What toys, blankies are in their cribs....

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by littletwinmom, Oct 15, 2007.

  1. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member

    So right now all we have ever had in their cribs are two small stuffed animals each. We have no bumpers, no blankets, no special crib toys like the aquarium thing, etc. They go to bed great at night, and of course fuss in the morning til we come get them.

    I never bought the aquarium light show thing, or other toys like that mostly because of the expense, but also because I figure if they don't need it, what good would it be to put in their at this point? I do want to get a few more little toys just so there is something new in there to mess around with when they wake to keep them occupied maybe, but just wondered if there's an advantage I haven't thought of to having the more musical/light toys in the crib? A girl in my twin club is selling them for a great price, but I just didn't know if there was any point since they do so well.

    Also, now that it's getting a little cooler out (we're in Texas, so I do mean just a little cooler!), are they big enough that I can put a blanket in there with them? My aunt crocheted two nice blankets, about 2x2 feet, that i thought my work. Since they are crocheted, there's lots of air holes or whatever you want to call it, so I think they'd be OK. What are you putting in their cribs to keep them warm, or do you just stick with warm jammies?


  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I would have felt fine putting blankets in with my girls at that age, except my babies did NOT like blankets on them. My girls have had a few soft toys/stuffed animals in their cribs for months now. I don't remember exactly when I put them in, but I do know I waited for them to be rolling well and sitting up.
  3. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We have the aquarium things in both cribs and the boys actually enjoy playing with them. They like to turn the music on and off and there are some buttons on the front too that they play with. I also have some chew beads and a small book that they can chew on. But mostly now they like to pull up and stand and look into the others crib.

    I never did blankets with my older DD and we lived in the Northeast at the time. I found it was just easier to do footed pjs like the ones from the Childrens Place. And its still hot here in FL so no need.
  4. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't do a crocheted blanket because their little fingers and toes can get all wrapped up and stuck in the holes. You'd be better off with just a cozy regular blanket. They are perfectly safe at this age IMO.

  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We started putting loveys in their cribs at about 6 months, but no blankets till 1 yr. Even then, the blankets don't do much to keep them warm, since they sleep on top of them. :D For warmth, we use fleece jammies and sleep sacks. They actually do fine even though we keep it pretty cool in the house (around 60 at night).

    I agree that the crocheted blankets with holes are probably more risky than a regular blanket (sorry).

    As far as entertainment, we don't have any -- they entertain themselves pretty well by chatting (though this did not start until more like 14 months). And when I put them in their cribs, I want them to go to sleep, not to play. I let Amy go down for her nap with a book once, and she didn't nap at all -- which hardly ever happens, so it wasn't an incentive to do it again.
  6. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    I'm a fan of the aquariums! we just have one, but it'll put B to sleep so nicely! He loves watching those little fish- and he'll just drift off! As far as blankets, at night I just do warm sleepers, but during naps, they'll get a blankie or other stuffed lovey if they're fussy, but I can keep an eye on them througout the nap, so I feel more comfortable with it.
  7. AandKtwins

    AandKtwins Well-Known Member

    We have the Baby Einstein aquarium on each crib. The girls have loved them since they were really little. I don't always turn them on, but when I do I think it helps them relax while they watch it & fall asleep easy. And they like to play w/ the buttons sometimes too. For the past couple months I've been putting their lovey & a little stuffed elephant in w/ them when they nap. One of my daughters loves her elephant & they other could care less whether it's there or not. Neither one shows much interest in their lovey. I guess it depends on the baby.
  8. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the posts about getting fingers stuck in the crocheted blankies...hadn't thought of that!

    Jennifer :)
  9. dawnmj

    dawnmj Well-Known Member

    We took the bumpers off around this time but we still just had their pacifier and a little lovie type blanket that is a square tha tis about 12-14" around. After a year not sure when I put a teddy bear with each of them. Still haven't done blankets.
  10. txsweetie

    txsweetie Well-Known Member

    We have a blanket and their lovey. I keep little books in their crib which I put in there after they go to sleep so they can play with them in the morning (and it makes no noise so they don't wake up their sibling while they play). I did blankets and their bear (lovey) probably when they are 4 months old or was it 6 months?! Also they sleep in footed pj's.

    BTW, I'm from Texas and my name is Jennifer too! What part of Texas are you from? I'm down here in South Texas.
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