What to do when they are having little accidents all day long?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by christie76, Sep 18, 2011.

  1. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    One of my girls has been potty trained for over a month now. She was doing great in the beginning and I've noticed in the last couple of weeks, she'll wet her undies just a little before she goes on the potty. It seems like she's doing it almost every time. Any advice on helping her to hold it until she gets to the potty? She doesn't seem upset by it at all. She will take her undies off sometimes and want new ones. She does great with poop. Hasn't had an accident with that since the beginning.

  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It might just be that she's getting a little busy and thinks she has more time to wait then she really does. Or isn't realizing that a little pee has already come out. My DD has had a couple of accidents like that, one just recently and she's been PT-ed for over a year. I just tell her that it's okay to stop what you are doing and go, her fun will be there she is done using the potty.
  3. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Are you still telling/reminding her to use the potty frequently? Sometimes kids can become over-reliant on you reminding them and get lazy about paying attention to the feeling of needing to go.

    I also agree with Nancy that she might just be trying to hold on till the last minute because she doesn't want to miss anything/give up what she's playing with.
    When my big girls potty trained Bryony had a lot of accidents like you are describing and it was down partly to her needing to learn to leave herself enough time to get to the potty and partly to not wanting to leave whatever she was doing. I just told her each time that she should try hard to get to the potty before her wee came out and that her toys would be waiting when she was done. It didn't last that long (I think only a few weeks).
  4. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    My DS was like this. We potty trained the end of April and he was like that for quite a few months. It drove me insane. I would do so much underwear wash because it was just a little bit. He'd come running to me and we'd run to the bathroom but he'd already gone a little. He could hold it all night and naps and no issue with poop just that little bit of pee. Seriously drove me nuts. I wondered if he would ever outgrow it. Sure enough this month (September!) it has just stopped. I have always made a point of reminding them to tell me when they need to go or if one is going ask if the other one needs to go. I think it's just a physical thing. Reaching "that" point for some kids just doesn't always happen right away. I would just try to praise her like crazy when her undies are dry and not make a huge deal when they're a little wet. I would always say oh :( your undies got wet. Let's get a new pair and keep those dry. Always positive. LOL It has paid off but I felt like hitting my head against a brick wall. LOL
  5. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    perhaps it is taking her too long to manage her clothes or get up on a stool or potty seat? If that's the case, I would try loose fitting pants/skirts and see if it helps.
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