When did you first find out it was twins?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by 5280babies, Jul 21, 2010.

  1. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    Feeling a little nostalgic here so let's think back to when you found out you were having twins...did you freak out? Were you happy? Sad? Confused? When did you find out and what was your reaction? What did you do right afterwards? A woman in my playgroup didn't find out until she was 6 months pregnant...eek! While you are in the depths of the first year, take a minute and think back and share a bit if you feel like it...

    We found out at our first appointment at 8 weeks. The OB stopped and got a concerned look on her face. I looked at her and said, "what?", dreading the answer because I thought something was wrong. She held up the Peace sign, at least that is what I saw. She looked at my blank face (because I wasn't getting it) and said "twins...there are two in there." My throat got so tight I couldn't squeak out a sound - I turned and looked at DH and tears were streaming down his face, and I realize they were streaming down my face too. By the time we got to the lobby to pay and leave the nurses were congratulating us. Afterwards we went to IHOP and had a big plate of pancakes. We ate practically the whole meal in silence and once in a while looked up and started laughing. And that is how it all began. :FIFblush:
  2. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    Great thread Betsy!!

    I was 14 weeks pregnant when I went to my GP for my first prenatal appointment. We listened to the baby's heartbeat on the Doppler and then she gave me a physical exam to check on the fundal height. She kind of paused and said that she was going to get another doctor to examine me as well because she thought I was a little further along than we'd calculated. The other doctor examined me and concluded the same thing so an ultrasound was scheduled for Monday (it was Friday). My doctor also added that "it could also be twins!" I was freaked out and called my hubby and family right away. I said it was probably that I was just further along and the chances of it being twins were low (no twins in the family). It was the longest two days of my life waiting for that ultrasound!

    Monday arrives and my husband and I go for the ultrasound. The tech starts scanning and after about 10 seconds says (rather matter of factly) "so you're having twins." My firs reaction was laughter. My husband looked shocked and pale. We were both just floored. Once it sunk it we were both just so happy!! We of course called our parents right away and everyone was surprised but thrilled. We were both supposed to go back to work but we ended up taking the afternoon off (after telling our colleagues of course and showing off the ultrasound pics) because we knew we'd be too distracted to work. We went out for a celebratory lunch and just kept on looking at each other, shaking our heads in disbelief and chuckling. I will never forget that day!
  3. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I was 10 weeks along. I went to the ER for bleeding. It was in April. I knew I was pregnant but not how far along I was as I had a m/c, twins as well, in Feb and had had a D/C. When I started spotting I thought I was loosing another baby, so they did an emergency u/s and the look on the technicians face had me worried. I had the same technician that informed me of my loss a few months before, so I was scared. She looked at me and said I see 2. My reaction was what about heart beats, that's all I was worried about. The father of the boys, we are no longer together, went white as a sheet and said, 2, are you sure. He was quiet the right of the day, I was on cloud nine. I wasn't surprised at all, I had a feeling.
  4. MrsBirch

    MrsBirch Well-Known Member

    At 11 weeks my DR send me for an u/s becuase I had been spotting. I also had the 3 blood tests so I knew that everything was fine with the pregnancy so I wasn't worried. The tech said nothing to me, then when DH came in closer to the end of the exam, the first thing he said was "Is is 2 or 3?" She replied "They both look good" I thought she was joking becuase he was joking, until she turned the screen to me and pointed out Baby A. My reaction - complete shock, immediate and for the remainder of the day. DH's reaction?? He raised his hands like he scored a championship goal and said he knew it...HUH??? We called our parents - my Mom didn't believe me. Then I went to work and when I walked out of my bosses office after telling her everyone was standing waiting for my announcement (my office has had a string of pregnancies and I was the next expected announcement.) When I told them I was pregnant, they freaked out. I paused and told them it was twins and there was screaming. I've been told I walked around with a dazed look for the rest of the day. I now have that dazed look from lack of sleep!
  5. shelbaz

