What would you do...cribs or toddler beds..sorry

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Angie26, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. Angie26

    Angie26 Well-Known Member

    I know this has been a hot subject and I apologize, but need to see what to do.

    Kaylee has been crawling out of her crib for at least 2-3 weeks. She has only done it about 4 times.

    Kelby crawled out, well fell out today and I went in and he was laughing. He got in trouble and put back in his bed and told him that was a no no and he needed to stay in bed. They finally went to sleep. Kaylee knows that it is wrong because when I went I looked at her and she looked at me and immediately laid down.

    Should I go ahead and convert them to toddler beds? I can't get crib tents around here, but DH and I are going on a mini vacation this weekend and I can look there for them, but do you think that would be a waste of money since they are 19 months, how long will they use them?
  2. mesamama

    mesamama Well-Known Member

    My kiddos are 2 yrs. 8 months old- we bought crib tents when they were 21 months or so and are still using them. You can order them online from numerous places.

  3. shelbyolivia

    shelbyolivia Well-Known Member

    Mine are just over 2 years old & will stay in cribs as long as I can. How are they getting out? I don't mean to sound dumb, but our cribs have nothing they can get hold of with thier feet. I would order crib tents too, I have seen them on this site.
  4. CapeBretoner123

    CapeBretoner123 Well-Known Member

    Its a personal choice. But I'd say try toddler beds if you want. I went straihgt for them when Kristina climbed out the first time.Never hear dof crib tents till I saw this site.
  5. Angie26

    Angie26 Well-Known Member

    Well my kids are really tall and can hike their legs over the rail. Kaylee has mastered it, but I thought she was standing on her pillow to get out but that is not the case. The reason I know this, is because the first time she did this, I asked her to show mommy how she got out and sure enough she just hiked that long leg and then lifted herself down. She is a lot more graceful at it than Kelby. [​IMG]

    I walked in yesterday and they had the wipes. Kaylee was standing next to Kelby's bed and they had wipes from one end of the room to the other. I didn't know she was out because she didn't come out of her room.
  6. LisaGoeke

    LisaGoeke Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Crib tents!
  7. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I would do crib tents. Jon didn't get his put on until he was 22 months old. If they don't listen to "stay in the crib" how can you expect them to listen to "stay in bed"?
  8. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    Mine actually started climbing out of their cribs exactly how yours are doing when they were 18 months. We just told them that it was a no no and they couldn't do it and after a couple of days of reinforcing that, they listened. I think they have done it once or twice since then, but it's been 7 months. It's worth a shot. I didn't want to get crib tents and wasn't ready to switch them. Luckily, they have listened to us.
  9. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I think if you are leaving the kids and going on your mini-vaca - then you need to keep them in their cribs if someone is going to be watching them. '

    I'm not personally ready for the bed thing, mine do not listen that well at 2.

    You can order the tents online and probably get then pretty quickly! Good luck!
  10. lrothrock1

    lrothrock1 Well-Known Member

    I was so excited to get my girls big girl beds, and redecorate their room. So I sold my crib tents and cribs, at 19 months. I wish I would have waited!!!! The girls do excellent at nighttime, it's the daytime nap. You wouldn't believe the childproofing I had to do. I had to put drawer locks on all of their dresser drawers (got sick of picking 300 pairs of socks or outfits). Had to put construction paper on the window to make it as dark as I could, and we even have room darkening shades. It didn't matter they liked to lift the drapes up and look outside. Had to move every toy, toybox out of their room, or they would play. Now, I have to lock their door and their bathroom door, becuase they have figured out how to open them and come out when they are ready and not when I am ready! If I had it to do all over again, I would have waited!!!!!

    Good luck~!
  11. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    We used tents till they were 2.5. It was a great choice. We bought ours off E-Bay.
  12. Jill R.

    Jill R. Well-Known Member

    Jack was almost 3 when we took out his crib with the tent, and moved to a toddler bed. That crib tent saved my sanity. We tried the toddler bed at 22 months when he started climbing out of the crib, and it was a total disaster. He kept climbing up on his dresser after I put him to bed. The extra year really made a difference.
  13. Sabrina Fischer

    Sabrina Fischer Well-Known Member

    We just transitioned to toddler beds at 20 months. My son put his leg over the crib rail one day, so we had them in beds the next day. It was easier than I thought. Yes, it is still tough, but you have to teach them one day. Crib tents just prolong it. So we didn't want to spend money on crib tents only to turn around and spend more money and time on toddler beds. The only issue we have right now is falling asleep. THey don't cry or even try to get out of their beds -- as long as we are sitting in there. We don't say a word, but just being in there works. We have to stay until they fall asleep or else they get scared. But like I said, we have just switched 2 weeks ago. As for the rest of the night, they sleep just fine. Good luck!
  14. Cheesecake

    Cheesecake Well-Known Member

    I would definitely do crib tents. Its much much easier to teach a 3yr old to stay in bed than 1 or 2 year old. Like someone said in a different post you do have to teach them someday but it doesn't have to be right now. My oldest was 22 months and it went fine. She wasn't trying to get out of the crib but seemed ready. My second would of set the house on fire if I let her out sooner than 3 but she never tried to climb out. #3 was also 3 when he made the transition and he came into our room many many times and also had a tough time staying in bed for naps. So it all depends on the child. It may go really smooth or it may be a nightmare an any age. But honestly I see no reason to rush if you can get the crib tents. BTW I never knew about crib tents with my other ones. My boy twin tries to climb out occasionally but is to scared to go all the way so I know soon I'll be getting him a tent.
  15. mommyM&K

    mommyM&K Well-Known Member

    crib tents all the way. mine are 37 months old and still in them. well worth the money!
  16. Moms2NTwins

    Moms2NTwins Well-Known Member

    Bought a crib tent last month for Katies bed and it has been wonderful!! I am really aiming to keep them in cribs until 3...I know they would not do well in toddler beds right now at all. I bought the all around crib tent for Katies bed but looking for either that one cheap or a regular one for Josh. I say though the $75 was well spent on hers.
  17. Angie26

    Angie26 Well-Known Member

    Thank you all for your advice. Well we made a discovery on Sun. We got to looking at their beds and we had one more notch to lower it, so thank god we lowered it all the way. So far no problems. We would have done this sooner if "Someone" just would have looked. So hopefully we can keep them in their cribs a lot longer.
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