Ok...So I usually go to the gym each morning to walk to keep my sanity. Well yesterday I went, and the daycare gal told me that the other girl that works the front desk her child has RSV.... Her child usually attends the daycare every day while she works, but was not there yesterday when I was told this.... So I walked for awhile, and then noticed that her baby was being brought to the daycare by his grandma. So I called the hospital and they told me RSV is highly contagious. I took my kids out of the daycare immediately. I talked to the owner of the gym, and he kind of rubbed me off. Last I heard they were making the gal have her kids go to a babysitter until they were better. Wellllllll, today I went to the gym this morning and the first child I see when I walk through the daycare door is the baby with RSV. The daycare gal says I don't know what to do the owner told her it was ok for her to bring her baby in even though he has RSV. So once again I left the gym. Now I am not going to be able to go walking or go to the gym for a few weeks, until the baby is over RSV. Not to mention the other moms who bring their children there and have no clue this baby has RSV. I called the Health Department, and they told me there isn't much they can do other then call the Gym owner and tell him the baby needs a doctors clearance to be in the daycare, and to sanitize all the toys. She said the baby will still be contagious, but there isn't much we can do. Hellooooooooooooooooooooooo..... Stand up and be a good mother, and remove your child from the daycare if he has RSV, and don't expose other children to it. Am I wrong here??? What would you all do?? Here is some info I found on the web regarding RSV, and how I made my decisions: How is RSV spread? RSV is very contagious and is easily spread through the air, by coughing and sneezing. RSV can also be spread by direct or close physical contact. Touching, kissing, and shaking hands with an infected person can cause your child to become infected. Contact with a contaminated surface could also cause transmission of RSV because the virus can live for many hours on surfaces such as countertops, tables, cribs or playpens. How can I protect my child from RSV? Here are some simple steps you can take to prevent your child from becoming infected with RSV: Make sure everyone who touches your child always washes his or her hands with warm water first. Make sure your child avoids contact with anyone who has a cold, fever, or runny nose. It may be helpful for you or siblings to wear a mask if you have a cold. Avoid taking your child to crowded areas like shopping malls. Try to avoid keeping your child in day care where he or she is around other small children. RSV is very common among young children, and is easily spread from child to child. Keep your child away from tobacco smoke. Exposure to tobacco smoke increases the risk of RSV illness.
Ok...So I usually go to the gym each morning to walk to keep my sanity. Well yesterday I went, and the daycare gal told me that the other girl that works the front desk her child has RSV.... Her child usually attends the daycare every day while she works, but was not there yesterday when I was told this.... So I walked for awhile, and then noticed that her baby was being brought to the daycare by his grandma. So I called the hospital and they told me RSV is highly contagious. I took my kids out of the daycare immediately. I talked to the owner of the gym, and he kind of rubbed me off. Last I heard they were making the gal have her kids go to a babysitter until they were better. Wellllllll, today I went to the gym this morning and the first child I see when I walk through the daycare door is the baby with RSV. The daycare gal says I don't know what to do the owner told her it was ok for her to bring her baby in even though he has RSV. So once again I left the gym. Now I am not going to be able to go walking or go to the gym for a few weeks, until the baby is over RSV. Not to mention the other moms who bring their children there and have no clue this baby has RSV. I called the Health Department, and they told me there isn't much they can do other then call the Gym owner and tell him the baby needs a doctors clearance to be in the daycare, and to sanitize all the toys. She said the baby will still be contagious, but there isn't much we can do. Hellooooooooooooooooooooooo..... Stand up and be a good mother, and remove your child from the daycare if he has RSV, and don't expose other children to it. Am I wrong here??? What would you all do?? Here is some info I found on the web regarding RSV, and how I made my decisions: How is RSV spread? RSV is very contagious and is easily spread through the air, by coughing and sneezing. RSV can also be spread by direct or close physical contact. Touching, kissing, and shaking hands with an infected person can cause your child to become infected. Contact with a contaminated surface could also cause transmission of RSV because the virus can live for many hours on surfaces such as countertops, tables, cribs or playpens. How can I protect my child from RSV? Here are some simple steps you can take to prevent your child from becoming infected with RSV: Make sure everyone who touches your child always washes his or her hands with warm water first. Make sure your child avoids contact with anyone who has a cold, fever, or runny nose. It may be helpful for you or siblings to wear a mask if you have a cold. Avoid taking your child to crowded areas like shopping malls. Try to avoid keeping your child in day care where he or she is around other small children. RSV is very common among young children, and is easily spread from child to child. Keep your child away from tobacco smoke. Exposure to tobacco smoke increases the risk of RSV illness.
That is just wrong that she has that baby at the child care. I feel bad for the sick baby and all the other kids who've been exposed! I would drop out of that gym and demand a refund on my membership fee.
I though about dropping our membership as well, however; this is the only gym in our small town and my only source of freedom (as in a babysitter) even if it is just for a short time to walk or work out. I am so frustrated with the whole situation!
I wouldn't go back until I was sure the baby was over the RSV. My girls had it and they weren't even around kids. This is very disrespectful. Also if I had a membership to the gym I would be hestiant to renew when the time came and I would tell the owner that because my children weren't safe at the daycare I couldn't come back.
I would gather all the information you can and take it to the owner, then if there is still nothing being done. I would be outside the doors of the daycare and let the other Mom's know, maybe the group voice is the kick in the head they need. Lord how stupid!
I feel for the sick kiddo and any other kids exposed! My girlfriend that has triplets - all hers got RSV from another kid and they haven't left the house other than to go to the drs! That is frustrating! I really don't think people realize the severity of RSV- just ask a couple of moms here- and they'll agree! Unless you've been well informed or through it- most don't even know what it is!! Sad but true!
Sounds to me like the baby is in childcare because her mother doesn't have an alternative childcare situation. The gym I go to allows workers to have their children in daycare for free, so that the moms can work and not have to worry about alternate daycare. I'll bet the mom would lose pay/ and/or her job if she stayed home with her baby for several days until she is less contagious. I'm not saying it's right or fair- just a guess as to why she is continuing to bring a sick child to daycare. My girls have gotten sick from the gym daycare ( and the library and the park...etc.) so I try to keep Purell close at hand. When my kids get sick and can't go to the gym with me I try to go at night after DH gets home or weekends or really early in the morning before DH goes to work. It's such a bummer. I know the gym is a sanctuary for me and I need it for my sanity. I hope you can continue to go.... Lisa