When did you have your twins? and vent

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Soon-2-BMomof3, Feb 25, 2007.

  1. Soon-2-BMomof3

    Soon-2-BMomof3 Well-Known Member

    I was wondering how far along you were when you had your twins. I am 33 weeks now and am having a hard time not nowing a general time of when the boys will be comming. I know it is a terrible thing to say, and I don't mean it really, but I don't want to be pregnant longer than 36 weeks. The longer the babies are in me the better for them, but I am so tired and sore all over. I can't sleep at night because I have developed some form of restless leg syndrome or something and when I do finally fall asleep it is like 4 in the morning. Then I have to wake up and try to help my husband get himself and my son ready for daycare at 7:30. If I am able to fall back asleep I usually sleep ok, but I feel useless because I have wasted the entire day sleeping. Then my husband gets home and has to do EVERYTHING around the house because I couldn't even load the dishwasher all day (because I was sleeping). OK, I didn't mean for this to turn in to a pitty party!!!!! Anyway, one of the main reasons I wanted to find out when most of you had your babies is because my husband is about to start a new job in a different state. We may be moving in the next 2-3 weeks and that is really bad timing for us, but something that has to be done. I am also worried about packing and getting ready to move in the next couple of weeks with it being so close to a POSSIBLE delivery (especially since I don't even have the energy to fold a load of laundry). I know that just because I am doing fine now it doesn't mean that I won't go into labor for another 6 weeks, but it doesn't mean that they will come in 2 weeks either. I just don't know what to do!!!!!

    Mods---could you link this to the first year board also???? THANKS!!!!!
  2. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I was 38 weeks 4 days when my girls arrived.
    they are 7 weeks old now and we are moving - it has been a nightmare and I havn't packed the 1st thing! I am still so very exhausted
    and my babies are so demanding!!! moving that far along or with 2 newborns is rough!! you may want to talk to your doctor to see how early he/she will induce/schedule c-sec. but even if you deliver before you move it will be very hard on you - it has been 7 weeks for me(I had a c-sec) and I am still not 100% back to pre preg me.
    also you may want to call doctors in the area that you will be moving to to find out if they will take new patients that far along - I know around here some won't - you would just have to go to the ER when you went into labor and someone on call would deliver -
    I wish you the best - and I don't know where you are moving but I live
    in GA if I can be any help - just let me know!!!
  3. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I delivered at 36 1/2 weeks. Is there any room in the budget to hire movers? That just might be money well spent at this point!
  4. Eyler07

    Eyler07 Well-Known Member

    I had my boys at 36 weeks on the dot. I was miserable and hot being that i delivered them in June. Really hot. My feet swelled up and liek you, i had that ever so annoying restless leg syndrom. To help with that, i took tylenol and benadryl. The tylenol to maybe stop or help it and then benadryl to get sleep. I was up all night with that and not that you want to know but every now and then, i still get it and I hate it. anyways...i was having BH for quite awhile and doing stress test and weekly ultrasounds. Finally, i was having contractions and theyw erent strong enough. I did all i could to get them to come on stronger and finally the next day i wtn in and had them. Anyways, i hope that everything goes okay. i would research doctors in the area to where you are moving if it's away fromyour original dr.s. good Luck and i'm in ohio like the pp said if you need anhthing...
  5. Brockgirl

    Brockgirl Well-Known Member

    I delivered at 30 weeks and 6 days. PLEASE..PLEASE..PLEASE want those babies in you longer as I would HATE for anyone to have their babies in the NICU. It is the worse experience I have ever had and one baby almost died. Even at 36 weeks...that is early. I would have given a million dollars to keep my babies in longer..pain and all. Plus, most that have given birth early actually have some depression for delivering early and missing having the babies in them. The longer you have them in there the better!!
  6. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I agree with pp, the longer the better. It is for the health of the babies. I also ditto hiring the movers. It can be a huge expense, but think of what it will save you in the long run.

    I delivered at 37.2 and the last 6 or so weeks were HE!! for me!! I had pre-eclampsia, restless legs also and maybe slept an hour here and there. I delivered 9/1, so I went through the summer and swelled like a hot air balloon. I feel your pain, believe me, but don't wish for them too early so they come out big and healthy.

