When did they move into Toddler beds?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Gilbert_Mommy, Nov 28, 2007.

  1. Gilbert_Mommy

    Gilbert_Mommy Well-Known Member

    When did you babies move into toddler beds? My singleton boy was in a toddler bed by 17 or 18 months, but I'm putting off putting the twins in their toddler beds. I just don't want to deal with it for a while. They're still taking 2 naps most days. I'm planning on separating them at some point, and am not sure if I should do it when they go into their toddler beds. I want to put DS in with his older 4-yr old brother.
  2. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    Mine will be 3 in February and are still happily sleeping in cribs. I'm going to keep them there as long as I can! They have shown no interest in climbing out and no complaints about sleeping in them.

    My gut feeling would be to make the room changes while yours are still in cribs so they can get used to the new arrangements. If you wait until they're in the toddler beds to make the changes your DS might just pick himself up and go back to his old room. Seems like it would be easier while he's still contained in a crib.

    Of course I have no experience with this, and in fact have the opposite problem - mine are sleeping in separate rooms, and I'd like to move them back together so I can have my guestroom back!

    Good luck!

  3. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    We just moved our girls yesterday (they are almost 2.5)...but we have a new baby on the way in March adn will need the crib, so I wanted to make the transition soon enough. They were doing GREAt in cribs until 2 weeks ago. Morgan fell out 2 weeks ago and Reagan fell out yesterday morning (go figure...the SAME day I was switching her...lol). If I wasn't having another baby in march, they would've stayed in them as long as possible...probably at least until 3.
  4. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    I have no plans of pushing the toddler beds until probably around 3 unless they are really ready before that..but the crib for me is safest and I also do not want to deal with them out of the bed 50 times a night which with my two I know will be an issue.
  5. 2SmithBoys

    2SmithBoys Well-Known Member

    My boys are 2&3/4 and still sleep in their cribs in the same room. I have no desire to switch them to big boy beds yet. We are working on getting some beds for Christmas but I may wait until their 3rd birthday in March to switch them. At this point, they are not mature enough to handle the freedom. I'm glad to read that many others feel like age 3 might be a good time.
  6. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    We converted their cribs to toddler beds at 2 1/2 and it was basically a non-issue. I think because it's still basically the same thing and so the change wasn't drastic helped a lot. Also, they don't climb in and out of the beds during naps/nighttime. They may wake up and go get a book and bring it back to bed, but that's it. When they wake up, they still call for us to come get them. I have no idea how that happened, but I'm grateful.
  7. jwozy

    jwozy Well-Known Member

    Mine are 3.5 and we just made the change this weekend and they are doing great. We weren't in a rush and had crib tents on both of their cribs but for last 3 months we haven't been zipping them in. They would climb in for bed but knew there was no climbing out otherwise we would zip them up.

    We actually got a low loft bed and put a mattress on the floor on the bottom. The only issue is my dd wants to sleep on top but we put ds on top as he's more hyperactive and we figure it would deter him from wanting to run around the room. So far it's been going great and they love their big kid beds.
  8. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    2.5. But honestly, I had planned on moving them when they were about 3. It's a trial sometimes, but there are some redeeming qualities. Like not lifting etc. as much.
  9. rachel123

    rachel123 Well-Known Member

    I just today put together 1 toddler bed and DD is now taking her nap in it and did not get out. My oldest DD didnt go into a bed until she was almost 3. I guess it all depends on the child. I am putting the twins in the toddler beds now because they started to climb out and it was getting to be a pain and I dont want them to get hurt.
  10. **Sandy**

    **Sandy** Well-Known Member

    We switched to toddler beds at around 22 months. My girls were climbing into the cribs. They had not climbed out yet but it was just a matter of time. They actually sleep better in their beds than they did in cribs, and I love the mornings when they get up and play in their room for a while before waking us up compared to the screaming we heard every morning with them in cribs.
  11. whosermomma

    whosermomma Well-Known Member

    All mine were about 2.5 or 3 when we moved them.
  12. Ilovemybabies

    Ilovemybabies Well-Known Member

    We moved ours when they were two. They started climbing out of their cribs so we did not want them to get hurt.
  13. Annamagiet

    Annamagiet New Member

    I took Lise and Annemé out of the camp cots when they were 14 months. They slept together (one at top and one at feet of bed) since then in a normal single bed with side-rails. When they were 26 months, we took of the sides. I put some pillows on the floor next to the bed. The next morning when I came to their room they were both lying on the floor!! However, that was the last time, and now they are quite fine. Sometimes they want to sleep together next to each other, but most of the time they sleep at opposite sides with thei feet towards each other.
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