult since it's a lot more messier. Also I can't walk with the stroller and feed at the same time with sweet peas. :lol:

    I did join a mom's group but found it to be too hard. I was the only one with twins and a lot of the kids were 1 yr or older. I think once they can hold their own bottle/sippy cup and eat finger food, I will rejoin.

    They've had their share of meltdowns but I've learned to deal with it. Lately it's been very hot so we have not gone out that much which is driving me :wacko:

    Your's are about the same age as my boys. Try introducing them to the sippy cup. They may not drink from it, but it gives them something new to do. I just put a little bit of water in it and let them explore. **Warning** They may get wet. Mine just chew on the sippy part but they seem to enjoy it.
  9. HinSD

    HinSD Well-Known Member

    I started going out alone w/ them at around 3 months. But I wouldn't go out often. Then I joined a play group and get a little more. Usually at least once a week, and I'm going to try to up that to a couple times a week. I need to stay home during growth spurts though. I did that before I knew they were hitting a spurt and it was awful. I then stayed home for 2 weeks!
  10. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    I started going out alone with the twins at about 6 weeks. I needed to get out of the house for my sanity. I would say it got much much easier to go out alone with them after 5 months when they liked to sit in the stroller and look around. Now at 10 months I take them out at least 2 or 3 times during the week and then on the weekends DH and I take them out together.
  11. *Sully*

    *Sully* Well-Known Member

    Well they were born during RSV season as well and then went to daycare and got sick. I started getting out with them more around 4months, but I was still paranoid, esp about the flu. Anyway, once we moved to the sbs stroller and they could sit up in shopping carts, I get out a lot more. I usually wear one if I use a cart due to needing to buy a lot. I use the stroller if I don't need to get much. They love being out and about, but do get worn down if we do too much in and out of the car so I try to only make a couple stops (where we have to get out).

    It's also nice to get out with just one if you can do that sometime. We split the twins on the weekend and that makes things much easier to go and run some errands separately or do some shopping, etc. :)
  12. jenanne

    jenanne Well-Known Member

    I started doing trips here and there around 3 months, but only when I knew I would be meeting up with someone who would help. At 5 1/2 months I began taking them out on a couple errands by myself, and they've done pretty well. Sometimes I have to cut it short. Now that I have more energy, I really need to be out getting things done for myself once in a while, and I figure we all 3 better get used to it!
  13. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    I've pretty much been getting out with them since they were born. Even though they were born in cold/flu season. Sometimes we'd just go walk around the mall to get out of the house, or on milder days, I'd bundle them up and we'd walk around the park. Actually right now I get out with them less because of the heat. Or if I do have to go out I'll only go to one place so we're not in and out of the car and heat all day.
  14. chris629

    chris629 Well-Known Member

    Well Josh didn't come home till 2 mos and in the middle of RSV season so as soon as that was over, he went everywhere with me. Before that I went out only when I had to or waited till dh was home to stay home with him.
    Then when Abbi came home at 6 mos old it was the summer and I went everywhere with the 3 kids. I would just put Abbi in the carrier and Josh in the cart or put them both in the double stroller and Sean would walk. Or carry Abbi and the boys in the double stroller. I had to. My dh worked from before we got up till after the kids went to bed 5 dys a wk. I couldn't just stay home 5 dys a wk w/o going anywhere. RSV season having to limit quite a bit where we went was enough.
  15. Cynthia3200

    Cynthia3200 Well-Known Member

    Woops, I answered wrong. I've always tried to get out with them. I answered 5-6 months because I was thinking it was EASIER starting at that point but only because that's when we got our new double stroller the girls love and it's warm out..etc. I might have answered differently if we were right dab in the middle of winter.
  16. carliegil

    carliegil Well-Known Member

    We have always gone out to dinner with the boys and just take them to louder places. I have taken them to run quick errands by myself since they were 7-8 weeks but are usually only gone no more than 2 hrs. (At 4mths and 2 weeks) Today, I had to take them with me shopping to find a christening outfit for them and a dress for me. The started getting a little fussy after I tried on 2 dresses so we left. (They are just like their daddy, no patience for shopping :D )
  17. mytwins2

    mytwins2 Well-Known Member

    Been taking the twins out since they were about 4 weeks old - not including docotr's visits. i was on bed rest for 3 and half months with them so i was ready to leave the house as soon as they were born. now we go out at least once or twice a week. we try to go for walks when it's not too hot out, we go out to dinner - my favorite thing to do - and we go shopping. since Morgan tends to be very cranky when she's nto napping, we split them up sometimes and take one baby out at a time. this is more manageable. sometimes we have to leave early because they get fussy and start crying but I never let that deter us from going out.
  18. erinkontos

    erinkontos Well-Known Member

    I started getting out more when they were 3 months b/c I wasn't as nervous about germs. I have no problem going out and about w/ babies, it's my 2 year old + babies that really made me nervous. ;-)

