The girls are 12.5 months (hmmm, i wonder if i will be saying that they are 120 months on their 10th birthday!)....they recently started STTN but naps are still a crapshoot around here. I confess that we do too many of them in the car; we're way up in the hills and it takes 20-25 minutes to get ANYwhere, so if i want to do something like storytime or an indoor playground, i only have the window after 1st nap and before lunch, and trying to get them out of the house before things end has proved impossible (I know, i should probably give it up til they are at one nap per day, but- i also like to get them out where they can move around and interact with other kids and not just be in the stroller. The park is difficult because except for the swings it's crazy to keep track of them since they are just barely walking and it's so rainy here in oregon that it's almost always wet on the ground! But i digress... They finally went down for a nap more than three hours after they woke; i have tried all kinds of configurations; putting them down at 2 hours , 2hrs 15, waiting til close to feels like nothing works and they cry anyway. I KNOW that if i were to put them in the car they'd be asleep in 26 seconds but i really do NOT want to depend on that. So the question is - at what age did yours drop to a single nap a day. And, when was it, esp. in relation to bedtime, which i'm STILL trying to work out (per my previous run-on post!) OK, I've only been on this forum for less than a month and I'm already feeling like the biggest Loser Mom of all!!
My boys didn't go to one nap until 19 months the first being around 9:30am until 11am and the second being 2-3pm. If I was out or was going out I would just let them take one of the naps in the car or stroller. If I tried to keep them up it would only cause crankiness.
My kids went to one nap a day shortly after their 1st birthday. Our schedule during the week goes something like this: 5:45 - 6 a.m. - wake, get dressed and leave for daycare 6:15 ish - eat breakfast at daycare 11 ish - lunch at daycare 11:30/noon - nap (they go down for a nap sometime in their) 2:30/3 - wake from nap and get a cup of milk and a snack 5:30 - dinner at home 7 - 7:30 - cup of milk and in bed at 7:30 On the weekends they tend to sleep in until 7 or 7:30 (I was out of town last weekend and they slept until 8:30 for DH both mornings), but we still try and keep the same schedule for food and naps on the weekends. We are pretty big schedule people and our kids seem to do pretty well with it, so I guess this works for us.
My boys are almost 15 months and we are still doing two naps. I would LOVE to get them to take one, nice long nap a day, but they get so tired in the mornings, I'm still putting them down around 9:00 a.m. or so for their first nap.
My boys are almost 16 months and we are in the midst of trying out one nap. They are great sleepers in general and up until a couple of weeks ago our schedule was this: wake at 6:00 am (but stay in the crib for a while) 1st nap about 3 hours later (so usually 9 or 9:30 and sleep for 1.5 - 2 hours) 2nd nap about 2.5 to 3 hours after the first (so usually 1:30 or 2 pm and sleep for 1 - 1.5 hours) bed about 7:15 pm After daylight savings (it just happened a couple of weeks ago here in Europe) and a weekend trip where the naps were horrible I decided it might be worth trying 1 nap. With the time change they started sleeping in longer and so it didn't make sense to put them to a first nap at 10 or 10:30 and still try and get in a 2nd nap and to bed by 7:15 or so. And I'm a big fan of keeping our nights sane and having the boys asleep at a decent hour so I can have down time. So now we are trying to keep them active during the morning nap period and put them down around 11:30 or so. It has worked pretty well. They aren't getting too cranky in the morning but they haven't yet settled into a good consolidated nap. A couple of days they have slept for 2-3 hours but today they only slept 1 hour and were very tired this evening. I think it will just take some time but I'm glad we're giving it a try.
We went to one nap at 14 months. Our schedule has stayed pretty much the same ever since... 7am wake 8 breakfast 1030 lunch 11 nap 2 snack 430 dinner 630 bedtime They go down early for their nap because I have to pick-up my older two from school everyday.
Still on 2 naps at 19 months. Bedtime at 7pm. Awake at 7am. Nap #1 at 10:30am. Nap #2 at 2:30pm (usually only 30 minutes).
We are at 10 hrs of sleep at night and 2- two hour naps a day. I really dont see our naps schedule changing any time soon... They NEED that sleep and never even fight me on going down now. They just lay down grab Tigger and Pooh and say "nigh nigh" and it is off to sleep for EXACTALLY 2 hrs each time, you could set your watch by it. (unless there happens to be an unusual rude awakening by an older sister!) By 12 mnths my DD was only napping once for 3 hours but these two are not showing signs of needing to switch to that yet. ETA: We are up at 7am breakfast nap at 9am until 11am lunch 11 am nap #2 at 1pm until 3pm snack dinner at 6pm Baths at 8 pm down for night at 8:30 they are doing really well with staying up for that long stretch in the afternoon (3pm-8:30pm), but cant seem to make it more than 2 hours of awake time in the am and early afternoon.
