My husband found an awesome deal for a trip to Puerto Vallerta in July so we booked it immediately. Now we're wondering if we made a mistake b/c a week seems like a long time with two toddlers. My ILs have offered to watch the girls for the week so we can have one last get away before our new baby is born, and even though that would alleviate my fears about napping, bed time, what they would eat drink, or do all day....I don't know if I could be away from them for a week!! Any advice?? Has anyone BTDT??
it would make a big difference to me knowing that there was someone to put them to bed, etc. however, there's no way i'd ever leave mine for that long. that's just me, though! i'm a totaly wimp and we've never even had a babysitter who wasn't related to us. my twins parenting class teacher just today told us how important it is to get away from time to time. she reco'd 2-5 days. your kids are young enough that it won't leave a lasting impression if you go, but it will be uspsetting some what, i'm sure.... just really think about what would be best for your whole family. you need your rest and breaks, too!
A week is a long time. Too long for me anyway. I'm already upset about leaving my girls for 2 days in July so we can do a trip with our oldest. Can you take them along and have access to a babysitting service while there?
If you trust your inlaws and would love to have some alone time with your DH you should go for it. This is coming from a mom of 4 1/2 year old twins and a 2 year old who loves her hubby and would love a weekend away!
My kids are terrible travelers and I get very, very little "respite time" - I have a babysitter maybe 2 hours per month now that I'm out of school. I would leave the kids home if I had someone loving, familiar to my kids, and responsible to watch them, such as in-laws. I'd miss them like crazy, but I think the rejuvenating benefits of a week free of toddlers would do wonders for my relationship with my DP and just for "me".
QUOTE(twinboys07 @ Jun 5 2009, 09:41 PM) [snapback]1343417[/snapback] My kids are terrible travelers and I get very, very little "respite time" - I have a babysitter maybe 2 hours per month now that I'm out of school. I would leave the kids home if I had someone loving, familiar to my kids, and responsible to watch them, such as in-laws. I'd miss them like crazy, but I think the rejuvenating benefits of a week free of toddlers would do wonders for my relationship with my DP and just for "me". I couldnt agree more! In addition to that, I know my excuse before why I could never leave was "I was nursing" and pretty soon we're going to have a new baby which means Im going to be nursing again. If I were given your oppurtunity Id take it in a hearbeat! Sure It might be a long week, but it might be great for the kids and in-laws too. We recently went on a mini vacation and while our kids were with us, we left them with my parents everyday for HOURS on was wonderful to have alone time with DH. We had so much of it, we didnt even know what to do with ourselves and the kids had a great time with nana * papa! go go go!
I think you need to decide what makes you more comfortable- leaving them and *enjoying* some alone time with DH, if you will be able to enjoy yourself, or taking them and having a different kind of fun vacation. My kids are pretty good travelers and adapt well to changes in their schedules, but its definitely not relaxing for me (but still fun). I don't know what I would do if I were you... I'm weird about leaving my kids even for a night and haven't yet unless it was with DH to go to a work conference. GL with your decision...maybe see if the hotel is family-friendly and if there is stuff for the to do. ps: sorry for the stream-of-consciousness post... I'm still not fully awake.
Thank you so much for all of your replies!! I'm still unsure of what to do, but we do completely trust our ILs. Our girls see them at least twice a week & have often stayed over at their house, so they are comfortable there & know their grandparents well. I just don't know if I can leave them for a week!! I was crying last night just thinking about it. We booked the vacation thinking that we would take them with us, but my MIL got my husband all worried about taking them to Mexico in July and then she offered to take them for the week....soooo, we don't know!! I mean, not taking them would mean we don't have to worry about bringing car seats or a stroller, BUT there are babysitters available if we would ever want to do something alone. ...I just don't know! It's a tough decision. The thing that I keep thinking though, is that I really did want a vacation with just my husband before this third baby it would be nice to have a week away....I just wish this was an easier decision.
I would absolutely do it! Yes you will miss them, but they will be with people that love them and that they are comfortable with vs the other option of leaving them with an unknown babysitter in a strange place if you want some time alone. And not having to lug all that stuff with you would make for a much easier trip! Good luck making your decision!
I have done it. When the kids were 4 months old, DH and I went to Disney World for a week while they were home with my parents. DH and I had a wonderful time and it was so relaxing. We did miss the babies terribly but we also enjoyed having some alone time together. I say go for it and have a wonderful time with your DH! You deserve it!
That's a tough age to travel with them -- not much fun and a whole lot of work. If they were 3 or 4, they'd be a ton of fun to have along, but at that age my kids were more work than fun when traveling. So, if they will be happy and well cared for at home, I say go, relax and enjoy yourself! My only advice is to make sure that you can call and check in as often as you need. Knowing/hearing that they are happy and laughing lets me relax when I'm away. I went backpacking once for 5 days and couldn't check in. My mind was off imagining all kinds of terrible scenarios and I really didn't enjoy my time away as a result.
