what toys do they really like at around 16months?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twotwins, Mar 22, 2010.

  1. twotwins

    twotwins Active Member

    what are your twins' favourite toys/games?
    my twins are more interested in the house movables (climbing the sofas, opening closing doors etc.)than in their toys..but in fact I think they get very easily bored with their toys and they are not yet in the age of really really playing with their toys.
    We have a lot of megablocks, cubes etc but I was wondering if you have noticed that your LOs are more interested in a particular toy.
  2. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    You mean besides all of the things they're *not* supposed to play with (electrical cords, silverware, keys, the garbage, etc.)? :gah: :laughing:

    My guys really liked (and still like) books, flash cards, and toy cell phones. They play with just about every toy they have, but these seem to be the ones that they come back to time and again. They also really like the kitchen cabinet filled with toy pots/pans, Tupperware, plastic cups and measuring spoons. :) I think that anything that looks "real" (like an adult version of something) is a big hit because they feel like they're getting away with something when they are allowed to play with it. ;)
  3. rebekahj

    rebekahj Well-Known Member

    My boys are younger than your kids, but they are just gaga over a new toy that I got them because it was such a big hit with a whole range of kids at a playdate --The FP laugh and learning house It's pricy and big but my two have already used it enough for the cost. :)

    Other favorites - an old TV remote with the batteries removed, a big red wagon that they put toys in and push around the room, plastic bowls and tubs, Vtech 'First Laptop'
  4. ainsleyr

    ainsleyr Well-Known Member

    I have the Fisher Price learning farm, which they love. I also find that they like grown up things, like the PP's have said - I have 2 old cell phones which they love, & a dedicated kitchen draw filled with measuring cups & spoons, wooden spoons, tupperware, muffin tins etc. They also really love toy trains (there is a FP one that they can push & it makes a steam train noise, they LOVE it!), & ride on toys. Now that summer is coming they are back outside & they love their little tykes slide. I bought them a water table from Step2 this year, so we'll see how that goes down.
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine loved old cell phones and remotes. We also have the Fisher Price Musical Zoo that they loved, Playskool ride on car that could be converted to a walker, balls, they were just starting to get into drawing (we had the Tadoodles crayons), bubbles lawnmower, shopping cart.
  6. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    Mine loved musical stuff at that time They loved playing on their little drum or their little guitars. My 13 month old is loving the push toys... Like the shopping cart or baby strollers.
  7. SarahONeill

    SarahONeill Member

    I don't really think mine have absolute favourites yet either. Much like yours they just love to climb all over the furniture. But they both really love their books. One in particular seems to be able to sit for ages just perusing the pages of his peekaboo books or babybug magazine (which I think is a great magazine for kids by the way in case no one has heard of it (sorry, I'm not in the states anymore so I'm a bit out of touch)).

    We recently bought them a collapsable tunnel from IKEA and they get a really big kick out of that. They don't play with it for hours, but they get a real laugh when they do.

    Oh, we also got them a Leapfrog musical table which they have used since about six months. Lots of different musical sounds and tunes. It has detachable legs and went from being on the floor, to when they started standing I put the table legs on....which lasted until they started climbing onto the table, and then the table legs came off again! :rolleyes: But they really like that actually. If only because they go over and start the banjo playing frog and then turn to me to wait and hear me either singing or being totally daft doing this OTT clapping thing when I don't know the words to the song.
  8. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    FP Laugh and Learn House, FP Laugh and Learn piano, and the Playskool ball popper.
  9. skybluepink02

    skybluepink02 Well-Known Member

    The laugh and learn house and the busy ball popper are huge hits with us. I think they like the house so much because they can play with it together. One gets on one side of the door and one gets on the other and they just giggle and laugh at each other.
  10. kdanielleflowers

    kdanielleflowers Well-Known Member

    This sounds really simple, but my girls love bouncy balls. Not the little ones that they could put in their mouths and choke on, and not the super big ones (well they do like those too). I found that the best sized ball for their little hands is in...wait for it...the pet department! They love to bounce them, collect them, carry them around. Now when we go to target, we get out of the car and the first thing I hear is "ball, ball, ball" as they point to the big red concrete balls out front.
  11. hsuter

    hsuter Well-Known Member

    push toys, fp piggy bank, ball pit, stacking and sort board, puzzles, books
  12. trudyhm@att.net

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    This has been, and still is, a huge hit here - Pooh ride-on
  13. irisflower

    irisflower Well-Known Member

    Picture books of animals or vehicles, toy cars, dumptrucks,school buses, ride-on toys,Looking outside the window at cars, trucks, schoolbuses..., hiding under a large blanket like making a fort.
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