    shelbaz Well-Known Member

    I knew pretty early. We did IVF, so had my first ultrasound at 6 weeks 4 days. The doctor asked if more than one was ok with us... we kind of laughed like he was kidding. He said, well, it better be, because there are two in there. Their hearts were just visible beating at that early date. We smiled like jokers and everyone congratulated us on the way out. We got in the car, and sat totally stunned driving home. My husband kept rubbing his temples and wondering how we would afford them. It took a couple of hours, but we were both excited and overwhelmed, even from them. I still have those same feelings every day! I can't imagine having life any other way.
  6. dreamer185

    dreamer185 Active Member

    I found out super early, between 5 and 6 weeks. I also had to go to the ER due to bleeding and thought I was having a miscarriage. They sent a technician to my room to do an ultrasound. I'm not sure why because his equipment was not very good! He said he saw a "fluttering" which was encouraging but he was sending me to radiology for a more detailed ultrasound. I told him it looked like there were 2 circles in there and he said it was hard to say. So, they sent me to radiology and she knew right away. She just said, has anyone told you there's two?? And I was like no but I thought it looked like there was. And she said well, there is! I then just wanted to know there were 2 heartbeats. I was excited about the twins but mostly I just remember feeling relief since I had prepared myself to be told I was having a miscarriage. I think my husband felt pretty much the same way, although he didn't really say much lol
  7. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    We found out at our first appointment as well; I was 7 weeks 3 days. I'd had a m/c just a couple of months before and had been spotting already so the doc wanted to see if we could find a heart beat on the u/s.

    The tech had the screen turned towards her so we were watching her face very carefully trying to see if it was good news or bad news and all of the sudden her eyebrows jumped so high they nearly disappeared into her hairline. DH automatically jumped up and said "what?! What?!" and she just turned the screen around so we could see and didn't say a word. We didn't need her to, we could clearly see two little sacs with little fetal poles and bumping heartbeats in each one. I started crying and managed to choke out "is that what I think it is?" and she just nodded and told us congrats. She printed some pictures for us.

    When we got up to leave the u/s room to go back and speak with the OB, I was halfway to the exam room before I noticed DH was not with me. He was still sitting in the chair in the u/s room with a dazed look on his face. :laughing:
  8. babyhopes09

    babyhopes09 Well-Known Member

    What an absolutely fantastic topic!

    We went in for a really early ultrasound at the fertility specialist because I'd had a m/c and then a bad ectopic within a year before. We had just completed our first IUI and I had hyperstimulated because I had 14 follicles.. 3 good ones on the side that I still had a fallopian tube... so I had a strange feeling. When we went in at around 6 weeks baby a had a fetal pole and there was this little blurp on the screen next to baby a that the doc advised us not to get too excited about... then we went in a week later there were 2 little hearts beating! I was such a nutcase throughout the first trimester and kept expecting to go in and find out that one of the babies was not there anymore.. but we were blessed in April with 2 beautiful little girls!
  9. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I found out at 9 weeks.

    I cussed, a LOT. My husband cried.
  10. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    :laughing: I'm sure DH did both of these when I wasn't around.
  11. dowlinal

    dowlinal Well-Known Member

    I had preclampsia with my first daughter and my blood pressure had started to spike at 14 weeks. I had been told that I absolutely should not have multiples because my chances of making it to term were very very low. My girls were conceived with IUIs, but this last time I kept releasing multiple eggs so my RE advised me to do IVF and only put back 2 embryos to minimize my chance of twins.

    At my first U/S, there was one baby and this smear on the side. About a week later I started spotting and even increasing my progesterone didn't help so I went back in expecting to find out that I was losing the baby. Immediately I saw two sacs on the screen and I asked the RE, "Is that what I think it is?" and he said "Yep, that's a second baby." I was so stunned that I told him to "Get the F$%^K out of here." Then, in a fog I left the office, only to have a nurse chase me down to give me my purse and phone.

