what time do you give your last bottle in relation to "dinner"

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by elhardy26, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    So here's what's happening... the girls wake up from nap around 2:30,
    4/4:30 - 6oz bottle
    5:00 - solids/dinnner of meat/veggie and yogert/fruit
    5:30 bath
    6:00 play a little
    6:30 - 6oz bottle (or try for it but they usually don't drink it all)

    it seems like I"m trying to cram all this food in between 4:30 and 6:30... i think i need to cut and/or re-distribute the bottles at the end of the day so they're not getting so stuffed and then refusing the second bottle or puking anyway.

    i'm wondering what everyone's food schedule is like for 10-12 month olds... TIA for your help
  2. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    Mine are almost 10 months old and here is their schedule.

    7 bottle
    8 breakfast
    11ish lunch
    12 bottle
    3 snack
    5:30 bottle
    6:30 dinner
    7:30 bed. They don't get a bottle before bedtime. They weren't drinking it so we cut it out. It's so nice to bathe them right after dinner and put them right in bed!
  3. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(sharerc @ Feb 26 2009, 02:26 PM) [snapback]1206743[/snapback]
    7:30 bed. They don't get a bottle before bedtime. They weren't drinking it so we cut it out. It's so nice to bathe them right after dinner and put them right in bed!

    yes! that's what i'm wondering, if they would be okay without the bottle before bedtime... t.u.
  4. LouiseP

    LouiseP Active Member

    How do you guys get them to eat enough formula with the meals?
    I am dealing with this right now. Sometimes it seems that we don't make that
    24 oz. mark, so we've only been giving one solid a day.

    I, too, feel like I'm cramming it in!
  5. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    I'm having a hard time getting my girls to drink their bottles too. Here is our schedule.

    7am- bottle
    8am- breakfast
    11:30am- lunch
    2:30pm- bottle
    5pm- dinner
    7pm- bottle

    They've been drinking the 2:30pm bottle, but it's a chore to get half a bottle in them for the other 2 feedings. I cut down on the solids to see if they would drink more and it's not happening.
  6. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Could you maybe not give them the bottle at 4:30? Maybe move it up til 3 or they could just drop it?
  7. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(LouiseP @ Feb 26 2009, 04:37 PM) [snapback]1206876[/snapback]
    How do you guys get them to eat enough formula with the meals?
    I am dealing with this right now. Sometimes it seems that we don't make that
    24 oz. mark, so we've only been giving one solid a day.

    I, too, feel like I'm cramming it in!

    Mine are lucky to get 18 ounces of BM in and it's been this way since they were 9 months old. The pediatrician wasn't concerned about it at their 9 month check. She said as long as they are eating 3 meals and eating them well, they are fine.
  8. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    Ours are almost 10 months, and I'm kinda wondering about that last feeding/extra ebm too...

    7-7:30a - breastfeed
    8a breakfast
    11:30a breastfeed
    12:00p lunch
    3:30p breastfeed
    4:30p dinner
    7p breastfeed
    bath then little play then bed by 8:30p

    sometimes I try to feed them again right before bed... my girl isn't usually interested, but usually sleeps all night.
    my boy... he'll keep drinking if its offered... sometimes I give him an expressed breastmilk 3oz bottle, sometimes I've been dreamfeeding him at 10p.

    I just keep trying whatever it takes to get that full night's sleep! Good luck!
  9. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    i spoke to our pedi today and he says that 16 oz is enough formula/milk for this age. so I think that we'll drop the 6:30 bottle and just do bottles at 7am, 11:30am, and 4:00 with three solid meals. what do you think?

    We're trying to introduce more finger foods, it seems impossible that they will soon be eating table food and not purees, we seem so far from that point right now but hopefully we'll get there....
  10. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    Liz, I think that schedule looks fine. You might want to wait a little later on the last bottle though. As far as finger foods, mine are not on any purees at this point. They eat all table food, most of it being food they can feed themselves. It's so much easier than doing baby food IMO. But I was making their baby food.
  11. alexafaeh

    alexafaeh Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(1stTimeMom26 @ Feb 26 2009, 06:11 PM) [snapback]1207358[/snapback]
    i spoke to our pedi today and he says that 16 oz is enough formula/milk for this age. so I think that we'll drop the 6:30 bottle and just do bottles at 7am, 11:30am, and 4:00 with three solid meals. what do you think?

    We're trying to introduce more finger foods, it seems impossible that they will soon be eating table food and not purees, we seem so far from that point right now but hopefully we'll get there....

    Liz....yes you're afternoon bottle you did pretty late was probably interfering with evening bottle/dinner.

    we used to have a mid afternoon bottle around 2:30 or 3pm (when they woke from pm nap), then suddenly started to eat less milk, so it went down from 7oz at 3pm to now none, so I just give them a little snack and water in afternoon and do their dinner latest at 5:30pm, meaning solids, we're having a mix of pureed food and fingerfood, as they are still trying out all fingerfood and don't eat enough without the pureed food.

    they do not drink much formula during dinner, which is fine with me, then it won't fill them up before eating real food, so they finish their evening bottle while we do their einstein routine in PJ around 6:30 and then straight to bed.

  12. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    it is ok now that they wont take no more then 6oz at a feed?
    this is our schedule

    bottle wake up 6-6:0am-wont no more then 2 or 3 oz
    cereal/fruit -7am -rest of the formula 2 oz in the cereal and finish the bottle by 8am
    nap between 9:30am/10am
    Lunch veggie/fruit -11:00-11:00am-
    bottle 12:30pm -6 oz
    Dinner 4:30pm
    Bottle 6:00pm -bed 6:30pm

    We really have a hard time getting them to finish the bottles now-I really try to get as much formula as we can in the meals-
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