Whats with the attitude problems lately?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 2IrishBlessings, Jun 6, 2007.

  1. 2IrishBlessings

    2IrishBlessings Well-Known Member

    Oh my Gosh its been a disaster of a week. I dont have a clue as too whats going on with my girls. This whole week its been one argument after another with them. They are talking back, saying " I dont like you Mommy", biting one another they are just being absolute monsters. I use time outs, spanking and even cuddles to try and change the atmosphere but ITS NOT WORKING. Yesterday I had them take a nap I just couldnt take it anymore and they havent had a nap in 2 months. I also took them to the park thinking maybe they are bored and needed to get away from the house. They where good at the park but within 30 minutes of being home went back to not listening and getting into everything.
    Today I even did some preschool work with them and tried to make it fun for them but within 5 minutes they where fighting again. No matter what I am doing or how I try and change whats going on I feel invisible and frustrated. ANyone have any suggestions before I end up going to the crazy house? I have PMS this week is it possible that they can sence that and pick up on my mood swings. Oh man I hope not I am already scared to death when I think what this house will be like with 3 women with PMS. My poor husband he really needs another boy in this house!! :D
  2. 2IrishBlessings

    2IrishBlessings Well-Known Member

    Nobody has any suggestion or anything? Sorry to whine but its been a bad week and I was hoping for some suggestion or something from here and I havent got a single one.
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    :hug99: I'm sorry you are having such a hard week!!!! I really wish I had an inkling of advice for you, but I just don't!! I'm sure there is someone out there trying to figure out what to tell you! :hug99:
  4. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    If they have been going to preschool last year, I would think it is from being home. I know my boys get on each other when they are home for an extended time due to school breaks.
  5. 2IrishBlessings

    2IrishBlessings Well-Known Member

    No they havent gone to preschool I do it at home. I havent found one around this area we can afford.
    We havent ever had a schedule with them and DH keeps asking me to try and get them on one but things in our life change so much being military it seems pointless to me. I dont know if a shcedule would help us or make things harder.
  6. Jersey_Girls

    Jersey_Girls Well-Known Member

    Our girls are very close in age and I am going through a similar thing. It is MADDENING.

    DH and I are thinking that they need more one on one time with us so at bedtime DH reads to one and I the other. On weekends we are trying to split them up and DH takes one shopping while I go to the park with the other, etc. It is helping a bit...I feel very frustrated though and would love it if anyone else had more suggestions! I feel like we have gone from the terrible two's to the terrible three's to the FREAKING Fours! UGH.

    Just want you to know you are not alone!

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