    I called my DH and told him that I heard the heartbeats and he immediately picked up on the fact that I used the plural. Then I sat in my car and cried until I could pull myself together enough to get home. I cried on an off for a week because at that point I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get the babies far enough along to survive. In the end, I made it to 37 weeks 3 days before going into labor and I never had a single issue with my blood pressure.
  12. kbernat

    kbernat New Member

    I went in for an U/S around 7 weeks because I thought I was having an m/c. For some reason that morning I had a little nagging feeling that we were in for a surprise. I was on clomid that cycle so I knew there was a small chance for twins. The U/S tech first scanned and said there is heartbeat, (PHEW) so I asked "there is only one right?", he looks puzzled and I explain the clomid. So he was a student so he starts looking around and says there is something else in the sac. So he needed to do an internal U/S, so I tell my DH in the waiting room that they have found 1 heartbeat but there might be 2. He looked very pale at that point. Sure enough they found 2 heartbeats and they shared a sac, so identical twins it was. Not from the clomid after all. We call in DH show him both babies, we were just both in shock. We did not talk all the way to the car and he could not go back to work (so he went home to have some drinks with his friends :drinks: ) and I went back to work (told my boss I needed a raise :huh:). We were extremely overwhelmed with emotions at the beginning.
  13. mjgrink

    mjgrink Member

    We found out at our routine 18 wk. sono. My 7 yr daughter was along, hoping to find out that she was getting a sister. I quickly saw two heads, but because the radiologist wasn't saying anything, I got a really sick feeling that something wasn't right. By the time he asked "twins in the family?", I was actually quite thrilled to know there wasn't a problem and twins didn't seem too bad! However, my daughter found out she was about to get 2 more brothers! My husband and I didn't say much, but laughed once it all began to soak in. I went out to buy 2 sets of 2 balloons to announce it to our parents; one mother couldn't quit laughing, the other about passed out! Then, two weeks after our identical boys were born, my best friend called from her sonogram to announce that she was having twins. . .I thought she was joking until she asked, "what am I gonna do?" and I knew that initial overwhelming thought was real. Last week, she gave birth to the sweetest little boy/girl twins and I can't wait to compare notes as they grow.
  14. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    We found out at our first appointment at 9 weeks where they don't usually do an ultrasound but I pulled the "I don't remember when my last period was" trick to get an ultrasound to check gestational age and there they were. DH thought he was looking at a mirror image of one baby and the ultrasound tech said "you've got twins" and my first words, and I'm not kidding were "I KNEW IT"!!! It's not because we used fertility treatment because we didn't, we got knocked the old fashioned way. I had this premonition that once I got pregnant that I was growing twins. It's strange, just a weird feeling I had. I was gaining weight fast and had gained about 5lbs at my 9 week appointment. I just had this feeling and I knew they would be boys. Weird huh?
  15. kumphort

    kumphort Well-Known Member

    I went to the doc. on Nov. 4, 2008, I was about 11 weeks then, for my first appointment, as this was my 3rd pregnancy, I really didnt need my DH to come along, but he wanted to so I brought him with me. The funny thing was that my neighbor had told me she had a dream that I had twins, I hadn't even told her that I was expecting then, and I was like do me a favor, "keep me out of your dreams" I was going to mention this convo to my DH on the way to the doc, but didnt want him to make fun of me.
    also, when I had told my Mom that I was going to the doc, she reminded me about her friend who has 3 sets of twin grandchildren hinting that it would be nice to have some twin grandchildren too!, and again I told her to "let someone else take care of it"

    We had the last appt. of the day to accommodate his working schedule, so we meet with the doc for the first appointment, and the doc was like "any questions?" i was no not really, "been there, done that" so he sent me off to wait for the ultrasound technician to be ready to do the scans

    So we meet with the technician and she's like did the doc say anything to you guys, and I said no, she tells me, well you guys are having twins, I totally didnt believe her, i went back and forth for a couple minutes, "you're joking" etc. but lo and behold there were two sacks there,
    I got all worked up and emotional there and then!

