When can Sleep on Stomach Safely?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Blndi22, Jan 14, 2007.

  1. Blndi22

    Blndi22 Member

    I have two girls who really want to sleep on their stomachs. The problem is that they will only be 7 weeks old on Tuesday. I fear SIDS greatly and don't want to do anything that could cause this to happen. Currently, they will only sleep on their stomachs on my chest most of the time. I can't keep sleeping like that. I need some real sleep (ha ha...I know, not for awhile, yet). I finally gave up this afternoon and let them nap on their stomachs in the crib and I checked on them every 5 mins. Any advice???
  2. Blndi22

    Blndi22 Member

    I have two girls who really want to sleep on their stomachs. The problem is that they will only be 7 weeks old on Tuesday. I fear SIDS greatly and don't want to do anything that could cause this to happen. Currently, they will only sleep on their stomachs on my chest most of the time. I can't keep sleeping like that. I need some real sleep (ha ha...I know, not for awhile, yet). I finally gave up this afternoon and let them nap on their stomachs in the crib and I checked on them every 5 mins. Any advice???
  3. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    They say when they can roll over successfully into and out of that position. BUT a lot of parents let them sleep on their tummies. My mom let me and my brother sleep that way, and I am here [​IMG]

    Just keep your baby monitor on, and keep a check, and I think it should be fine.
  4. stumpstress

    stumpstress Well-Known Member

    If they are able to get to their stomachs on their own, then that's when we were told it's ok. But.. we were also told that napping thru the day was ok tummy time... just not long sleeping at night. Do you have any blanket or wrap sleepers? Something to keep them super cozy might make them sleep better even when not on the tummy. Also, tummy sleep is more comfy if they have reflux issues. If that's the case, you can try tilting the mattress a bit so that their head is a bit higher than their tummy. That can help the reflux. (Nothing fancy...just put a thick towel or 2 under one end of the mattress.)

  5. Blndi22

    Blndi22 Member

    My girls hate to be swaddled, now. They liked it the first few weeks, but now wiggle out of the "burritos". Both are very gassy and I think sleeping on their tummies makes them feel better, as well. Both are holding their heads up pretty well at this time.

    I want to be a good Mom, but we all need to get some more restful sleep. Thanks for the support and advice.
  6. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    I've had SUCH frustration with this one. Mine also LOVE to nap on their stomachs, and the pedi said it was fine. But his colleague (another pedi) said NO WAY to ever let them sleep on their tummies - even if you are right there. She said there isn't enough research on SIDS to determine why they actually die and I was taking a HUGE risk to let them nap on their tummies. grrrrrrrrrrrrr
  7. RondaJo

    RondaJo Well-Known Member

    We let our girls sleep on their tummies and our son slept on his also. Our our girl prefers that way. When she was in the NICU that's how they had her most of the time so that's what she got use to and we have trouble with her sleeping if she's not on her tummy. I just check on the girls during the night periodically, but it makes for an easier night for me and my DH.
  8. kbdexter

    kbdexter Well-Known Member

    My babies liked to sleep on their tummys since a couple of weeks old. I bought a couple of Angel Care monitors (about $90 each) and it gave me peace of mind when they napped on their tummys. The alarm sounds if it doesn't pick up any movement (breathing) for more than 30 secounds (I think).
  9. Trillian

    Trillian Well-Known Member

    My babies liked to be on their tummies too, they were very gassy and it did help them feel better. I used to let them nap on their tummies but what really helped for us was a switch in formula.
    Now they don't like being on their tummies at all. Occasionally I'll put on down sleeping on their tummy if they haven't burped and I need to finish feeding the other one. They always wake up yelling at me to help them turn over! DD can do it on her own if she's really in the mood but DS still needs help.
  10. boogerkw

    boogerkw Well-Known Member

    I was told if they can roll and hold their head up they would be ok to sleep on their stomach.
  11. shellworley

    shellworley Well-Known Member

    Mine have been sleeping on their stomachs since they were 2 months old. They would continually wake up when on their back.
  12. Blndi22

    Blndi22 Member

    Thanks everyone! I might get brave and let them try to sleep on their tummys. Both can hold heads up very well and are very wiggly. I will definitely keep my monitor on if I do so. May just try during the day at first.
  13. ABeeCDandE!

    ABeeCDandE! Well-Known Member

    I would personally only do tummy only when the babies can roll and hold their heads up. And...I would only choose this during the day when I am checking on them. Just me.
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