When did you start doing seperate b-day parties?

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by MLH, Jul 30, 2010.

  1. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    I'm having a dilema. This is the first year that my b/g twins want totally different parties. They will be 5 in Sept. and Gabe wants a party at the place he takes martial arts and Abby wants a princess tea party (can they be any more boy/girl?). In years past, we've done a petting farm and a bounce place. Do I say they only get one party or do I let them be the individuals they are and have 2 different parties? They also have some friends at the daycare they go to now, but will be starting Jr. K in Sept. and also switching daycares at that time for the other 1/2 day of school. I'm not sure who to invite to their party(s). Do I invite the friends they know from the daycare they go to now? Do I invite kids from their class? New daycare? School doesn't start until Sept. 3rd here and I'm not sure sending party invites the first week of school is appropriate either. Help!
  2. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Mine still have shared birthday parties, but they are both boys, so I can usually get them to agree on something (the point is that they HAVE to agree). In your case, I may do 2 parties, and tell them they can only invite XX friends. This year I wouldn't worry so much about the classmates from school, since they really don't know them yet anyway, and I don't think you want to invite that many kids!
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I know it would be more work for you, but I would say if they want separate parties (and those are very different parties) then I would give them separate parties. With b/g twins (and I know my time is coming too) the shared parties won't last forever. Since school starts so close to the bday, I would invite the friends they know from daycare now. :good: Good luck!
  4. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Just a warning you may not have many come to either party so I'd try this year for a unified theme. the last 2 years at daycare we have not had any of their friends come. As an adult i'd be less likely to take my child to a friends party that they have just met
  5. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    We haven't had too many come to the last 2 b-days when we invited daycare kids. That is a good point. Maybe I'll start thinking of some other kids that we can invite outstide of daycare. I don't think I want to invite a bunch of kids we don't know either (new daycare/school). I'm thinking of limiting the party to 5 kids or so each, but know that not all of them (especially from daycare) will come.
  6. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    We haven't done friend parties for the twins yet (with five kids we have a built in kid party! lol) but this was the first year they wanted different everything. We let the birthday child/ren choose what they want for dinner and what kind of cake so for the twins we had 2 dinners and 2 cakes. I'd let them have separate parties but only invite a few children each. Maybe let them do half of what you would have done if it was joint. I think it's important to let them be their own people and let them make their own choices when we can.
  7. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    This year we are not even having a party. We are going to Tulsa for the weekend and going to the aquarium (we have season passes), the zoo if the weather is nice, and to a trick or treat thing at one of the local kid parks(they do hay rides, stories, camp fires, theater time stuff)
  8. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I've been thinking of letting them do separate parties if they're in separate classes and/or have different friends & interests. (The idea hasn't even occurred to them yet, and I'm not going to plant it!) I don't plan to insist on them having to always share a party just because they share a birthdate.

    But when we do reach that stage, we will be limiting the # of guests to something like one kid per year of age -- not these 30-child blowouts we've been doing. :D (We invite the whole class, and so far -- for their 3rd and 4th b'days -- I think nearly all of them have come!)
  9. angelsmom2001

    angelsmom2001 Well-Known Member

    Ohhhh can I come? That sounds like a fun birthday!!!!

    So far we have only done shared parties, but they have to either agree on a theme or agree with what I come up with. I should note my girls get more than one party because their dad does something for them with his family, and with usually have some kind of dinner with my sister and her family on the day of their birthday. Since this year they will be in 4th grade, they have made a lot of school friends, some the same, some different. Last year we did a sliding party at my sisters house and the kids had a BALL. Each girl was allowed to invite 8 friends (because I knew at least 2 or 3 would be the same). Then of course we had my sister's 3, my brother's 3, and a couple extra siblings. BUT they were outside for more than half the party sliding in the snow. I'm already trying to figure out what we are going to do this coming Jan......
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