    SO of course i tell her bring the doc in, NOW i have questions, but he had hightailed outta there, being that he had seen my for the last appointment, I called his service at 9 am the next morning like "Help"

    The whole rest of the night I was all on a high and my mind was racing, finally at about 11ish I asked my DH to turn on the TV so we can watch some boring news to get my mind off of the twin thing, and there they are announcing that Obama had won the election, so much for some boring old TV to put me to sleep!

    But now I love my girls and wouldnt change things for anything

    I do think that knowing so early didnt do me any good, I worried much more than I should have about things
  16. rkokinda

    rkokinda Well-Known Member

    I had my first ultrasound after IVF at 5w5d. I was by myself because DH was had to be home to put our son on the school bus. We knew we put back two but my betas weren't high so when she said there were two, I was a little surprised. Honestly, my very first thought was: We have two chances to bring one healthy baby home. I didn't believe at all that both would really make it, so I didn't really thing "twins" at all! After the appointment, when I got downstairs and outside of the office, I called DH and told him that they both stuck. He was so happy because he really was sad at the thought that one of our "babies" that we put back in might not make it. I was happy that he was happy. :)

    I had a second scan (again, by myself) at 6w5d, and they were both still there, and I was still thinking that we had our two chances to have one baby. Even after our third scan at my first OB visit (DH was finally able to be there for this one!) I still really felt like I had two chances at a singleton pregnancy. It really wasn't until after the NT scan at 12 weeks that I really started to believe that we'd bring two babies home! Then it hit! ;)

    We never were really upset about it at all because we knew what we might get into when we put two back. :FIFblush: But I can totally understand the shock and cussing for those of you who conceived without assistance! THAT would certainly have been a jaw-dropper!

    P.S. A mom on my buddy group when I was pregnant with my son found out she was having TRIPLETS (naturally conceived!) at her *20 WEEK SCAN* - can you even IMAGINE?!?!??!! :rolleyes:
  17. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I found out at 9 weeks when they did the first u/s to see how far along I was.
    The tech said, "Guys, there's two in there."
    I thought she meant ovaries (Denial, thy name is Nancy) and then she proceeded to show me both sacs and fetus in each one. I then proceeded to do the dorky "huh-huh" Eddie Murphy-esque laugh I do when I'm nervous and I don't know what else to do or say.
    DH looked as white as chalk, stood there and stared at the screen and looked like he was going to pass out. The tech made him sit down because she really thought he was going to pass out.
    I think it was two days after the shock passed that we both started to kind of panic a little as the reality set in.
  18. marleigh

    marleigh Well-Known Member

    They suspected at 6 weeks, went back at 8 and it was confirmed.

    I cried alot...I so didn't want twins. It took me a good 2 months before I came to grips with it.
  19. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    I was 9 or 10 weeks along when I went in for my first prenatal visit by myself and my OB/GYN did an ultrasound then. It went like this:

    OB: "And you're having twins"
    me: "Nuh uh!!"
    OB: "Yeah...there are two in there"
    me: "You're joking! I don't believe you"
    OB: "I assure you I never joke about these matters"

    Then my jaw dropped and I stared in amazement at the screen. I was surprised but thrilled at the same time. DH knew I was going to the doc that day so that evening I told him I had some ultrasound pictures. I handed him the long printout of about 5 or 6 u/s pictures. The first 2 were of each individual sac and the third picture had both sacs in it. He starts going down the pictures smiling and gets to the third one and says "Hey wait a minute - there's TWO of 'em!!" at which point I busted out laughing. Then he said "Holy sh*t" :lol: I honestly didn't think he would notice right away because those u/s pictures are pretty small and grainy, but he sure did notice. We still like to laugh and say "Wait a minute - there's TWO of 'em!" :)
  20. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    I had IVF and my initial betas were very high. I was actually sick before I even got my first beta back. I strongly suspected twins, but didn't tell anyone because I knew they would think I was crazy. At 7 weeks, we had our first ultrasound. The doctor said, "it's twins" about five seconds after turning it on (he later told me that he also suspected twins from our bloodwork). By this point I was very sick, and I actually became a little depressed. We had been trying for so long to get pregnant, and this was our last ditch attempt. We did not expect it to work, and had already started to move on psychologically. Trying to adapt to the idea of not just having a baby, but having TWO was very difficult. I was afraid that I was ruining my older child's life, that we wouldn't be able to afford 3 kids, and that it would ruin our marriage. I was probably 12 weeks along before I start to excited. Of course now I know how lucky I am in every way!
  21. WaterGuzzler

