What toys?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Kateryna, Sep 8, 2010.

  1. Kateryna

    Kateryna Well-Known Member

    Hi girls,

    What toys are a hit in your house?

    Mine seem to loose interest in everything very fast and I think I need to buy more age appropriate toys. Would love suggestions.


  2. marleigh

    marleigh Well-Known Member

    My 1 year olds are totally into this (at the moment)

    Fisher Price Laugh and Learn House


    not to mention our old TV remote controls :)
  3. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    At 14 months the biggest hits as far as toys go were board books (especially picture/word books) and ride on toys. They still love their Fisher Price ride on car at 2! :)
  4. timba09

    timba09 Well-Known Member

    I'm up for ideas too. I second old remotes & cell phones. My two don't sit still very long anymore so anything that allows them to be active is good. They love their rocking horse, Fisher Price Bounce & Spin Zebra, Mega Blocks, Little People cars that they push around, and they spend a lot of time in their ball pit. Oh, and the furniture that substitutes for an indoor jungle gym and trampoline. :headbang: Guess that one goes w/o saying. lol.
  5. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Mine are loving walking toys right now and they absolutely fight over who gets to sit in the Tonka dumptruck (kind of a ride on toy, unintentionally). They also like anything with which they can make noise. Noise is good.
  6. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I packed up all the baby toys at about 15/16 months, they were no longer "playing" with them, just dumping them out. Mine like cars/trucks/tractors/trains to drive, our play kitchen set, blocks or other stacking objects....and their absolute favorite....my drawer with my plastic spoons, measuring cups and spoons, spatulas...etc. I find them all over my house every.single.day! I don't even wash them anymore, I throw them back in the drawer and when I need something, then i rinse it before using! :lol:
  7. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    We are also big fans of the laugh and learn home! My girls are also obsessed with cars and balls right now. They love to push the cars on the wood floor and throw the balls at everything. They are also really into their tickle me elmo (the one that's all plush but shakes and giggles).
  8. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My Pal Scout and Violet, a play kitchen, their ride on car, books, crayons (tadoodles)...They did not get Violet and Scout until they turned 2 and they loved those toys...I wish I had known about them when the kids turned one!
  9. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    Are there any 2 seater toddler cars out there? I really like the looks of the Cozy Coupe car but I don't want to get two of them and I don't want to listen to one boy cry when the other gets to ride in it :)
  10. Kateryna

    Kateryna Well-Known Member

    Thanks girls!

    We have two Cozy Coupes and they still fight for either pink or red one. Should have got the same color ;-)

    I will buy this Lauph and Learn house to try it out. I actually just saw it in the store the other day and I liked it.

    Girls, when some of you say "play kitchen" do you mean those real looking ones for about $300?

    Oh, I hope I will find something they like soon! I'll keep you posted.
  11. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We have the laugh and learn house too, from my older kids, and they do play with it some, they love crawling through the doorway and chasing each other!

    The play kitchen we have was about $100 if I remember right, it's also from my older kids....ones about this size like this: Prep and serve, or Super chef are great, just big enough for 2 kids to get at, but not HUGE or huge on the price tag :) Ours has a "kitchen" area with a microwave, sink, fridge and two cupboards, and then attached on a hinge is a "laundry" are, with an ironing board and a washer and dryer. It's about the same size as the prep and serve one I think, but it's not on the website anymore, must be too old :p
  12. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    The Fisher Price kitchen, it's about $80 and it grows with them up until they are 5 I think. All of their Little People stuff. Baby dolls and any stuffed animals. They still love their Fisher Price music table thingy. They love all books. We have a tunnel that they love to crawl through and hang out in we might be getting them a tent in the near future. Both are very inexpensive at Ikea. They love to draw with crayons. Oh, and if you haven't already bought one maybe a little table and chair set for their size. My girls love sitting at their just to play pretend or to color/draw.
  13. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    Those big bouncy balls, anything that plays songs (they like to hit the button and then dance), board books, ride on toys, toy cell phone, scout and violet, a little tykes crawl through tunnel, little people. They still love the busy ball popper and LOVE stuffed animals/dolls. That being said, these days they chew on things more than they play with them!
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