    My mom helps us just about everyday during the week and we try to get out as much as possible. It's best for all of us, especially Eric - the big brother. I am so thankful that my Mom is there to help us just about everyday. If she's not here, I still feel OK going to a friend's house and sometimes I have a former student help out (if we are going somewhere that I need a helping hand to push another stroller/grocery cart). DH and I love to take them out and about, too, but sometimes the weekends are so busy w/ getting things done around the house - we just stick around, take walks, go in the pool, etc.

    I have gone somewhere alone w/all three, but it's never for more than 20 minutes or so (just to run in somewhere or meet friends/family).

    :FIFblush: The other day I had an interesting experience which I may be brave enough to post in a little while. I'm having an exhuasting day and know somewhere, someone out there probably is and could use a laugh, too!!!
  19. jkendall

    jkendall Well-Known Member

    We started getting out once in a while around 3 months, but now we go out quite a bit (to the mall, the store etc). Restaurants can still be a little difficult (neither of them can sit up unassisted so they can't really sit in the high chairs). We did go to a restaurant yesterday, though, and just pulled the stroller up to the table, and it worked out great!
  20. snowmom

    snowmom Well-Known Member

    Mine cam home from the NICU when they were 6w old(37w gestational age) and in RSV season too. But we still went out lots, at least once every other day for the first little bit. Now that they are 6 month(4 adjusted) I take them out on my own at least twice a week to a play group, and DH takes them out once a week alone.
  21. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ivfbound078 @ Aug 3 2008, 08:07 AM) [snapback]910862[/snapback]
    I went from NEVER leaving the house more than 2 times-- in the first five months, to going out EVERY single day for at least 2 or 3 hours from five months on.. Still doing that. If I don't leave the house, I want to die. It makes for a VERY long day and now that the boys are used to traveling- it's easy and just what we do!

    I cannot, and frankly, they cannot, sit at home all day.. It is SOOOO boring for all of us!! We go at least 3 places a day- usually the mall and then other places!! Once you start doing it; it's just simple as can be and totally NOT hard. I highly recommend it once they're past the 5 month mark; they should probably get used to going places so that when you do it isn't such a huge ordeal!! Good luck!!

    On a side note- I met a woman today at Walmart who was pushing a cart with ONE baby in it... She is following me so I look behind me and she goes.. "Do you mind me asking where you got your stroller?? (Combi Twin Savvy). And I say, "No, BRU's". And she goes "Oh. Does it come in 4?" And I say.. "WHY!!???? Do you have more?" And she says.. "Ya. I have quadruplets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I almost fell down. I said "You have 4.. OF THOSE??" And she goes Yep. All boys! TWO SETS of Identicals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    She and I had the same fertility doc and our babies were "created" 3 days apart. Thank GOSH mine didn't BOTH split. She says she NEVER leaves the house and just wants to curl up and die most of the time. OH MY GOODNESS 4 BABIES!!!

    Anyway, she only takes one out at a time cuz it's soo much work.

    She made me feel like I had it made in the shade- that's for sure!! I told her I'd think of her when I wanted to complain. We had the same fertility doc in my town and that could've been me !! OMG. She had them at 25 weeks- all 4 of them were 1 lb each. YIKES! Talk about a small world.

    Sorry to blab on but I wanted to share--!! Good luck ISIS :)

    We had a triplet mom come up to us in the mall this weekend. Even feeling like I'm doing OK with twins, I am sure I couldn't handle triplets. She said if she could, anyone could. Hers are 12 - all I could think was I wonder if they had as good of gadgets 12 years ago, because I am sure I wouldn't have survived without my papasan cradle swings!
  22. Azevedo7205

    Azevedo7205 Member

    I have always gone out alot because i wanted the girls to get used to it while they were young and I needed to learn how to do it by myself.. I take them everywhere with me.. I love going out with my baby girls!! The more you do it the easier it gets and you know what you need and what to do!! =)
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