what's making life easier right now?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by fuchsiagroan, May 3, 2010.

  1. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    There's a lot of hard stuff at this age, but one thing I love is how much more the kids can do to take care of themselves and get things done. Such a far cry from having to do every. little. thing for them all the time. I love it that...

    -they can set the table and bring food
    -they can put their shoes on
    -they can do little chores for me ("Please bring me the ____," "Please put ____ over there")
    -they can wipe up their own spills

    What's giving you a big sigh of relief these days? :D
  2. jenniferkkelly

    jenniferkkelly Well-Known Member

    I'll be really anxious to read everyone's responses here.... My twins turn two on Sunday and I'm excited to find out that things might be getting easier in some way! :p
  3. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    -They can load themselves into the car and even buckle the chest buckle. I love that.
    -They can totally use the big potty on their own. This means they turn the light on in the bathroom, put their seat on the potty, get on and off themselves and pull their pants/panties on and off. They also flush. If only I could get them to be consistent about it.
    -They play so well with other children. I actually enjoy having another child their age over right now, b/c it keeps them occupied for a long time.
  4. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Except for the buckle part, mine can do the same thing and it does help.

    - They will sit and watch an Elmo dvd and not scream and fuss when I walk away to do something.

    - When we walk out of our house, they don't just take off like when they were younger. I can say "let get in the car" and they will listen.

    - They are making their needs known.

    - We can go to the park and they will play and I can actually sit down and watch them.
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    SOOO many things are easier now!!!!!!!

    They help me and its actually helpful! They will bring the laundry basket into their room; I can tell them go get your socks and sweatshirt and they will go into their room and know the right drawer for it; they help unload the dishwasher (only the plastic stuff), they bring plates to the table, etc.

    They can get undressed and almost 100% dressed by themselves (shirts are still a little tricky to get on).

    While playing outside, if I have to run in for a minute, I trust them to stay in the yard and play nicely until I get back.

    Yesterday was hot so I pulled out the kiddie pool and I actually got to sit on my chaise lounge and read a book while they played in the pool for 2 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a huge deal for me since the last 2 summers have been very stressful... I'm a worry wort about the pool even though its a little pool with a little slide.

    I can run errands with them without having to pull out the stroller! Another huge deal because there were things I never did with them like the post office or bank, just because they weren't stroller-friendly.
  6. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    We can do this too and it is great. I have to help them with the buckle between their legs, but no more fighting them to get in the seats. :Clap:

    This happened to us this week. I actually got to sit and talk with a friend at the park.

    One thing for us is getting their clothes on and off. They do really well. I still have to help with zippers and buttons, but everyday play clothes. It's great. :good:
  7. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    The current BIGGIE:

    I can take them into the doctor's office, bank, or a quick run into the grocery store without a stroller or a cart - they will hold my hands and walk nicely with me!! :woohoo: I LOVE not needing to drag out the huge tandem stroller every.single.time we have to get out of the car!!
  8. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    They will get up in the middle of the night and go potty without getting me up to take them (most of the time anyway)
    They can play together for a really long time and I can actually sit down and read while they do.
    They can get in the car and into the carseat by themselves.
    They can get on their shoes and dress themselves
    They can get small things out of the fridge by themselves (juice boxes, etc)
    They can do small chores without my help.
  9. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I :wub: your list Rachel! Its nice to know that hopefully a year from now my girls will be even more independent... especially with the first one. I'm tired from all the peeing that happens in the middle of the night here. :lazy:
  10. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I forgot that one and it is a biggie. Lately if I have to go grocery shopping and only pick up a few things, I'll put one in the basket and the other in the seat, and we'll walk into the store holding hands. The'll even will turn to me when they get out of the car and reach for my hand. It's been a few weeks now that I've used the stroller. Problem is they really enjoy their freedom and will boycott it at times.

    I'm thinking very seriously about selling one of my sbs's and just keeping the jogging stroller.
  11. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    1. They walk easily with me & hold my hand.
    2. They listen so much better!!!
    3. They love to clean up and insist on helping me.
    4. They love to do small chores as well, help put on their shoes & clothes
    5. Much better at letting their needs be known, can tell me what's bothering them (most of the time)

    I know this age does have it's difficulties but for now...I am enjoying it.
  12. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine are older than most of yours (wow -- I'm almost in the 5-11 forum!), but FWIW...

    My favorite thing at this age is that sometimes they agree with my explanations. For instance, "We aren't going out to dinner tonight because we are saving money so we can go see Peter Pan this summer." Or "We're not watching any more TV today because it's not good for your eyes." OK, they don't always agree, but in general they seem willing to consider my point of view. :laughing:

    I also love that I can trust them to be outside for a few minutes out of my sight. Amy's favorite thing is to go get the paper in the morning -- she feels very grownup, and I don't have to do it!

    OTOH, mine still don't do some of the things that your 2- and 3-year-olds seem to do! We have been very lax with getting them to dress & undress themselves. They get plenty of practice at school, so they know how, but at home it's just easier to do it for them. :blush:
  13. LeeandJenn15

    LeeandJenn15 Well-Known Member

    I was going to respond something like this - that I can totally reason with him and he understands.

    Makes me feel so much better!! I think that he can undress/dress, but he always wants us to do it and it's hard for me to rationalize why I need to really push him into doing it himself.

    I agree with the others
    - climbing in the car seat is wonderful!
    - playing outside in our fenced backyard with minimal supervision
    - doing "little" things - getting juice from fridge, diapers for twins, etc
    - really articulating when he's upset and why!! (I still get "because" sometimes but he usually tries to explain)
  14. 40+mom

    40+mom Well-Known Member


    Mine are 4 years old and here are some things that are easier:

    --dress/undress mostly by themselves. Velcro shoes are great! (I wonder if my kids will ever learn to tie laces???)
    --potty trained (but we still get calls in the middle of the night or early morning to be "potty escorts")
    -- help around the house (setting table, clearing table, sweeping, watering plants, etc.)
    -- can play by themselves for a good while
    -- are no longer QUITE so demanding about things being a certain way
    -- bedtime is easier now, which makes a nicer ending to the day

    And, most importantly....
    -- my DD and DS take turns bringing me my coffee (in an adult sippy cup!) in the morning -- DH fixes it and they carry it upstairs to me while I'm getting showered/dressed!-- that's my current favorite!

    Meg -- mom to 4 year old boy/girl twins
    current favorite
  15. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Really looking forward to this one!! I am really enjoying 2.5.
  16. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I remember when mine hit that stage...I loved it! It's great not to have to lug the ole stroller everywhere..such a pain!

    Can not believe they are getting that old!!

    I love that I can give them a reason and they understand...I also love messing with them and giving them some crazy explanation and love it when they say, "Oh, Mommy, that's not right!" :D
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