    WaterGuzzler Well-Known Member

    I started to show a bit from the contents in my belly being smooshed up by my uterus, enough so that my classmates noticed in the locker room while we were changing into our scrubs. They all thought I was pushing my belly out, but I was trying to attribute it to my 3rd pregnancy. My instructor walked in (a L&D nurse) and said she was sure it was twins. I was only about 6 or 7 weeks along. I threw a few expletives her way (we're friends :)).

    I went for my bloodwork at 8 weeks and started spotting right after that. I called them to try to get an u/s (it was Friday) but didn't hear back from them until Monday. The nurse who called was only calling about my labwork; she didn't know that I had called the Friday before about spotting. I told her that my uterus seemed to be out of my pelvis already (what can I say--I love my body :lol:). She said that my hcg levels were unusually high and that she wanted me to come in for an exam. They were worried about a molar pg considering the high hcg, the enlarged abdomen, and the spotting. I wasn't concerned, though, as I had a feeling it was twins. I'm surprised that I wasn't worried with the spotting, especially because I've had 2 m/cs before, but I really didn't think anything was wrong.

    Nancy (my mw) examined me and said that I was measuring about 3-4 weeks ahead. She decided to bring out the doppler and said, "Let's see if we can hear a heartbeat." She went to one corner and we heard it. She went to the opposite corner and we heard it. She said, "Don't freak out, it could be the same baby. Let's go for an u/s." So, we went over to the machine in the other room, she put the transducer on, and BAM. TWO BABIES immediately. All I could say was, "Oh, sh*t, Oh, Sh*t," repeat, repeat, repeat. "I'm sorry, Nancy, but OH SH*T!"

    DH came home after work and I showed him the u/s pic. He already knew I was called in for an exam so he wasn't completely shocked when he saw twins. After that, all we could do was laugh intermittently for the next few days.

    The u/s looked like they could be momos so I had to go back in in a couple of weeks. After that, we started to get more excited. Until 15 wks when we found out they had TTTS. Life has never been the same since!
  22. beckman445

    beckman445 Well-Known Member

    We also found out early on since it was an IVF cycle. Our dr. had his suspicions that it was two because when I was four wks. along I had severe ovarian hyperstimulation and had to have immediate surgery. We found out two minutes before my surgery that I was expecting and my numbers were pretty high. When I went for my post-op check up, my RE asked if I was ready for twins because he thought we were having them. I figured he wouldn't say that if he didn't have a pretty good idea it was true. So, our first U/S he spotted both babies right away. But like someone else said, I was still just hoping we'd have one healthy baby - this was our 6th IVF (our son was from our first) and we'd had a m/c in there.

    But my DH and I were so thrilled, and were both crying while we tried to watch the U/S screen!

    The best part was when we got home to our son and my parents were watching him. We explained to him that the reason I had been going to so many dr. appt. was that I was going to have a baby. Then we pulled out the pictures and explained that we were actually having TWO babies! My mom shrieked! And we got it all on video tape :ibiggrin: .