QUOTE(twinboys07 @ Jun 6 2009, 12:41 AM) [snapback]1343417[/snapback] My kids are terrible travelers and I get very, very little "respite time" - I have a babysitter maybe 2 hours per month now that I'm out of school. I would leave the kids home if I had someone loving, familiar to my kids, and responsible to watch them, such as in-laws. I'd miss them like crazy, but I think the rejuvenating benefits of a week free of toddlers would do wonders for my relationship with my DP and just for "me". Totally agree!!
QUOTE(twinboys07 @ Jun 6 2009, 01:41 AM) [snapback]1343417[/snapback] My kids are terrible travelers and I get very, very little "respite time" - I have a babysitter maybe 2 hours per month now that I'm out of school. I would leave the kids home if I had someone loving, familiar to my kids, and responsible to watch them, such as in-laws. I'd miss them like crazy, but I think the rejuvenating benefits of a week free of toddlers would do wonders for my relationship with my DP and just for "me". another that completely agrees with Erin! It would be different if you had any reservations about how your IL would handle it or if your kiddos would be happy staying with them. Really, taking two 1 yr olds on vacation is a ton of work. Kids at that age really have no concept of time, if they are happy spending a night there they will be just as happy spending a week. Another thing to consider - I don't think my kids would do well in a strange new place with a babysitter they had never met before even if it was just for a few hours here and there.
GO! Mexico in July is no joke, it's super hot and I can't imagine you would have any relaxing time with the babies. The babies will be alive and very well when you get home. The first few days are the hardest and then once you realize (through many phone calls) that they are doing great, your trip will come alive and you will NEVER regret it. I have a trip planed to Amsterdam in a few weeks and I'm counting the days! I don't know anyone who is more strict about schedules than I am, I'm super controlling. But for some reason I'm not worried one bit. I've been home everyday for every single minute for over a year! Just know that it's your feelings about leaving them that is stopping you from going alone...they will be fine.
Thank you everyone for your replies! We have made the decision to leave the girls with my ILs & go alone!! I'm excited to have a whole WEEK with my husband, but also worried about leaving the girls behind. I know they'll be loved and in a home that they're familiar with, with people that they are familiar with too, but I just can't help but feel guilty I guess. I just hope I can enjoy my time away & relax about it all. I think everyone is right, after making sure they're doing fine without us, I'll probably be able to relax Thanks again!! I really do appreciate your thoughts & support.
:banana: Good for you! I hope it's a great trip!! I completely understand the mommy guilt and all the other emotions behind a decision like that. While thinking about it, it sounds like just a great idea, if I were ACTUALLY going to do it, I'd be an emotional mess. I hope you have a fantastic, wonderful time with your DH - tell us all about it!!
QUOTE(BeckiAllen1130 @ Jun 7 2009, 09:49 AM) [snapback]1344607[/snapback] Thank you everyone for your replies! We have made the decision to leave the girls with my ILs & go alone!! I'm excited to have a whole WEEK with my husband, but also worried about leaving the girls behind. I know they'll be loved and in a home that they're familiar with, with people that they are familiar with too, but I just can't help but feel guilty I guess. I just hope I can enjoy my time away & relax about it all. I think everyone is right, after making sure they're doing fine without us, I'll probably be able to relax Thanks again!! I really do appreciate your thoughts & support. YEAH! I'm just reading this for thread for hte first time, and I was getting ready to tell you to GO GO GO ALONE! It's such a good time for you and DH ... and it's great for the kids to bond with your ILs. Sure, you will miss them ... but I promise you, you will enjoy your trip! We've been away a couple of times alone since the twins were born ... never for a week though ... but we will be in Nov when we go to Aruba for a week while the kids stay with my parents ... I CAN'T WAIT! Have a blast!
I think it is really important to get away (as a couple for your marriage, for yourself and your sanity, for perspective, and to take a breath and realize there is life outside your childen), but a week seems a little long to me. But it is really up to you and what you are comfortable with. Either way, I am sure it will all work out. Just think of all that sleeping in late, going and doing whatever you want without having to plan around naptime (theirs at least! ), bedtime, and meals. And think about those smiling happy faces when you get back. Sounds pretty nice to me.
I´d say go for it and leave the twins with your family. As you have another on the way, it would be the perfect opportunity for you and your DH to have some quality time together. It is tough leaving the twins but they will be well looked after. I just left mine for a weekend and although I missed them terribly, it did us good to re-connect. We´re planning on taking a holiday just the 2 of us in the summer. Im dreading it but also looking forward to it! GL & KUP on what you decide!
I just got back from a 5 day trip with DH alone. It was worth it! I did start to miss the girls by the 5th day, but not enough that it was causing a problem or anything. I don't regret leaving them at home! I think you should go and relax one last time before the new baby arrives!
Im glad you have decided to go alone! You will have a great time and yes you willl miss them but i bet you will love just being you for a while and spending time with you dh. Have fun! x