what to do what to do on PT tonight

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Gin Elliott, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. Gin Elliott

    Gin Elliott Well-Known Member

    We are giving it another try and the kids thru there daipers away this morning, Brianna wanted them so made but I made a big deal of it that she is a big girl....and so far today she has gone twice on the potty..no messes...and even dry during nap time..the first time I was on the floor with Brandon while I was cleaning him up she sat down and went and then I made a big deal when I woke her up that she was dry and I told her we are going to sit on the potty and go and she did within a few min. so should I not put a daiper on her tonight, she really loves her diapers..I dont want to have to start all over with her again...and as far as brandon he has went twice but the first time he stopped and then went into the potty and within 20 min he went again...and many more messed after that...I was so pround he was dry when he got up from nap so I sat him there for 10 min and nothing...so I set the timer and told him in 20 min we will try again...well we did and in 3 min he went .....so I can see her I think doing good tonight but not him.....what do you think I really am not going to give up this time...

    Diapers or no Diapers tonight???? First day of PT again..we took a 3 week break and it seems so much better this time...well atleast for Brianna...please any advise and thanks so much...
  2. Gin Elliott

    Gin Elliott Well-Known Member

    We are giving it another try and the kids thru there daipers away this morning, Brianna wanted them so made but I made a big deal of it that she is a big girl....and so far today she has gone twice on the potty..no messes...and even dry during nap time..the first time I was on the floor with Brandon while I was cleaning him up she sat down and went and then I made a big deal when I woke her up that she was dry and I told her we are going to sit on the potty and go and she did within a few min. so should I not put a daiper on her tonight, she really loves her diapers..I dont want to have to start all over with her again...and as far as brandon he has went twice but the first time he stopped and then went into the potty and within 20 min he went again...and many more messed after that...I was so pround he was dry when he got up from nap so I sat him there for 10 min and nothing...so I set the timer and told him in 20 min we will try again...well we did and in 3 min he went .....so I can see her I think doing good tonight but not him.....what do you think I really am not going to give up this time...

    Diapers or no Diapers tonight???? First day of PT again..we took a 3 week break and it seems so much better this time...well atleast for Brianna...please any advise and thanks so much...
  3. Gin Elliott

    Gin Elliott Well-Known Member

    OOOOOO one more thing how many of you let them drink more to make them go more OR only had them drink during there meals for less messes etc.....Thanks
  4. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    I did it both ways with my first two. With dd we trained at day, diaper at night then eventually took diaper away.

    Ds we trained day adn night together. Personally, I will do both at once because it was easier for me. I hat Potty training and don't like it stretched out so long.
  5. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Day training and night training are two different things. The child has control over the daytime, and the body has control at night. I would continue with the diapers at night until she stays dry for a week.
  6. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    I agree with Sharon. While she might know the feeling during the day it's harder for them at night. I also would keep a diaper or pull-up on her until she is dry for a week. You can even make a chart for her to make it more fun and so she can see her progress.

    Then I would recommend investing in a couple of good mattress protectors. I have some that I got at Target that are flat (not fitted) and I keep one over the sheets and another under the fitted sheet in case of night-time accidents. Keeping two on the bed makes for easier and quicker cleanup at 3am.
  7. nbgmom

    nbgmom Well-Known Member

    As others have said night and day training are 2 totally different things. My oldest was just over 3years old when he was day trained an trained really fast. But he is now 4.5yrs old and still wears a pull up to bed. We put diapers on him for bed after he was day trained, but we knew the twins were coming soon and wanted him to know he was a big boy, so we switched to pull ups. He has stayed dry up to a week at a time, but more often then not wakes up wet in the morning. We don't make a big deal out of it. He takes off his own pull up and wipes himself off. If it is dry we always tell him what a great job he did. We also reuse them once if he was dry. May sound gross, but the cost of pullups, plus diapers for our twins gets costly. Good luck on the PT.
  8. Gin Elliott

    Gin Elliott Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much..I end up putting a pullup on and they where both soaked....Brianna didnt like it but brandon could care less...

    She did very well for her first day....she went 4 times out of 4 on the potty...and brandon went 2 out 20 times.....he just goes so often...I just wonder if he starts and then holds it and doesnt empty all the way..
    Thanks again for all the help...I just really didnt want to confuse them with it at night.
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