    GOOD LUCK!! [​IMG]
  7. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Amber, I moved at the end of my pregnancy and wasn't allowed to do anything. The doc said I could pack 1 box a DAY! I would sit at the table and wrap glassware etc. and have my Dad (they came to help us move) pack it all. That didn't give me contractions. BUT, come to moving day I did too much and had HORRIBLE pain and was instructed to lie down and not do ANYTHING! IT was REALLY HARD!!!!!

    It was still very strenuous to oversee all of it as well!! I had my babies induced at 36 weeks because my BP rose and my DD SPENT 11 DAYS in the NICU!!! 36 weeks is NOT the magic number in all cases!! Please keep them in as long as possible! BEST WISHES TO YOU!! [​IMG] I hope you have all the timing work out!! Take care of yourself! I know it's hard because you are in pain and can't sleep etc.... sounds like you've hit "the wall!" Hang in there!!!! [​IMG]
  8. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    I went into labor at 28 weeks and had to stay in the hospital until 35 weeks when I actually had the babies....a few days NICU time...the longer the better....I wouldn't be in too much of a rush.
  9. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    I had my boys at 39w 2d and was set for induction but my water broke the day before. If your pregnancy is going well you may still have awhile to go, I was the same way, I wanted to know when they were coming. I think that always hearing the "you're gonna go early" "Twins always come early", etc. made me think I would definately have them early but not the case for me. I had a great pregnancy and they did not want to come out!
  10. Brockgirl

    Brockgirl Well-Known Member

    By the way...I was on bedrest for the whole pregnancy except for three weeks. At the end...I wasn't even allowed to take a shower and had limited times I was allowed to get up to go to the bathroom. If you go and visit the NICU for even one day...you would understand the importance of keeping those babies in. Watching your babies stop breathing is not fun!
  11. Kateyes2022

    Kateyes2022 Well-Known Member

    . First, [​IMG]. I know how miserable you feel. We have all been there before. I tried so hard to keep my babies in as long as possibly could. I knew the longer they stayed in the better chance they would have no NICU time. I went into labor at 35 weeks 2 days and the doctors tried to stop labor. Unfortunately they couldn't stop labor and my water broke so I had to have them. I had the twins at 35 weeks 3 days. My ds came home with me two days (vaginal delivery) later but my dd stayed in the NICU for ten days. I know it gets hard at the end but just hang on for a little longer. Trust me it is worth it in the end.

    If it’s possible I would hire movers. It’s not as expensive as you think. We hired movers when we moved last and it was a lot less stressful.

    Good luck and I will be praying for you. I know you are ready for it to be over. I remember how hard it was at the end. Keep baking those babies [​IMG]
  12. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    Mine arrived at 38w2d and I was miserable the last 3-4 weeks because of major swelling in my leg (caused by the weight of the babies, but we didn't know that). I slept better and more the first weeks the twins were here than I did when I was pregnant, go figure. Hang in there, it will be worth it.
  13. Don2worrybhappy

    Don2worrybhappy Well-Known Member

    I delivered at 38 weeks. I quit work at 30 weeks because of the increased appointments-NST 2x per week, U/S once a week, seeing the OB plus I was just tired. I still did everything all the way up to delivery-cleaned the house, laundry, grocery shopping, taking care of my 2 and 6 y/o. I was lucky not to have to go on bedrest. I wouldv'e gone crazy.

    It is safe to take Benedryl for sleep. I took this starting at about 5 or 6 months til the end.

    Good luck to you and your family.
  14. monie rose

    monie rose Well-Known Member

    I feel for you! At 33w I was on strict bedrest because of ptl weeks earlier. I felt terrible that I could not help out. My OB thought I would have them by the end of the week because i was still having contrax even though I was placed on procardia. I actually had to be induced at 36w 3d. I had such horrible pelvic pain and I could hardly walk. So I had them that day on 4/6/06. You may end up going just because of the stress from packing/moving. Good Luck to you!
  15. hopewait

    hopewait Well-Known Member

    I went on complete bedrest at 27wks and was on medication to slow down my contractions until 35wk when they told me I could stop taking them. My water broke 3 days later. So I delivered at 35.3 wks. They only spent a coupe of days in the hospital for jaundince. I was able to bring them home before week was over. I know its uncomfortable - just hang in there. Moving right now, would not be the best thing. Try and find as much help as possible. Good Luck.
  16. geaemama