I am fighting, kicking and screaming the transition to one nap here (and have been for about a month or so....) Even though we'll have a whole other realm of possibilities to do stuff when they do transition! For the past as long as I can remember (times flux due to my working part time, and we're a super-flux kinda house anyway, well me and the babies are, DH is a little more schedule oriented!!) Btwn 7am-8am out of bed Btwn 8 and 9 breakfast 10-10:30 1st nap (they always go down for this one and sleep anywhere from an 1 hour 15 min to 2 hours) 12:30 - 1pm Lunch 3pm - 3:30 nap (they may or may not sleep lately{seems to be everyother day}, if they do, it's usually for an hour and a half or they just have 'quiet time' upstairs) 5:30 - 6 dinner 7:30 - 8:00 start bedtime routine I do remember that around their first birthday, the girls were giving me a hard time about their naps. For me/them it was way too soon to drop down to one nap (See above mention of kicking and screaming now!) and I persisted for a few weeks and they went right back into it. Now is another story...sigh
We went to one nap at 18 mos. I tried before that, but one was verryy cranky when he didn't get both his naps. They started out taking one nap about 12:00 p.m., which was finally pushed to 1:00 p.m. by age 2. They'd sleep from 1-3, and then from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. at night. I liked the free time when they took two naps, but we basically were at home all the time to accomodate their napping schedule.
Mine went to 1 nap at 15 mos (only my son, Justin) but my daughter still take her 2nd nap but a lot shorter up to 40 to 30 mins at around 3 PM. They are both early riser at 6 AM often time they are up playing in their crib at 5:45 AM. So, they take their nap at 10 to 10:30 AM and have lunch at 1 PM. I think they eventually will or hope to change their nap when the weather get warmer and being more actively involved w/outdoor activities to make them sleep "IN" like around 7 30 AM and then our nap will be sometime after lunch is what I wanted to do. But we'll see what happens in the next few months. Cross your fingers for me! They are usually in bed by 7:30 to 8 PM. D, w/Rianna and Justin
Mine went to one day at daycare when they moved to the toddler one room when they turned one. It worked out for the best too because they were fighting me on both of their naps before then. The schedule: 5:30 wake up/breakfast (usually a short nap here until we get to daycare at 6:45) 8:00 snack 11:00 lunch 11:50ish nap (1.5 to 2 hours) 2:00 snack 6:15 dinner 7:00 bedtime
20 months. We tried several times before that with disasterous results. It seems the average on this board runs much younger than what I've read is typical. At 20 months it went smoothly so I guess they were ready. Yes, it does simplify the day but the single nap is not without consequence. If something disturbs that nap, there is no catch-up nap later. They spend the rest of the day being angry little hornets. There are times when I miss the 2-nap schedule. At 12-13 months, they were getting about 14 hours of sleep total and it was generally a 90-minute morning nap, a 40-minute afternoon nap, and 11.5-12 hours at night. Now, they take one 80 to 120-minute nap in the middle of the day (12-1:30 or 2) and 10.5-11.5 hours at night with a total of 12-13 hours. They have been 6:30 risers pretty consistently.
Mine are 13 1/2 months right now...we still do 2 naps a day 7:45 wake up breakfast play 10:30 nap 12:00 wake up lunch play 3:00 nap 4:00 wake up play dinner 7:30 bath story bed We still have some middle of the night waking every other day or so! But it's usually quick and they go right back to sleep. Good luck! I don't plan on changing to 1 nap for a while, i dont' think the girls are ready. But I DO think it will make life so much easier! We are a slave to the naps here!
QUOTE(Shadyfeline @ Apr 9 2008, 02:06 PM) [snapback]713970[/snapback] My boys didn't go to one nap until 19 months the first being around 9:30am until 11am and the second being 2-3pm. If I was out or was going out I would just let them take one of the naps in the car or stroller. If I tried to keep them up it would only cause crankiness. Our schedule was very similar to this. I kept both naps until they were pushing the 1st nap back until 10:30-11:00, I was in no hurry for the switch. When we first went to 1 nap, it was around 11-11:30 and we've just moved it back a little at a time from there. Now its 12:30-1:00 when they go down. They sleep anywhere from 1.5-3 hours.
They get 2 naps when home with me and one at the sitters'..I think they are more entertained at the sitters' with all the kids and can stay home they get miserable. Schedule: 630-700- awake 700- breakfast 830 nap 1030 awake 11 lunch 12- 1230 nap 2 awake/snack 6 bath and bed....sometimes bedtime is 530. They are great sleepers
My twins are still on 2 (a little over 16 month). My oldest was 18 months when she went to 1 nap from one day to another without any problems. The twins only take 1 nap on days they're in day care. They are good sleepers overall.
Mine moved to 2 naps at 17 months. This was the schedule until then: 7:30-wake and breakfast 9:30-11:30-nap 11:45-lunch 1:15-3:15-nap 3:45-snack 5:30-dinner 7:30 bed At 17 months I moved them to one nap and this has been our schedule ever since: 7:30-8:00-wake and breakfast shortly after 9:30-snack 11:30-lunch 12:15-3:15-nap 3:45-snack 5:30-dinner 7:30-bed
My girls (because of Syd) went to 1 nap before their 1st bday. I love it! noon-3. now of course, they are 2 and already skipping naps some days....... but that's a whole nother worry for another time.......
We just moved to one nap three weeks ago (16 and half months old) and had to adjust bedtime because of it (they go to bed 1/2 hour earlier at night and hence dinner, bath is earlier too). Our schedule now: 7am wake up, bottle 8:30am cereal 11 or 11:30am (if attend some activity) lunch 12 or 12:30pm nap (sleep either 2 or 2 and half hours) 3pm snack 5:30pm dinner 6pm bath 6:30pm bottle 6:50pm in bed, storytime Fast asleep by 7pm!