  23. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    It is so great reading all these stories. I have goosebumps and :cry:. Keep'em coming!
  24. twinmom2dana

    twinmom2dana Well-Known Member

    I found out at 8 wks. Routine U/S although I was already showing. I, like others, attributed to it being my 3rd pregnancy. Even though I didn't really believe that. I mean I had no baby weight from previous pregnancy, my youngest was 6. That day, I dropped my kids with my parents and to the hubs to go on to the gym, he'd come to the nexy U/S. The last thing my dad told b4 I headed to the doctor was, "The Lord told me it's twins" I said "Whatever Daddy" :db: He had said this a week b4, and I said whatever then too. When I got to the doc, I was telling him how fast I got preggers after stopping the pill(Stopped at beginning of April, pregnant end of May) and I said "Dana must have some potent stuff" and he said "I'll say potent...there's two" just as I turned my head and saw both of them. All i could say was "Dana's playing basketball" :shok: I knew I would have to wait til he got home to tell him. Needless to say, my dad cried for hours, feeling validated that what he felt was true. I swear as soon as I told the hubs I could smell smoke as his brain melted at the thought of two more babies. He said "I'm gonna take a shower" yrs later the boys are dady's little sidekicks. When I became pregnant this time, we all knew it was twins again and went into the U/S with a show us the twins expectancy. Although we have since lost Jacob, we were right. Waiting on Josiah to arrive soon,
  25. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    My reaction: Thrilled :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: Never for a moment did I feel scared, overwhelmed or anything but THRILLED!
  26. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    We went through IVF and I also found out early around 6 weeks. I knew before I sat down for my ultrasound "I think I'm having twins" and the doctor said "well the mother is usual right!" and within a few seconds he said "yup, you're right, you're having twins!" and my DH got super red and the nurse had to attend to HIM! I couldn't believe all the attention he needed. I said "we put in two eggs, and we got two, why are you surpised!?" Once and a while I turn to my husband and say "aren't you glad we only put in two!" :)
  27. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine was at my first routine ultrasound at 12 weeks. My *only* inkling that there could be twins was because I was so sick and my friends kept telling me how pregnant I looked for being so early. I remember thinking on the way though "I am going to find out today that I am having twins".. I don't know why that popped into my head. Anyway, I had my parents at the ultrasound (first grandchild, u/s tech was super nice) as well as my husband.. the ultrasound tech put the thing on my belly and I saw them right away, but she pulled it off so quick and said "Is there any reason you brought the whole family today?" and I said "just to see their first grandkid!" and she said, "I am pleased to give you twice as much good news! There's TWO in there" and I started to laugh so hysterically that she couldn't do the u/s. My parents were excited and happy.. my husband didn't say a word. I finally prodded him to call his mom. He perked up later when we went to dinner and started calling the whole family and I think now that they're a year old we might be over the shock!
  28. NaturallyBaby

    NaturallyBaby Well-Known Member

    Love this thread!

    I had my first prenatal appt at 13 weeks, and joked with my Dr. that I thought I was having twins. I'd had a nagging feeling for awhile that I'd gotten really big, really fast. She measured me and I was measuring 6 weeks ahead! After a bit of a scheduling mix up, we had our ultrasound 1 week later. What a long week that was!

    So, on October 9th, at 3:30 pm we found out we were having twins! Colour us shocked! I laughed hysterically while DH just kind of stared, stunned at the screen.

    Hard to believe I hadn't even found out I was pregnant this time last year!
  29. acjb2004