    geaemama Well-Known Member

    My MD said I would never make it past 32 weeks. At 32 weeks he said I would never make it past 34 weeks. When I hit 34 weeks he said I would go any day. The c-section was scheduled at exactly 37 weeks. At 36w 3 days I was SOOO uncomfortable that he delivered them. I could have waited until 37 weeks and I wish I had just sucked it up and waited. Baby B had a hard time and was in NICU for 8 days. Hold them in as long as possible - it will be worth it!
  17. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Originally posted by Brockgirl
    PLEASE..PLEASE..PLEASE want those babies in you longer as I would HATE for anyone to have their babies in the NICU. It is the worse experience I have ever had.

    Ditto!!! Although mine came at 25 and 26 weeks. I would have killed to have mine stay in longer.
  18. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    I had my boys at 37 weeks on the dot. But, I want to comment on the moving thing. I so feel for you. I moved when my other ds was 2 weeks old. It was such a crazy time. Honestly, if you can get it done before babies it would be so much better. Once you have those little ones, there's not going to be time in your life to deal with setting up a new household. Unless you have no control over that part, then hang in there. It's OK to live out of boxes for a couple of months. Good luck to you!
  19. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    39 weeks exactly (induced). I was huge all through August with feet & legs swollen like overstuffed sausages. Believe me, I can sympathize with your aches and pains. Consider this your first lesson in the unpredictability of life with twins. I hope you realize that it's not going to get easier after they come.

    As for the move -- get some help! You could hire someone but surely you have friends/neighbors/family... ask anyone and everyone. No need to be a martyr. They will take pity on the very pregnant woman and pitch in but many people feel uncomfortable offering to help so unless you ask...

    One of my friends came over a few times to clean for me and another organized a meal service where people took turns cooking dinner for DH & I so someone was dropping off something every other day for the first month after the boys were born. That was great -- the quantities were always enough for leftovers the next night and many of them called ahead to ask if we needed any staple foods as well. It only takes 15 volunteers to pull that off.
  20. tdemarco01

    tdemarco01 Well-Known Member

    Hate to say this but keep them in there as long as they'll stay. It's way better for the kids. I delivered at 37.5 weeks and I wish I had gone 2 weeks more cause breastfeeding was a battle --

    Teri D
  21. natmarie

    natmarie Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by MichelleL:
    I agree with pp, the longer the better. It is for the health of the babies. I also ditto hiring the movers. It can be a huge expense, but think of what it will save you in the long run.

    GOOD LUCK!! [​IMG]

    I agree!
    I had my twins at 34 weeks and they spent about a month each in the NICU. Having twins in the NICU was horrible for me. I went through a lot of guilt for having them born so early. I couldn't imagine having them in the NICU and trying to move especially if you are moving far away. I hope you can keep them in awhile longer.
  22. jessben81

    jessben81 Well-Known Member

    I went into labor during the "last hour" of being 32 weeks and I delivered within 2 hours of being 33 weeks. I was VERY surprised when it happened, I didn't expect it at all. I was really uncomfortable during the last few days I was pregnant and the night I went into labor, I told my DH that I was done and I couldn't do it anymore. I was pretty much useless around the house because I was on bedrest and I didn't have any energy either. I couldn't sleep at night (like you said) and I would wind up sleeping during the day. I completely understand where you are coming from. You have to remind yourself that you are carrying 2 babies, not 1. It is really hard on your body and you need your rest. If you do have to move, I would just move at the pace you are most comfortable with. Don't push yourself. You need to keep those babies in there for as long as you can (even though you are really uncomfortable and don't want to). My boys ended up in the NICU for 3 weeks and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. So, if you do have to pack please be careful and don't over do it. Good luck with everything. [​IMG]
  23. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    We went till 38 weeks and 4 days [​IMG]
  24. ABeeCDandE!

    ABeeCDandE! Well-Known Member

    Take it easy, the stress of a move could certainly put you in labor. Keep them in, it is so tough at this stage, but hang in there!

