When did you give up Cribs?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by BBCanadianTwins, Dec 20, 2007.

  1. BBCanadianTwins

    BBCanadianTwins Well-Known Member

    Hi gals,

    When did you give up your cribs? I am not eager to do this. My girlfriend did and her 2 year old crawls into her bed every night. I have never had either of the boys in our bed and I know NO One would sleep if this happens.

    They don't seem to have any issues with the cribs and sleep all night from 7 - 6, so I don;t feel the need to move them to big beds. How will I know when to do this?

  2. Tracy623

    Tracy623 Well-Known Member

    Becuase we never had any issues with them climbing out other than my son climbing into my daughter's crib occasionaly, we left them in their cribs until they were over 3. The nice thing was they were already potty trained and still in their cribs. So, they learned they had to call for us to help them out to use the potty at night. This helped with wandering issues when they did move to beds. It has been an easy transition for the night time but naps have become a little frustrating.

    My friend who has twins the same age as mine still has them in their cribs and they are fine! Keep them in as long as possible.

  3. Twinnerz

    Twinnerz Well-Known Member

    Hi, my twins will be three in March and we just moved them to beds a couple of weeks ago. I would have kept them in their cribs longer but my son was jumping in his crib and it broke. They do really good at night, but naptime is a different story. I can't get them to nap and they have always been such great nappers. I am not ready to give up naps :(
  4. BBCanadianTwins

    BBCanadianTwins Well-Known Member

    Oh thanks so much, this makes me feel SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better!!!

    Oh, I forgot to say, my sons are 20 months old!

    Thanks again!
  5. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    We first made the change at about 26 months when they started crawling out of the cribs. We perservered with that for 2 months before buying crib tents. There were probably a grand total of about 8 naps during those two months. Once we got the crib tents, everything went back to normal. After the girls turned 3, they were emotionally able to handle the big girl beds and we made a permanent change at that time.
  6. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    We did it at 2 1/2. I would have waited longer, but we needed them to be used to beds for our annual Christmas visit to Grandma's.
  7. Kathy1109

    Kathy1109 Well-Known Member

    We just had to put my two in toddler beds because my son was falling out of the crib head first to get out. My twins are almost 18 months old. My advice to you is keep them in the cribs as long as possible. We have had nothing but nap problems since putting them in toddler beds. If it wasn't a safety concern (our ped did not want us using crib tents), we would never have switched them this early. Good luck!

  8. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    We switched our girls at about 27/28mths. They were in crib tents before that but we switched because Katrina's mattress was falling apart and either we had to borrow one, buy one or just go to beds so we decided on beds. It took a while to get them to stay in beds and naps were bad for a while also until I started to put one in my bed for nap and the other in her bed. I had to become very strict with them and as they started to listen and were better about going to bed (during naps and at night) I let up on some of the rules. Basically in the beginning it was no talking, no playing, no getting out of bed, you were quiet with eyes closed but once they were good they were allowed to talk for about 15min then I would go in and tell them that was enough time to sleep. Only one stuffed animal and blanket also so they didn't have anything to play with either (now their beds are covered in stuffed animals).
  9. jwozy

    jwozy Well-Known Member

    We just made the switched about 3 weeks ago and the kids were 3.5 years old. We probably could of kept them in their cribs longer but for the last 3 months we were letting them climb in their cribs and leaving the crib tents open so they got use to having some freedom and learning that the rules were once in bed you stay in bed. They transitioned very smoothly over to their big kids bed and because they were use to waiting for us to get them in the morning they will stay in their rooms in the morning even if they are awake and read books or talk to themselves until we come in and say good morning.
  10. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    We're thinking 3ish. We invested in crib tents at 15 months when they started climbing out so there is no rush for us at this point to switch. Everyone I know who waited until 3 had an easier transition than those who switched at 2. Keep them in as long as you can.
  11. Angelasbabes

    Angelasbabes Well-Known Member

    We had the boys out of cribs by 16 months. Mainly due to the damage they were doing to the cribs and walls, and one was trying to jump out. We found really low twin beds and didn't have many issues. We did end up separating them for naps (play time?) and permanently to their own rooms by 26 months.

    If you're not having issues, I wouldn't take them out of the cribs. I knew people that kept their children in the cribs until they were 4.

    My dd was also out by the age of 14 monts - she was trying to climb in to take a nap!!
  12. mmhzmom

    mmhzmom Well-Known Member

    All of ours were out before they were 2. My oldest was 15 months and we moved him since we were expecting #2 and did not want to buy a second crib nor did we want to "kick" him out when she came home from the hospital. So, we moved him 2 months before #2 was due. Same situation with our oldest dd. We moved her at 20 months before the arrival of the newest additions. Since both of those went so smoothly, we just did the same thing with Z & H. Zach was moved at 17 months and Hannah at 18. Both kept their naps and really we have had little issues with getting out of bed with any of the kids. Every once in a while we will have a wanderer, but all in all, once any of the kids are in bed, they are in bed until the morning.

    I honestly think a lot has to do with your attitude about the switch as well as your individual kids temperment. If you are really anxious about it, I do think kids feed off of that. Even though we moved the first two due to the new arrivals, I think that we would have moved them around 2 any way. It never really dawned on my to keep a child in a crib past 2. All of my siblings and I were in beds by 2. That is just what I knew.

    Good luck.
  13. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    DS - 19mths
    DD - 12 mths
    DS - never slept in one
    Twins - slept together in one from ages 6 - 12mths

    We obviously aren't a big crib family.
  14. Tam1969

    Tam1969 Well-Known Member

    I changed my son when he was 3 because I needed the crib for the twins. They are 2 1/2 and still sleep in their cribs without any problems. I haven't had any problems with them climbing out. I will change them over to toddler beds when they turn 3.
  15. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    All 3 of my older ones went to toddler beds at 19mos. Brandon is already 20mos but still in his crib. We went to Disney last month and didn't want to worry about the transition. He will be going to a toddler bed shortly (probably by the beginning of Jan).
  16. Ange2k25

    Ange2k25 Well-Known Member

    My girls are 25 months and we are keeping them in their cribs as long as possible. I can't imagine them tearing up their room every nap or bedtime if they could get out of bed and roam.
  17. TwinMom205

    TwinMom205 Well-Known Member

    Right after the boys turned 2 Noah fell out of his crib and Aiden broke his crib. So we decided to buy them twin beds rather then buy another crib (for Aiden). Naps pretty much disappeared, but we never had a problem with them crawling into out bed at night. In fact, now at nearly 3, its great! They climb into bed at night on their own, stay in bed all night (even when they wake up), then in the morning they play in bed or in their room until I wake up. Its great!
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