    acjb2004 Well-Known Member

    Oh these are fun :) Here is our story...
    We transferred two embies via FET, we were so worried for one it was our last chance we had Claudia and we wanted to give her a sibling and we had 3 embies frozen from doing IVF with her and these were the last embies left.
    I tested day before BETA and the lines go REALLY dark in just couple of seconds, when I went in to get my blood test done and they called me with result my BETA was very high. I was 6 weeks pg and went in for u/s by myself and while doing the screening the doc patted me on the knee, had a huge smile on his face and said..."Mrs. B...there are two beautiful babies in there", I started crying and said OMG, for me it was shock of all, it just seemed so surreal. I was so happy and so scared at the same time. I remember calling my mom and telling her she has to start packing her things and move with us, cause there is no way we (dh and I) can do this on our own. As for dh he thought I was joking when I told him over the phone. He still didn't believe me when I got home and when he saw the pics he said, its a mistake go back tomorrow and have them do another usg.
  30. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ohhhh the memories!! We too did IVF and transfered two blasts. Transfer was on February 12th. I had cramping on February 14th, and I took my first pregnancy test on February 19th(Monday). So 7 days later I took an hpt and it came up positive. I went for my blood work on Wednesday and it was 126. Nothing outrageous. I was hoping and hoping and HOPING it was twins. I always, always, always wanted twins-since I was a kid! And after going through infertility, I just really wanted to be pregnant-and hoped I would be times two!

    We got to the u/s appointment. I wasn't thinking twins. I was just thinking healthy pregnancy. I think I was trying to get over the shock I was finally pregnant(IVF #4)! I remember the sonographer asking me if I thought one or two. I said I think one-and she immediately agreed. She said a nice healthy one. So we started the u/s, and she said, "Here we go! Here's one, looks good. Oh and look-here's another one!" I immediately started crying, dh started laughing and saying, "Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God!" We were beyond thrilled. As she did the u/s, I kept laughing and crying. I was beyond over the moon excited!

    We did leave the appointment with a little worry-as Baby B's sac was smaller than Baby A's-by about two weeks. So we were told that if I were to start bleeding, I would most likely be m/c'ing. I went out to dinner that night with my mom and Godmother and brought the u/s photos to share. My Godmother is also a twin. She was saying how I was having twins, etc. I said yes, but we need to be cautious as the sac is small, etc. She looked at me sternly and said, "Meaghan! You are pregnant. You are having twins! I am telling you-that baby is going to be fine-you are going to be fine! Get used to it-there's two!" And from that moment on-I never worried(well even though he gave us reason to :laughing: ). And the rest-is history.

    When we went for the first u/s of baby #3, I was secretly hoping they would find two. :laughing: But once I brought her home to her almost 20 month old twin brothers, I was kinda glad they didn't. But now-I wish they did! :laughing:
  31. bkwrm

    bkwrm Member

    I love reading everyone's experiences! Keep them coming!

    I am a twin myself (fraternal), so I knew the chances were higher for us... We had three singletons first. Before getting pregnant this time around, dh dreamed about me holding two babies. Yikes. But we figured we wanted a fourth then we would be done... twins wouldn't happen right?

    Then when I was pregnant, I just had a feeling it was twins. I got SO sick. I lost weight but within two weeks of finding out I was pregnant, I couldn't fit in my regular pants. Huh? Anyway, like I said, I had a feeling, but I kept denying it. "Oh, it's my fourth, so my body just popped out as soon as it figured out it was preggo." "Why am I SO fatigued and sick? It must be because I'm chasing three kids while preggo" (they were 6, 4, and 2 yr old). Etc. But it kept bugging me, so I kept going online to read about experiences of other mommies of twins. I kept thinking of stuff we would have to handle if we did have twins. Like our apartment only allowed six people and twins would make seven. We would need to get new carseats for the 4 and 2 yr old to fit all five kiddos in the van. Around 9 or 10 weeks I went in to the midwife and I cried (I don't cry in front of people period so this was unusual) because of the extreme fatigue and nausea I was dealing with 24/7. I asked the midwife if it might be twins, especially considering I'm one myself. She said no 'cuz I'm measuring right on and there's only one heartbeat. She suggested some vitamins and meds. So I didn't say anything again and figured it must be 'cuz of having to deal with three young kids. But I kept obsessing about it being twins. I kept losing weight no matter what I did but my stomach ballooned out.

