When did you go down to 1 nap per day? Sometimes they take really good 2 naps and sometimes they hardly take 1 good nap. I'm not sure that I'm ready to put them down only for 1 nap yet. For those that take only 1 nap, how long is it? Did it take a few days to get them to settle into a long nap?
We switched ours at one year. The babysitter they started going to had another little girl a few months older that was on one nap and she thought it would be better if they were all on the same schedule. They are still on one day/day from 1-3pm. The switch was very easy for us..they were pretty tired for the first couple of days but the sitter just put them down a few minutes earlier and slowly stretched it to 1pm.
Around 14-15 months...we had to transition, some days they still required two but most days one. It started early, like 11am, and we slowly moved it back to noon.
my girls are 17 months and they still go down at 9am for a little "rest". then they go down for a 2.5 hr. nap around 1pm. I don't know when I'll stop giving them their morning "rest". They seem like they need it b/c they are yawning and rubbing their eyes.
mine just transitioned when they were ready....which seemed to be around 14-15 months. I was worried about the whole thing until it happened and then I was like oh that was easy. It frees up a lot of your day too.... which I enjoy.
We started at 14 months and the transition was a little challenging. It took a few weeks for them to completely switch and there were some cranky days in there. Now that they have one nap a day, it lasts on average 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Some days I get 3 hours, and other days I get nothing - like yesterday.
Not until 19 months I am a SAHM so I didn't need to go to one nap at any specific time. My boys were never great nappers so now they are up at 6:30am, Nap for about an hour 11am-12pm and bed at 7pm.
They're almost 14 mos old -- Rianna still nap twice a day while my son only nap once a day. At least they both nap together at 10:00 until 12:30ish. In the afternoon, Rianna goes down around 3 pm for about 45 mins. Diana w/Rianna and Justin
My boys were around 16-17 months old. They always seemed to drop their naps a little later than others. Of course the afternoon nap got longer once they quit napping in the morning.
We did it at ~12/13m. They weren't exactly ready for it, but we just had to suck it up and pull the trigger b/c 2nd nap was getting later and later b/c they wanted more and more awake time between naps, which caused bedtime to be later and later. It sucked at first, I just made sure we had a fun outing (early) planned for every morning to keep them busy and made sure we were never more than a 10-minute car ride from home or the whole nap was sabatoged with a 5-minute car nap.
We went to one nap at 17 months, my choice not theirs. I had to have them down to one nap before my oldest DD's school started up again as it was getting too hard to get them to take 2 naps between 9am-3:15pm.