    I went into labor at 35w2d. I'm glad I did because I think twin A wasn't fairing very well...(big bro taking all the good stuff for himself!)
  25. veggiehead

    veggiehead Well-Known Member

    I made it to 37 weeks and 6 days...one day before my scheduled c/s. My water broke the morning before! I was miserable, but now I am SO THANKFUL I was able to keep them in for so long. They came home with me and are in great health. You want to keep them in, as many have said. I cried everyday the last month because I was so miserable, but now that they are here...I cannot even remember how it felt. It was all worth it. Hang in there!~!!!

  26. Stephanie M

    Stephanie M Well-Known Member

    I delivered at 35 weeks exactly.

    I know how you feel being ready. My due date was Aug. 15 and I kept telling my OB that I was not going to see August as a pregnant woman. I was swollen, tired, and terribly miserable. The OB seemed to think that I would go full term because I had had a fairly uneventful pregnancy. I was soooo upset . . . I was tired of being pregnant. Surprise! Surprise! I had two July 11th babies at 35 weeks.

    I must admit that you will probably be much more tired when they arrive. I know you think it's not possible; however, it is. Your body will feel better, but your mind will be depleted with the birth of the twins. Best of luck to you!
  27. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to let you know that you are not the only gal who sleeps all day!! I have two lil ones who play on the living room floor and watch toons part of the morning. Then I feel guilty for sleeping away the last few moments I have with them before the babies come!! It takes me an entire week to actually get the laundry done. I wash one day, fold one day (maybe), my DH packs it up the stairs and we will see in about 3 days if I make it to putting it all away!! When DD runs out of nice pants for school clothes that is usually when it gets done!! You are not alone, but I feel horrid about sleeping too much during the day too! My sweet DH says not to worry about it that everyone understands, but I find it hard to think that a 3 year old understands why her mommy doesnt play with her anymore!
  28. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    36W 1D here

    I can totally relate. I wanted them out but knew it was best for them in. HAng in there. you are doing great!
  29. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry that you are feeling miserable, those last few weeks are hard! I was induced at 36+3 due to high blood pressure. My last 2 weeks were spent in the hospital, and I am so thankful that we got those last 2 weeks in because the girls didn't have a minute of NICU time.
    Hang in there, I hope if you have to pack/move that you can get tons of help! [​IMG]
  30. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    I had mine at 38 weeks 2 days... I was absolutly miserable at the end, but they got to come home with me! Looking back, thats all that matters!
  31. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I was 35 weeks and 3 days, and honestly, I had NO problems during my pregnancy... it was EASY! This pregnancy has been a different story. I wasn't even in labor when I was sent to have them... I think I could have carried them for longer. But, when they were born, there were no problems they were fine! They came home with me 4 days later.

    Try and hang in there, as many will tell you, the longer they cook, the better. [​IMG]
  32. dawnmj

    dawnmj Well-Known Member

    I remember those days all too well. I didn't get much sleep I was huge. I delivered at 37 weeks 4 days, my doctor wouldn't let us go past 38 weeks.

    My girls though were both over 7lbs at that point so we felt comfortable with the decision. I remember the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy were the two hottest weeks in July it was over 100 for a few days in a row and I was miserable but it was worth it.

  33. happymel

    happymel Well-Known Member

    I'm 33 weeks 4 days and was told this morning that I have to have a c-section today related to preclampsia. You just never know!
  34. HelenClyde

    HelenClyde Well-Known Member

    I´m proud to say I managed to go three dates over my due date. I felt like my pelvis would break at about week 36, but then it suddenly went better, and apart the common trouble in twin pregnancies (shortness of breath, peeing every five minutes [​IMG] ), it was´nt that hard.

    So, what I wanted to say is: Hold on, ladies!
  35. mooshie

    mooshie Well-Known Member

    I had my boys at 35weeks 4days. they spent 11 days in NICU which was really hard, but you do what ya gotta do. I just went into labor. I hate it when ppl say "keep 'em in as long as you can." I'm sure that's what you're trying to do. it's not like you're trying to get them out. you just are misserable and would like to know when the missery might end. sorry to vent, but it makes me feel like I failed to "keep 'em in" every time I read that! anyway, that's when I had my boys, and getting movers if you can is a great idea. you shouldn't be lifting the boxes anyway. good luck! can't wait to hear your birth story.

    here's some ~~~~~~~~~~~~~healthy babies vibes~~~~~~~~~~~

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