What would you do?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ahmerl, May 7, 2008.

  1. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    Jack and Lily will be one at the end of the month.

    Jack is a SLEEPER! Lily, not so much!

    They wake at 7:30am

    They go down for nap #1 at 9:30
    Then again for nap #2 at 2:30

    They go to bed at 7:30 but do not fall asleep until 8Pm

    Jack falls asleep almost immediatly for each nap and will nap for 1.5-2hrs. eachtime

    Lily, on the other hand, has been fussing and playing longer and some days does not fall out until 10:30 in the am or 3:30 in the pm. I will let her play and fuss for up to an hour and then I go get her.

    For example, her times for the past week of the morning nap ( I put her down at 9:30) have been 9:40, 9:55, 10:25, 10:00, 9:40, and 10:10. I am hesitant to put her naptime back because she goes through a brief crying/screaming minute or two prior to falling out and even though they are in diff. rooms it will still wake Jack up. I am hesitant to push both of them back for the morning nap because Jack really seems to need it at 9:30.

    What would you do? Continue to put her down at 9:30 or move her or both back?

    I hope this made sense, typing with one hand!
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Funny you post this because I am having the same issue with the boys. Tyler will fall asleep as soon as I put him in the crib for nap and bedtime and Derek is carrying on. I know he is just not tired, but I am and I am ready for them to be in bed. So its selfish and I am going to try and ride it out and see if Derek will calm down over the week. But I was just thinking of posting if anyone puts their kids down at different times in the same room.
  3. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    Before my kids turned 1, Syd was much like your Lily. I couldn't take it. I nearly had a nervous breakdown because we had about 2 months of nonstop screaming and almost no napping. Every day, all day. We were all miserable.

    I put them both on ONE nap per day from about noon-3. I LOVED it. It took Samantha a week or so to adjust, but she did fine. We had more time in the AM and PM for outings. Less rushing home. Less nap preparation. And they both slept great this way for over a year. (We are now running into problems at 26 months, but working on it).
  4. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Safari @ May 7 2008, 06:54 PM) [snapback]761073[/snapback]
    Before my kids turned 1, Syd was much like your Lily. I couldn't take it. I nearly had a nervous breakdown because we had about 2 months of nonstop screaming and almost no napping. Every day, all day. We were all miserable.

    I put them both on ONE nap per day from about noon-3. I LOVED it. It took Samantha a week or so to adjust, but she did fine. We had more time in the AM and PM for outings. Less rushing home. Less nap preparation. And they both slept great this way for over a year. (We are now running into problems at 26 months, but working on it).

    Oh how I would love to do this!!!! Imagine all of the time we would have -- walks in the morning instead of the hot noon sun, swimming lessons, trips to the beach ..... YOu are so right, we cannot really do much of anything because of the two naps and all of the bottles/meals etc... The only time we can go out is from noon until 1:30 or so and we live in FLA and it is already borderline too hot at that time! I wish I had the nerve to follow suit but I am a BIG wimp!
  5. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    What are you feeling "wimpy" about?

    They'll go to 1 nap eventually. Everyone told me not to do it so early, but honestly is was one of the BEST parenting decisions I ever made and it really wasn't that hard of an adjustment. It made our lives so much better. It was like night and day different, seriously!

    my inlaws live in FL, so I know what you mean about the heat.

    anyway, it's worth considering trying. for us, there was just no surviving having them on 2 different nap schedules. And i love the noon-3 routine. It's benefitted all of us so much. And most kids go to it around 18 months, but ya never know....... that's the avg, some kids earlier or later. Certainly sounds like Lily might work with it!
  6. poppan

    poppan Well-Known Member

    I'm not much of a scheduler -- we have a routine but the exact times vary day to day -- but my DD generally needs a later nap time than DS and that's what I do. He naps first and usually she goes down a half hour later. Sometimes she wakes up earlier in the morning, in that case they can both go down for the first nap at the same time. So I guess my vote is for moving Lily's nap back.

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