    We went in at 21 weeks for the big ultrasound. Right when the wand touched my stomach, dh and I could see clearly there were TWO! Dh and I looked at each other and just laughed. The tech looked at us and asked if this was our first ultrasound. I replied "yes, and there's two right?" She asked if we knew beforehand and I said no but we suspected. Throughout the ultrasound I kept alternating between laughing and crying. My three boys were mystified. The six year old got it right away. The two year old just didn't get it at all. The four year old held stubbornly to his belief we were having a baby girl and not two boys (it took two weeks and a LOT of repeation for him to accept there was no sister coming).

    I was thrilled but at the same time overwhelmed with what it would entail. Five kids under age 6! Three kids in diapers! We would have to move! We would have to buy four carseats (two more narrow ones for the older kids and two infant)! Where would we get money for the extra food and diapers and clothes?! I had been losing weight during the first of the pregnancy and was finally somewhat back to prepregnancy weight and I was freaked 'cuz typically it's better to gain more early on with twins so maybe they weren't going to be healthy and there would be problems! What if they came early?! My mom had me and my brother almost two months early! What if they need to stay in icu? Would I be able to breastfeed both? etc etc Aaah!!!!

    We did figure things out and they came via scheduled c-section ('cuz the both were breech and I have a history of fast labor) at 38 weeks. Both were a good size and very healthy. Both now 10 months and bfing well. Most days are good and we can't imagine our family without them!
  32. rainbabies09

    rainbabies09 Member

    found around 8 weeks b/c I had pain and thought it might be an ectopic pregnancy. I didn't suspect twins at all. I was in shock when I found out and VERY worried because I have a very demanding job and was worried about the stress of the pregnancy. all of the plans (I'm a planner) I had for my pregnancy and first baby had to be changed, but I can't imagine life without both of them.
  33. susanl

    susanl Member

    When my RE called to tell me I was pregnant (IVF, tranferred 2 embies), she said that my beta count was really high and that it could be an indication of multiples. At my 7 week u/s, we all saw 2 sacs & 2 heartbeats at exactly the same time and the doc didn't have to say anything. I think I said "Oh!" and DH and I both started laughing at the same time. After a m/c & years of trying to get pregnant we were absolutely thrilled. These are our 1st children. We were completely naive about how hard the first 4 months would be. If we had known, we might not have laughed so hard! Ha! But I really cherish my memory of finding out.
  34. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    We found out at my first OB visit at 10 weeks. I had tried for about 2 years before we decided to do clomid, so I knew there was a chance of twins. Even so, I kept thinking 10% is so small, so I never expected/suspected twins. I was just so excited to finally be pregnant. I didn't have any real morning sickness, felt pretty good, and since it was my first pregnancy didn't notice any size difference. I was so anxious at the visit because I work in medicine so I know about all the wierd things that can happen (molar pregnancy, empty sac, etc) and was afraid to accept I was actually pregnant till we saw the heartbeat. My doctor examined me and then went to get the US machine like it was routine (he told me later it was because I was measuring bigger). He looked and then showed us the screen. He pointed and said, "there's the baby...and there's the second baby". I was in shock and my hubby yelled "Oh S--t" really loud! Then he looked at the doctor and said "there's only two in there, right?!?". We were so excited and overwhelmed at the same time, so we didn't know what to think or feel. We had already decided that we weren't going to tell anyone until I was through the first trimester (I was terrified of a miscarriage), so we kept it a secret another 3 weeks! The most fun was trying to think up creative ways to tell everyone :)
  35. Baker68710

    Baker68710 New Member

    I found out when I went to the ER because of bleeding. They had given me an ultrasound, I actually work at this hospital, so a friend of mine was doing the U/S. She looked at me and back at the screen, I told her that I thought there was something wrong with her screen, it looked so blurry. She smiled and said that it looked the way it was suppose to for twins. I was dumbfounded. I was just coming to grips with being pregnant. I already had three daughters. We were done. My youngest daughter was 7, and my oldest was 13. With an 11 year old in the middle. So twins was just crazy....Then at my 20 week check up....we found out that not only were we having twins....but twin boys....We are truly blessed :)

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