What to do with the live-in nanny when puttin the girls in a daycare centre for 2 days a week?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Heena, Feb 4, 2009.

  1. Heena

    Heena Well-Known Member

    Hi Ladies,

    I have a live in nanny & she's great but it seems my girls need to interact with other kids away from us. I'm afraid they will be left behind when it's time to join school as they will need time to adjust to the outside life. I have found a day care that will take them 2 days a week but I don't know how to and what to tell her. She's great & really don't want to lose her at this stage as I'm thinking of having another child. I can't afford to pay for both the nanny & the daycare! What do you suggest?

  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    It doesn't seem like you can have them both, unless there's a way to cut expenses somewhere else. How long has she lived with you? Would there be an option to have her keep living with you, but pay her less of a salary since she will be having more days off per week (assuming she agrees to that)?
  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Is there a way to involve her in a playgroup with other kids? Just a thought. Have her take them somewhere where they'd have some social interaction in a scheduled environment?
  4. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    Talk to her first, but you might see if you could pay her a little less but help her find a side job while the twins are in day care. She might like to spend some time around another family and different kids, just to keep her on her toes :)

    Or you could look for some interactive activities besides daycare that she could take them to. In our area there are playgroups at our local community center and library story hours where kids can get used to being in a group. Some fun, low key movement or music classes are also good places for little ones to start to get comfortable with other kids.
  5. rissakaye

    rissakaye Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If you can't pay for daycare and the nanny, what were you planning on doing the other 3 days during the week?

    There are alot of options for socialization outside of a traditional daycare or preschool. My best friend is a nanny that I met at storytime at the library. We get our kids together at the zoo (we both have passes), at story time (we know of at least 4 different ones in the area) or just at the park. We've done lots together by ourselves or including other moms and kids. And honestly, the cost has been minimal. I've also done zoo classes with the kids. Mine are now in an art program.

    Your nanny might have trouble at first fitting in with the moms. My friend had a lot of trouble with mom's that thought she was less than them because she was just the nanny, but I didn't care and we've found more moms that didn't care either.

  6. skybluepink02

    skybluepink02 Well-Known Member

    What about something in the middle? Have your nanny take them to group situations, where they can get the interaction and still be with the nanny. Arrange for library story time, little gym, playgroups, ect.
  7. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    How old are your twins? If they are under 3, I would say whatever socialization they have with the nanny, and maybe a storytime and the library is enough. Many kids only socialize with siblings before they hit preschool age. If they are 3 or over, instead of daycare, why don't you look for a preschool program. That is usually MUCH cheaper than daycare, and will give them the socialization they need--it will also give your nanny a 2 hour break where she could take care of things in the house if you need it.
  8. Heena

    Heena Well-Known Member

    Thanks for yr replies.

    I work full time and the nanny does not drive....main problem! Also I tried having the mums togehter from our area but no one seems to be interested!! I even said to host them myself! I moved from UK just before the girls were born so I dont have many friends here in Canada. I am going to take them to Gymanstics from March and swimming. I will try the library & see.

    Thanks for the suggestions.
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