what to do with the girls while in the hospital with baby #3

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by sistersbeall, Oct 26, 2010.

  1. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    Ok so I am scheduled c section for Monday Nov. 1st (YAY!!!) but I am trying to figure out what to do with the twins. These are my two options.....

    1. Get my dad and his girlfreind to come stay at the house with the girls while I am in the hospital, and then when we all come home they can go spend a couple of nights at their house.

    2. They go to my dad's house on Sunday and don't come home until Friday.

    I like option one better for a couple of reasons....they can come see me and baby in the hospital, this schedule would not disrupt their daily lives all that much, they would get to be home when the baby comes home, and I just don't really want them gone away from home and their surroundings for five days. I figure bringing new baby home is gonna be enough of a transition.....I don't want to make it any harder on myself or them.

    What would you do???
  2. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    First off, CONGRATS for having a date!! :yahoo: I think you're right, option 1 is probably the best way to go.

    For us my friend was able to stay during the day to watch the kids and my husband went home at night to stay with them. Once I got out of the hospital my friend still came over and helped out during the day but we were okay at night.

    Good luck and I hope everything goes smoothly!!
  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    My twins just went to their grandma/pa's house which is 4 miles away and they came visiting every day!

    Option one is the best if your dad would be flexible like that! Good luck!
  4. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    I think if he would come to your house, that would be the easiest on the girls.
  5. eehrlich

    eehrlich Well-Known Member

    i had the same concerns. in the end some friends picked up the girls from daycare, fed them dinner and then slept at our house with them. by the morning, baby was born and dad took over. he brought them to visit in the hospital and dropped them at daycare. he spent the day with me and the baby at the hospital and then picked them up at daycare and spent the night at home (lucky guy). i cam home the following day, so there was minimal disruption to their routine. but i was more worried about how that would work out than anything else. i'd go with option number 1. good luck!
  6. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies. We hav gotten it all figured out where option 1 is what we are going with. My in-laws are going to be able to help for the first two days to give my dad a break, and then my dad will take over.
  7. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    When I had baby #3 my parents watched the twins while I was in the hospital. When we came home they watched them the first night and then I was on my own.
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