What's up with peeing all over her pants in restrooms?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Snittens, Mar 27, 2009.

  1. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    We have a problem with Ainsley ending up peeing all over her pants when we're out. I think it has something to do with the shape or height of the toilets, or how she's sitting, I don't know! The pee ends up going forward instead of in the toilet, and she gets pee on her pants. If I tell her to look down (so she bends forward) this somewhat alleviates the problem. Bea doesn't seem to have this issue. Does anyone else have this problem with their girls?
  2. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Kayci has this problem. I've been trying to teach her to arch her back when she pees because that directs the stream down instead of forward but she has this fascination with watching herself pee. It's only been a few months so we're still working on it. At home, I just pull her pants off. If we're out, I pull them all the way down to her ankles so she can kind of spread her knees out (that sometimes helps) and I'll hold a wad of toilet paper against the front of the toilet in case it squirts over the edge. Not a great solution but it keeps her pants dry!
  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    This happens with both of mine. I always hold them on the toilet and I have to physically tip them forward so their arms are almost on their knees. That sends the pee down into the toilet.

    I think it must be something about the tendency to lean just a little bit backward when your feet aren't touching the ground (or a stepstool)...? At any rate, it doesn't happen at home when they use the potty seat on our big toilet. Amy is pretty good about it now, but I always have to pull Sarah forward just in time.
  4. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    I think it is because of the gap in the front of the toilet seat that keeps them from putting their legs together. When their legs are apart, the stream goes forward instead of down.
  5. mkhvjh

    mkhvjh Well-Known Member

    It's good to know that other girls go through this... My niece wanted me to take her to the ladies room and I was shocked that she did that! I told my sister (her mom) and she was like, yeah I don't know why that happens when we're out... She just used bath tissue to have it stream into the toilet and not down the front of her..... Good to know when I go through it with my daughter!!!!!
  6. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Yes, yes!! Nadia had this exact problem when she first trained -- and, it's because of the reasons PP's mentioned, mostly having to sit with legs apart to balance on the big toilet.

    I kept a Fisher Price Potty-on-the-Go in the back of my car, and we used that as often as we could instead of a public restroom. And, if we had to use a bathroom, I would also wad up a big mass of toilet paper and hold it in front of her while she went. :)

    But, we had an awful lot of wet pants while we were figuring it out!
  7. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Thank you! I'm not sure why Bea never had this problem, but it's good to know that others have and how to fix it. :)
  8. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yep, we've had that problem too. Sometimes at home as well, but she doesn't use a potty seat at home either (she hates it) so I guess that's why. If we are at home, I take her pants right off so that she can sit a bit farther back on the toilet. If she goes on her own at home (this is funny, but she started doing it all by herself & I thought, well, why not?), she climbs on backward & sits facing the back of the toilet. Funny, but it works. When we are out somewhere, I try to get her to look up at the ceiling, which tends to get her sitting up really straight & that seems to help most of the time.
  9. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Yeah, I have to have Ali LEAN forward and now she does it all the time!! It's an anatomy thing!! :lol:
  10. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    the other thing to add is....have her pull them down FURTHER! Ali is the SAME way!!!!
  11. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    LoL. Here I thought Jessy was just weird since Jazzy didn't do it
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