my girls are 20 months and still have two naps...9:30-10:30 and 2:30 - 4. my one wants to stop the morning so i guess its past time anyway.. but do i combine them and make it at like 1pm???
When Spencer dropped a nap, he kept pretty much the same time as his previous 2nd nap... 2:30. But you could play it by ear and see how it goes. Maybe move it up a little bit, but then expect that the one nap will probably go longer than either nap had before. I don't remember the nap times for my older kids.
When we first switched to one nap (around 14 months), my boys got up around 6:30, had their nap around Noon, then went to bed around 7:30. It took them a few weeks to adjust and they were really sleepy and hard to keep awake until the Noon nap during that adjustment. Gradually they were able to do the nap later. Now at 2, their schedule is 7ish wake up, 1pm nap (1.5-2 hours), 7:45 bedtime. I would say a 1pm nap may be a bit hard to keep them awake for at first. You may need to do it earlier than that for a bit, and maybe even an earlier bedtime to make up for it for a bit, too. You can eventually aim for that 1pm time, just know that it may take some tinkering to find what works best for them. Even 15 minutes can make a big difference, at least for my boys.
When we dropped to 1 nap it went from 1pm to noon. I gradually bumped it back to 1 as they got more and more used to it.
I was the same as everyone else. When we first switched they went for their nap around 11:30/12:00 with an earlier bedtime. Gradually, we pushed the nap back to 1:00. Try a time that makes sense to you & then adjust from there as needed. :good:
When we went to one nap, and even now at just over two, nap time was at 11:30-12. My boys are up around 6-6:30 though, so they are ready for a nap around 11:30-12. Nap at daycare is 12, and they are down for the night at 6:30-6:45.
When my girls dropped a nap, it was the afternoon one they dropped, so we gradually moved it from 10 to 11 and then made a big jump to noon. Lately, though (when I get them to nap) it's been more like 1 which works well for us.
When we moved to one nap it was 11/11.30 am with lunch afterwards and it took us a while to move to 12.30/13 pm with lunch before the nap.
Our one nap is generally at 1pm, but like many others that started more like 11 or 11:30 and gradually pushed it back. But that required an earlier bedtime and more fussiness than usual for a few weeks. It also took my boys a few months to extend their nap. They usually did 2, 2 hour naps but when we went to one it more more like 1.5 hours at the beginning. Now they often do 3 hours!!
I think you will have to find a time that works for them. They started not wanting to nap in the afternoon. My kids go down for their nap at 11h30 and sleeps until 14h00 most day, but it took a couple of weeks to settle into a good routine. They are up at 6h30/7h00. I also made bedtime earlier depending on how they napped during the day, some days as early as 6pm.
I found my daughter sleeps the longest when I put her down around 2 pm. Earlier than that and she is up 45 Mins later. Right now I'm trying to move it back around ten minutes or so a day gradually to get her used to taking a long nap at around one pm. So there are lots of different times and methods
My boys are usually ready for a nap right after lunch. They are usually down no later than 1:00, but sometimes are ready as early as 12:30.