What's the deal with raisens?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by double-or-nothing, Nov 9, 2007.

  1. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    My girls both LOVE to eat raisens but I have noticed in Lorien's poop that they pretty much come out whole (albeit a little more plump then when they went in). I don't notice this as much in Arwen's poop. I'm not sure I see the point in giving it to them if they are going right in and out. Are they actually getting anything nutrient wise from them by eating them? Especially if they are coming out whole. Would you stop giving it to them or should I just continue to give it to them since they get so excited to eat them?
  2. dtlyme

    dtlyme Well-Known Member

    No answer - but the same is true of corn! Would love to hear if anyone has any insight on this phenomenon!
  3. AliPaige717

    AliPaige717 Well-Known Member

    I have noticed this in Alexandra more than Paige but it is not all the time and not every raisin she eats. I am not sure why it happens but I do know that Alexandra tends to just swallow more things without chewing them up than Paige does. Maybe it is only the none chewed ones that come out whole again.
  4. Twinlillies

    Twinlillies Well-Known Member

    Not to be gross, but it's probably just poo filling up the skin of the raisin. Same with corn. It happens with some gel cap. medications as well. I worked in a doctor's office for years and we got tons of patients calling in mad because their expensive meds weren't staying in their system ... the meds were, the coating wasn't. Oh the fun of the human body.
  5. bkimberly

    bkimberly Well-Known Member

    I may never look at corn, raisins, or gelcaps the same again!!!! :bad:
  6. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Twinlillies @ Nov 10 2007, 08:54 PM) [snapback]490271[/snapback]
    Not to be gross, but it's probably just poo filling up the skin of the raisin.

    :bad: I would have to say that was the grossest thing I've heard all day. :)

    Both my girls do the same thing. I've often wonder why I even give them raisins. I really don't have the heart to tell them "no", they love raisins plus they're a healthy snack. :)
  7. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Uh... so if it's poo-filled raisin skins, how does that explain pineapple chunks and grape quarters? :lol: I think some foods are just harder to digest than others and if the food makes a fairly rapid transit through their system, it doesn't get broken down. I've noticed the same thing and it's not every time so I just give them raisins and if they don't all digest, so be it.
  8. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I think they just don't totally chew them up....I would keep giving them. My guys like them too, but I have to be careful not to give too many!! Can cause bad poops!!
  9. twindependent

    twindependent Well-Known Member

    My boys used to eat raisins and they would come out as grapes, too. I started cutting the raisins in half and it stopped. Now they chew their food better and I don't have to cut the raisins anymore. HTH!
  10. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Twinlillies @ Nov 10 2007, 08:54 PM) [snapback]490271[/snapback]
    Not to be gross, but it's probably just poo filling up the skin of the raisin. Same with corn. It happens with some gel cap. medications as well. I worked in a doctor's office for years and we got tons of patients calling in mad because their expensive meds weren't staying in their system ... the meds were, the coating wasn't. Oh the fun of the human body.

    Ok, that is very funny but kinda gross. Good to know about the meds too.
  11. Twinlillies

    Twinlillies Well-Known Member

    Oh the very strange things you learn working in the medical field. I could write a book!
    Sorry for grossing you guys out LOL. :blush:
  12. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twindependent @ Nov 11 2007, 08:37 PM) [snapback]491258[/snapback]
    My boys used to eat raisins and they would come out as grapes, too. I started cutting the raisins in half and it stopped. Now they chew their food better and I don't have to cut the raisins anymore. HTH!

    Good advice! I am going to try this because my guys also have full raisins (and other dried fruits). Corn same thing but corn is hard on the stomach so most people do not digest it fully.
  13. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    I give raisins as an alternative to candy and to releive constipation. Sean chews his well and they aren't very noticeable in the diaper, but James' come out whole (or filled with poo!) because he just gobbles them down. I started giving James prunes because he actually chews them.
  14. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

  15. veggiehead

    veggiehead Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Twinlillies @ Nov 11 2007, 01:54 AM) [snapback]490271[/snapback]
    Not to be gross, but it's probably just poo filling up the skin of the raisin. Same with corn. It happens with some gel cap. medications as well. I worked in a doctor's office for years and we got tons of patients calling in mad because their expensive meds weren't staying in their system ... the meds were, the coating wasn't. Oh the fun of the human body.

    :lol: Are you serious?? I just gagged! LOL Yes, my DS has whole, poop-filled raisin shells come out all the time.
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