when did they pick a lovey?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by miss_bossy18, Jul 14, 2009.

  1. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i'm not really sure why i'm so excited for them to have a lovey, but i really am. my girls don't seem to have picked anything yet though. how old were your LOs when you noticed they were more attached to a particular toy/blankie/stuffie/whatever? did you encourage a particular toy for them? or did they pick entirely on their own?
  2. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    My sister actually bought my DD her lovie. It is a little blanket with a bunny head. We had it in her crib and she just became really attached to it. We thought it was cute (at the time), so we got our DS one. I liked the fact that they had a comfort item to help them go to sleep on their own. NOW, though they want to drag it EVERYWHERE!

    I think they were around 8 months old or so....
  3. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    We were just wondering about this too in the last week. When Max & Lily were around 6 months they each had a stuffed animal they liked, but now they play with everything and are not attached to anything especially to sleep with. I don't know whether to be relieved or sad. My nephew latched onto a teddy bear and it has been repaired many times because my sister couldn't find a duplicate. My nephew also freaks out if he doesn't know where "teddy" is and he is almost 4 years old.

    I am interested to see what other reponses you get.
  4. aandja79

    aandja79 Well-Known Member

    I've been wondering the same thing. DD has a lambie she sleeps with, and DS has one of those seahorses that play music when he goes to sleep, but they could really take them or leave them. I'm hoping they find something too, because I would love to transfer attention to something that's not their dummies (pacifiers).
  5. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    Rose is attached to her soft lamb from BRU. I've had it in her crib since she was about 6 months old, but it wasn't until about 9 months that I noticed her designate it as her 'lovey'. Now, she Always has it and loves to chew on its ears! Alyssa on the other hand.. I haven't noticed much 'lovey' designating on her end. Though she always tries to pull her soft blanket out of her crib and play with it.
  6. Sarah Renae

    Sarah Renae Member

    My son picked his item months ago....maybe around 7months it is Cat in the Hat (not what I would have selected) but he LOVES that crazy cat!! LOL. My daughter however just picked hers and its an afgan (sp) blanket...very annoying in an iowa summer...so we have cut a blanket into a scarf!! And I keep giving her a sock teddy bear and it appears that she is finally starting to snuggle w/ it at 14 months!! I too am very excited about them picking something ....I just think its very sweet!!
  7. bran24

    bran24 Well-Known Member

    One of my girls also has her cat in the hat! It's so funny. She only recently got attached to it, in the last few months.

    The other one has been attached to her hommie (lovie) since she was about 6 months old- it's one of the bear heads with the blanket as the body. she sucks on it- starts to stink really bad (we have two we activity rotate- and one on reserve for the future). It is cute, but we only let her have it in her crib or on road trips.
  8. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would say for us, it was about 8-9 months old when it started and a year when it was consistent.
  9. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Jackson chose a specific blanket as his own somewhere around 13-14 months. Jacob was later to the game, but became obsessed with his blankets (2 huge blankets! :lol: ) around 18-20 months.

    Jackson chose his out of a mix of about 12 blankets that we would swap out each night. He only likes one of them now.

    Jacob just chose to be obsessed with both of them because they were there, more than anything else.
  10. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    At a year I got them both "big kid blankets" (throw sized fleece blankets) and immediately after that Alice became super attached to it. It didn't have to be hers, she would deal with Royce's if I couldn't find hers. So when I found them on sale again, I bought extras. Royce could take it or leave it. . .
  11. 2B2G

    2B2G Well-Known Member

    We had a "sleep consultant" meet with us when the girls were 4 months old. Waste of time but the one thing I did get out of it was to establish a lovey item for sleep. So each girl got a one of the Douglas Cuddle Toys. Vivi has the bunny and loves the silky ears. She is completely attached to it and will scream her head off if sister touches it. I have 3 of them now because the ears get stinky and it's such a must have. Georgia has the lamb. She likes to chew on the nose or rub her eyes with the silky ends of the blanket.

    I always put it in their hands or near them at bedtime. At about 7 months they came to expect it and it really helped them settle down to sleep.

  12. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    Annelise has been attached to a burp cloth forever. I can't even remember when it started. Karina got a lovey (little blanket with a frog head) for Christmas and I started noticing she was getting attached to it this past May when she was about 16 months old. The burp cloth just happened. I guess we encouraged the frog lovey by putting it in her bed with her.
  13. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    i would LOVE for my guys to attach to something. i think it would help them sleep better and soothe themselves more. one loves anything that's soft so his crib is full of soft blankies and lovies, and he'll take anyone that he can grab--but not one in particular. the other could take or leave all the soft things we have.
  14. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    All of mine except Alyssa slept with a muslin cloth from when they were tiny babies, so I guess those were lovies that were chosen for them. Ethan is just starting to get attatched to his and Naomi and Luke stopped sleeping with theirs when they were around 4.
    As for lovies that they choose themselves mine were older. Alyssa and Bryony both became attached to teddy bears when they were around 20 months (Bryony in addition to her cloth 'snuggle'). The teddies were just random ones that they had in the house, the good thing was there was two of each one because they had been given as presents. Then, when they were around 2 1/2, the stitching on the mouth of one of Alyssa's teddies came undone and she rejected both of them from that point. A little while after that she became attached to a cuddly rabbit and that is still her lovey now (sadly we only have one of him). Bryony gradually became less attached to her teddy-they are still special and sit on her bed, but she doesn't need one for comfort/sleeping-but is still very attached to snuggle.
    Naomi and Luke went through a phase of being attached to a pair of cuddly kittens, probably from about 18 months-4 1/2, but now they (the kittens) are like Bryony's teddy-still a special toy, sat at the end of the bed each night, but not a must-have thing.
    Eleanor is very attached to her muslin-she will steal Ethans if she gets half a chance-and has to have one for sleep and in the car. Luckily we have loads and they're easy to wash and in no way irreplaceable.
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