We've had plans to go to a small circus today - it was going to be me, my 3 boys (5.5 year old and 26 month old twins) and my best friend and her 6 year old DD. Her DD got sick and they are not able to go. My DH said that he will go, but he had also made other plans - like getting a lot of stuff done around the house that is impossible to do when we are all here, plus a few other errands - and I don't really want him to have to change his plans and I'm considering taking the three of them on my own. DH says I'm being silly and really don't need to take all 3 of them by myself, he'll go. But, like I said, I know he had some things he really wanted to get done.... What would you do? Am I crazy for considering taking them all by myself? :tease:
I wouldn't have a problem taking them by myself as far as dealing with the kids. But, I'll admit I'd probably want DH to go just for the companionship. We rarely get to do things as a family! However, if that isn't an issue for you I wouldn't sweat it. I sure you handle all three by yourself plenty of times! I know my DH looks at some of the things I do with the kids and says, "I don't know how you handle it," but that is just because he never has to go on a full-out grocery shopping trip, much less do it with two kids! Especially when it comes to fun things, you just learn to do it because the looks of joy on their faces is so worth it!
I'd totally go. Do you have an ergo or something that you can use to carry one of the kiddos on your back? Have fun and think of it as an adventure!
I'd go solo, as long as the two little ones will stay in a stroller still. If they were running off in separate directions, then I'd probably want DH to go too. But the circus should keep them interested.
Have you been to the circus before?? If you have and it went well, I would go solo and let DH get stuff done If you have not been I may be inclined to take him with you for a family fun day and *just in case* But I took my 2 to the circus with preschool last year (they were 3.5 and it was a disaster). One enjoyed it, but the other was terrified!!!! It was too loud, too flashy, too much of everything and she was under the seats hiding, trying to run away, etc. We left after just awhile. It was hard with both of them due to her reaction, and that was even with the teacher helping a bit. If they both had enjoyed it it would have been doable, but with one so scared--it was crazy.
Ok, change of plans...it is supposed to be almost 60 today! After what seems like months of endless snow and windchills below 0. Instead of spending 2+ hours in the car round-trip and 1.5 hours inside the coliseum for the circus, we're going to play outside, go to the local park, and to the local ice cream shop with outdoor seating that just opened up for the season this weekend! We'll save the circus for another day! Thanks for all of your replies!
I didn't factor in the fear part...that would probably be very possible. And I would hate to have to drag my oldest son out of there b/c one of the little guys was scared. I'll have to remember that for next time since I changed our plans due to the awesome weather we are having!