When did you decorate the "toddler" room?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinzmom2b, May 11, 2007.

  1. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    My girls are still in their cribs and I plan on keeping them in there as long as possible. However, I found myself on the JCPenney website tonight looking at bedding, white beds, paint colors, etc. and I have just been DYING to paint and decorate our "guest" bedroom which will be the room the girls eventually move into. We "plan" (hopefully) on trying for baby #3 sometime late this summer, so the girls have awhile yet in their cribs.

    So, when did you decorate the toddler room? Did do have it done before they wree ready to move into it (like months ahead of time)? I think my "itch" is coming from the fact that I never did the nursery very girly. It's a CUTE nursery and I love it, but we did it unisex for the fact of having more children later on. It's a lot of pastel colors and it's a baby/mom animal theme.

    I want to do the girls' room in either dark pink/light pink or dark purple/light purple with some kind of butterfly/flower theme. I saw this SUPER cute bedding and now I want to buy it...lol.
  2. matwetwins

    matwetwins Well-Known Member

    We did the boys room when just when they turned 26 mo. However it took me a long time to find the bedding and stuff I was looking for. Therefore if you like it buy it now. You never know how long it's going to be available and if they will have what you want. Go for it paint the spare room and use it as such until your girls move over. Getting that kind of stuff done before you get preg might be nice. I waited until a week or so before DD was born to paint her room and then my parents had to do it because I couldn't.
  3. mandylouwho

    mandylouwho Well-Known Member

    Believe it or not, we were kinda forced to...we moved RIGHT when they were climbing out of thier cribs. SO, the new room we moved into instantly became a toddler room. Its yellow and blue with sports framed posters...I also plan on a mural. I think by the winter, I will put them in twin beds. I cant wait to get the bedding!!

    Good luck on the move!
  4. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    My girls room was a neutral room also (a greenish blue, like water), we changed them out of their cribs when they were about 27mths but kept them in the same room. Right before my son was born (4 or 5 mths pregnant) we painted the girls new room (we let them pick out the colors) it is pink and purple. The girls are very proud of themselves that they got to pick out the colors of their room and each wall has both colors on them. We don't have any theme in there but the two colors but it's really neat looking on the walls. I also have fairies to put up in there but haven't done that yet.

    If you found the bedding you want I would get it now. It doesn't matter when you are going to use it but they change styles and things so much that when you want to get it and actually start looking for things for their new room it might not be there anymore. You will probably find somethings similar but not exactly the same.
  5. rosie19

    rosie19 Well-Known Member

    I think you should go ahead and buy the bedding. Even if you don't decorate the new room for awhile, when you spot something like that that you like, grab it. There was a pottery barn set that I loved last season... I told DH I was going to order it and put it away for when Natalie moved to a twin bed. He protested and said it was silly to store it and move it to a new house, etc. Of course, now I can't find it anymore. I learned my lesson with that one :)

    That's really cute bedding for your girls! I bet they'll love it!
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