what's in your diaper bag?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MichelleL, May 2, 2008.

  1. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I have scaled down my diaper bag, and am thinking of scaling down even more. There is so much junk in there that I have never had to use.

    All I ever use are snacks, sippies, occasionally a diaper, and play cell phones (our emergency toy) so I think I'm going to start carrying those few things in my purse and tossing in sippies and snacks if we're going to be out for a while.

    I think I'll add all those little extras that I've been carrying around and not using into the bag I usually keep in the car, along with a change of clothes.

    Do you still have a full diaper bag? What's in it?
    If you don't, what do you use and what's in it?
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I don't carry a diaper bag anymore, it's this little mini diaper bag thing. :pardon: I got it when we went out of the country last year to hold their bottles and it works great!! I have four diapers in there, a pack of wipes {soft pack}, two sippies {our on the go sippies} and a plastic bag of cheerios. :good: We can't leave home without them. Oh and a bottle of water. I don't take clothes because they rarely ever get that dirty.

  3. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    I only have a few diapers and wipes. We rarely go that far from home. When we do, I pack extra clothes, sippies, snacks. But, for what we do... getting sis from school, going shopping, park, etc. it is usually only an hour or so.
    The diaper bag in hubbies car (rarely did we go anywhere in his) still had clothes from their first year (6/9 mo. pants...) and some other assorted weird stuff!!!
  4. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    I keep a little pouch thing in my car and DH's truck that has a package of wipes and 4 diapers in each one.

    The diaper bag is scaled down nowadays. We keep diapers, wipes, hand sanitizer, and a couple of little toys car as standards. Before we go out, i put in a snack (usually keep a baggy of cheerios or something in the bag) if I need something other than the cheerios and sippy cups.

    I don't keep extra clothes in the diaper bag (except for the daycare diaper bag). They don't get that messy right now and if they have a diaper incident and it's bad enough to spoil their clothes, it's time to go home anyway.
  5. 2boysforus

    2boysforus Well-Known Member

    I just cleaned mine out the other day to scale down! I'm a major "be prepared" freak, so it's probably waaaay overloaded. I keep extra clothes, socks, snacks, water, diapers, anti-bacterial wipes and liquid, wipes, toys, gum...and I think I'm forgetting a bunch of stuff! :rolleyes:
  6. Jennifer P

    Jennifer P Well-Known Member

    Diaper bag? What's that?

    I haven't used a diaper bag in about 6 months.
    We don't take sippies out anymore...but when we did we would fill them with water or juice and the girls would carry them to the car. I either have diapers/wipes in my car or in my purse. Most of the time I don't need them. And I keep some toys in the car.

    Now, since we don't carry sippies, I will buy bottled water at a drive through or they get a "big girl cup" when we go somewhere.
  7. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    i keep the diaper bag in the trunk with 3-4 pull ups, 4 undies, 2 pants, 2 shirts, sample sized diaper cream. changing mat.

    in my purse go the sippies unless the children are carrying those themselves. snacks go in my purse until we get in the car... we tend to leave in the morning right at snack time. wipes in my purse or in the diaper bag. I also keep some reading material in the diaper bag just in case. they are usually toting a toy into the car, so that is our "emergency" entertainment.
  8. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    i don't go anywhere w/out my diaper bag...it has diapers, changing pad, wipes, snacks, purell, shout wipes, table toppers (in case we go out to eat), water sippies...depending on where i go and what time it is...there could be milk sippies in there, change of clothes, pjs...sometimes, i need two diaper bags if it won't all fit into one. oh yeah, and my wallet, gum, camera and cell phone.

    i'm definitely not the norm...it is like my security blanket.
  9. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    We only have diapers, ointment, wipes, sippies, change of clothes, snack baggie, and books mainly. I may throw in a toy or two, but they usually go for books best.
  10. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    I scaled down my diaper bag too. I have a basket in my car for extra clothes, diapers, toys, sippies cup, water, paper plates, fork & spoons, and etc. And if we are going some place I just pick whatever item need to be in my diaper that day.

    So, in my mini diaper bag it now has become my purse! 2 diapers, changing pad, soft pack wipes, anti-bacterial wipes, straws (I buy our straw and cut them down because many restaurant have tall straws and can't bend them), snack baggies, throw away bibs, and 2 books.

    D, w/Rianna and Justin (19 mos)
  11. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    I haven't carried a diaper bag for almost a year now, I still carried one for about a month after the boys stopped drinking out of bottles but their was really no need anymore once they were not eating baby food or drinking out of a bottle. I always have had a messenger type bag so I just have an extra diaper/pull up a baggie of wipes and two sippies of water/snack and an occasional toy they may be carrying around like a car.
  12. JensBoys

    JensBoys Well-Known Member

    I have a smaller guy too but we have,

    change pad
    2 extra outfits (1 for M and 1 for C&C)
    diaper cream
    Wallet & keys (I never carry my purse when I have the diaper bag)
  13. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    My purse carries kid supplies, too. So besides purse stuff, I have 3 diapers, a soft pack of wipes, hand sanitizer, fruit snacks, cheerios, and sippies. Oh - and 4 crayons, that I need to make 6 here before long...

    If we're going to be gone most of the day, I will toss in a few more snacks or diapers, or some water or juice. Or scale down my purse and carry a small back pack for the kids.

    In the van, I have a small stash of extra wipes, diapers, snacks, and a change of clothes just in case.
  14. kuchar

    kuchar Well-Known Member

    In our regular bag I have diapers, wipes, a container of cereal puffs, antibacterial wipes, a back-up outfit for each of them, and their info books from the pediatrician. If we are just going for a walk around the subdivision, visiting neighbors or park, etc., I use the small bag... just a couple diapers, disposable changing pads, and wipes.
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