When did you get rid of their binkys?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by marcy874, Sep 17, 2007.

  1. marcy874

    marcy874 Well-Known Member

    My girls just use their binkys at naptime/bedtime and on long car rides, but they LOVE them. They are like a precious treasure. I'm starting to think about when I should take them away and I'm already feeling like a mean mommy. I figure I should do it before we start potty training, but don't know if I should wait a couple more months till they can "understand" a bit more. I didn't know if the barter technique or giving them to the new babies thing would work better if they were a little bit older.

    At what age did you get rid of their binkys and how did it go?
  2. expectingtwo

    expectingtwo Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(marcy874 @ Sep 18 2007, 01:51 AM) [snapback]412211[/snapback]
    My girls just use their binkys at naptime/bedtime and on long car rides, but they LOVE them. They are like a precious treasure. I'm starting to think about when I should take them away and I'm already feeling like a mean mommy. I figure I should do it before we start potty training, but don't know if I should wait a couple more months till they can "understand" a bit more. I didn't know if the barter technique or giving them to the new babies thing would work better if they were a little bit older.

    At what age did you get rid of their binkys and how did it go?

    I waited with my first until age 4, and I think in retrospect I should have done it more like age 2 or 3. She was so attached, though, and at age 3 she had a hard time with me on bed rest, twins coming, potty training, etc. I do know that it isn't harmful until age 5, I think it is. We scaled back to only using at nap and bedtimes for her a long time ago, and mostly do that with the twins (ages 1 year, 5 months) now. Keep in mind that kids do need a way to deal with stress, and don't have coping mechanisms we adults have... so I wouldn't necessarily do it just to do it. But finding that right age is important... and you are definitely right to do it at a different time than potty training (in fact, I wouldn't try anything else while potty training! heheh).

    My daughter did very well getting off of it, but I tool a very gradual approach. The worst after-effect is that she used to go to bed well, and she gave up the pacifier in April and STILL can't get to sleep (ADVICE, anyone??????). But she has been very proud of herself for giving it up, and she is even around twins that use pacifiers which must be hard.

    I wrote an article on this... and it may offer some advice. I guess timing is keyed to late enough they don't turn to thumb sucking, but early enough they aren't hyper attached to the pacifier. I hope this is helpful. The trick with the Easter Bunny worked really well, but your twins are probably too young now for that tactic to work... :
    Getting Rid of the Pacifier
  3. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I did it at 23 months. I got so sick of the binkies and keeping track of them, they threw them out of the crib, in the car, etc. When we did it, we put all the binkies in a box, taped it shut, and said they were going to new babies. They both waved bye-bye to them, and then later I took the box and drove off (I was having a Mom's Night Out) and DH put them to bed without the binkies. He said they fussed and stayed up a good hour later than normal, but it never got hysterical. For a few days, they would ask about them, but when we said "The binkies went to the new babies, remember?" they did seem to get it. We also filmed the whole putting them in the box deal and showed it to them once, and they had a real "Oh yeah" look and talked about bye-bye binkies.

    It went so much better than I ever thought it would, and I am so glad to be rid of them. Maybe wait another month or so. I do think it helped that they understood the whole "Going to new babies" deal and I had something I could tell them when they asked. Good luck!
  4. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    DD has never had one. DS still uses his for nap & bedtime. We are in the middle of a huge move, so I'm going to wait till we get nice and settled into our new house before I even attempt to get rid of it!
  5. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    We got rid of ours around 19mths. We had an EI visit and she told us to get rid of them to help Katrina with her speech if she didn't have it. Katrina was very attached. What we did was talk to the girls all day about what big girls they are and that they were to big for their NUKs and we were going to get rid of them. At dinner time I talked to them again and told them they were going to throw them out and they were big girls. They threw them out after dinner and were pretty good about it. At bed time Kira cried for only a little bit but Katrina cried for probably about 30min (can't really remember if it was longer than that or not but for atleast 30min on and off) but went to sleep. The second night Kira cried for less time and Katrina cried for about the same but the third night Katrina did a lot better. We introduced the potty before we took away the pacifiers but weren't trying to train them yet. We started to try training them when they were closer to two years old.
  6. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    I plan on getting rid of our around 2 ........but now I'm limiting them to just nap, bed, and car. We are having another baby so I'm gonna get rid of them just before the new baby comes.
  7. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Just Lily takes one, and I'm contemplating trying to get rid of it at 18 months (which is next week). We have it limited to just nap time and bedtime. I don't know if I want to do it at 18 months or 24 months...can't decide. DH and I have been discussing this.
  8. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    we also only get them at naptime, bedtime, and sometimes in the car. I'm waiting on Gracie's eye teeth to come in and then they are gone. Maddie cut hers well over a month ago, and this is the first time they haven't cut the same teeth within a couple of weeks of one another. I just can't get through the night without it while she cuts those boogers. :) good luck.
  9. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    My eldest got rid of his about 3 years old but he only used it at naps and at night from about 2 years on. He was fine with it. He only have two of them and he had been chewing them so when they broke off, he knew he wasn't going to get anymore.
  10. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    We are down to naps and bed only, too for DS. Sometimes I can tell if he's thrown it out of the crib because he cries differently and you can tell he's fighting the need to suck. He thrashes his head side to side while laying down on his belly. Poor guy. He has done a few naps without it. I wanted to be done at 12 months, but that didn't happen. I hope I can do it by 18 months.
  11. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    DD was about 2 I told her that Mommy wasnt buying anymore and once the last one got lost then they are all gone.. I also would only let her have it at nap and bed time..
  12. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    Gabe used his at naps and bedtime from 2 to almost 3. Then I took him to the dentist, she gave me a shove and told me it was time to get rid of the paci. He did AMAZINGLY well without it. I don't even dilude myself that when the time comes the girls will give theirs up so easily!
  13. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    We let them have them until they were 2 and decided that if they still had them at 2, we would take them away.

    Their second birthday came and went in October and they were showing no signs of letting go! So, we started talking a lot about Christmas and about Santa and told them stories about leaving cookies and "memes" for Santa so he could bring us presents. When they were 26 months old, on Christmas Eve, we helped them put their "memes" on the cookie plate for Santa. It was so cute! Ethan hesitated and needed one more taste before he would put his on the plate, but Anthony was so excited. They never asked for them again!!
  14. twingirls52905

    twingirls52905 Well-Known Member

    Mine were 25.5 months. We went according to the sign of the moon for weaning. There is a website for it. If you want it, I can look it up for you, just let me know. I feel this really worked well for us. It went so much better than I thought it would. Mine were attached to them as well. Good luck.
  15. LISA257

    LISA257 Active Member

    Both my kids use them for naps, bedtime and car rides. I have no plans to take them away from them. I think they'll just phase out of them on their own. My little brother had one until he was 4 and he just quit it one day all on his own and in his own time. I don't see the harm...is it just the teeth worries?
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