When can we try Peanut butter?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Cablegirl, Apr 27, 2007.

  1. Cablegirl

    Cablegirl Well-Known Member

    I'm like the lady asking for Healthy snack idea's.......I feel like I'm at the end of my rope seems my 1yr olds won't eat anything that isn't drowned or laced with Cheese :rolleyes: :laughing:

    I can't get them to eat certain Veggies and they don't eat meats much at all.....And seems what one likes the other won't touch and many times I don't have time to fix everyone's favorites.....I thought the protein in the pb might fill in some for their lack elsewhere :pardon:

    Any tips or tricks??
  2. mommy2btwins

    mommy2btwins Well-Known Member

    i started my girls on peaunt butter at i would say 13 months...and they absolutely love it... my husband and i have no allergies to food so i felt it was safe and they are over one year old.
    i toast the bread// put some pb and jelly ... and then cut the edges off.. .then into tiny pieces..they do love it.. i wouldnt recommend just giving it plain right now...too sticky... good luck and happy trying!!
  3. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    We started at 12-13 months. No allergies in the family, so we didn't wait.
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    If they are allergy free, you can try it (usually) after 12 mos. I did and we have had no trouble. There are "studies" that say you should wait till age 3! I would be hurtin' if I couldn't do PB!!! We need the protein around here too!! Our doctor told us we could do it, so if you have any questions, please ask your pedi!
  5. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    If you want to wait on peanuts, you could give sunflower butter. It has the same protein content, more fat, and twice the iron.
  6. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    If you do try it, I would give it in very small quantities until you know that they aren't allergic. There is a mom in our toddler class who gave her son a bit of a PB & J sandwich (2nd time with PB) and he was allergic. Allergies does not run in their families! I've given it to my two (on a spoon) and no reaction. If they're fine the first time, still watch it the next few times!
  7. HusbandJ

    HusbandJ Well-Known Member

    Oh geez--I forgot that I haven't posted anything since the site kicked over to the new format. So I have no idea if this is going to show up or what it's going to look like--I guess, now I've got to go thru with it and see what happens!

    I think your twins are 1 yr old? (I'm too scared to go back and look--I might back out if I can't make it back here!) We were certainly giving our boys pb by then--they love it. Like anything though, definitely go easy for the first 3 days just to make sure there isn't an allergic reaction. But if they like it and there are no adverse reactions, you are home free!

    If you're concerned about protein, you might try some tofu too. Our boys absolutely love it. It's incredibly fast and easy--I just put some pesto, or spaghetti sauce, or tamari, etc, etc. or whatever I have handy at the time on it. /Joel

    Ok here goes. Going to click on whatever it is I need to click on!
  8. TwoLittleGuys

    TwoLittleGuys Well-Known Member

    I don't give PB here yet (waiting until about three-years old, I think ;) ), but my boys LOVE hard-boiled eggs which are a source of protein. Another great source of protein is hummous (chickpea spread). My boys love eating pitas dipped in hummous!
  9. Mlissaann

    Mlissaann Well-Known Member

    I tried peanut butter at about 12 1/2 months. No food allergies in the family and pedi said it was OK. They love it! PB sandwiches are a staple lunch item in our house!
  10. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    My dr. recommended we wait until they were 12 months. I think we did it around 13 months. We did our first try with the Ritz peanut butter sandwich crackers.
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