What time are your 2 year olds going to bed?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Ericka B, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    Ever since the boys started climbing out of their cribs it is virtually impossible for me to get them to bed. I put them in, they climb out, this can go on for hours starting at about 7:30. Dh gets home from night school at 10 and they are still up and he has to go in and lay down the law. I don't know if they really listen to him any better or if they are just completely exhausted by that time. I KNOW I AM!!!!! I have no time to relax, I litterally fall into bed so I can get up for work in the morning. I am at the end of my rope with them I don't know what else to do PLEASE HELP!!!
  2. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    CRIB TENTS!!! Get thee to the nearest BRU and buy them NOW! They will get you at least another year of peace.
  3. TeeandGee

    TeeandGee Well-Known Member

    Our girls are still in their cribs. They go to bed at 7pm (if it is a special occasion, like going to nana & papa's house, we may not put them to bed until after 8pm). 99% of the time though, they are in bed at 7pm.

    I am sure this will all change once they are in "big girl" beds.
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    My girls go in around 7, or closer to 7:30 if they had a long nap.

    If mine were climbing like that, I would get some tents for sure. :hug:
  5. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    :hug: Just before two I tried big kid beds. All my other kids went to big beds around that same age. Well, it was a disaster with these two. They spent more time out of bed then in them. So I gave up. Only because I could. If I had stuck with it, it probably would have taken a good week or two until they figured out I mean business about them staying in bed. For now, they go to bed around 6:30 and get up around 6:30. They still take a good 1-2 hour nap in the afternoon, too.

    If they are truly crawling out and you don't want to do tents, I'd go with the bed and buckle down about them staying in them. I start by sitting in the doorway until they fall asleep, then move down the hall, etc. These two are probably past ready now, and I need to tackle that big bed anyday (yep, trying to talk myself into it!).
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Crib tents!!! Until you get those. I would sit in there in the dark. As soon as they stand up to get out, I would (w/o words) put them back down and continue. Don't ever let them LEAVE the crib. Then I would re-evaluate what time they are napping. If they are napping till 4:00 - it's probably TOO late. They probably need to finish napping for the day at 3:00 or earlier if that's the time already...

    I would be LOSING MY MIND, so I hope you find a way to figure it out!!

    Another idea would be to baby proof the room and then let them climb out - put a gate over the door and then let them climb out. When they pass out, you can put them back...? Just brainstorming!
  7. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Our bedtime is 8pm. I agree with pp's, if my girls were climbing out, I'd get crib tents too. GL and :hug:
  8. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    we have cribs with crib tents, mine go to bed at 7pm.
  9. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    Another recommendation for crib tents. I was so against them only because I thought my son would freak out but I cant tell you how much he loves it! My boys go to bed too late which is 9. I need to get them to bed earlier but they go down for late naps and sleep long which is my fault...I need to wake them.
  10. Stinkpea

    Stinkpea Well-Known Member

    Sleep sacks. They can't lift their legs to climb out of the crib.

    They have saved me so far.... we haven't had to have crib tents. And wearing them is part of their nighttime ritual.
  11. kajulie

    kajulie Well-Known Member

    we converted to toddler beds about a month ago. I guess we are really lucky because they don't get out of bed. They know how to get in and out. but i guess they haven't yet figured out or realized that they could just get out any time they wanted. When they wake in the morning, they call for us still to come get them.

    We get our jammies on, then watch dora at 7. it ends about 7:25, then we brush teeth and get into beds. Read a couple books, sing a couple sings, then sleep. Usually i walk out of their room just about 8, and they are asleep within 10 minutes.
  12. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    Jack and Lily are put in their cribs at about 7:30pm and Jack is asleep immediatly whereas Lily may talk to herself and roll around a bit playing with her loveys. They nap at 2pm and some days go untl 4:30 or 4:45 (at which point I wake them). They still go to bed at 7:30 even when they nap late. They sleep until 7 or 7:30am. If I were you I would get the crib tents as pp suggested. I do not envy your situation and dread the day we are there also.
  13. PetiteFleur

    PetiteFleur Well-Known Member

    Mine go to bed at 7:30, sometimes closer to 8 if we're out. They haven't climbed out of their cribs yet. I think mine would love crib tents if they needed them. They would think it's a "fort", I'm sure. They go down for their nap at 1pm, but sometimes don't fall asleep until 2. Somedays, I have to wake one of them up by 4 or 4:30, but it never seems to effect their bedtimes.
  14. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Mine go to bed at 7.30 most night but their daddy laid down the law that once they in bed they DONT get out. Its a pity it doesnt work in the morning as they get out of bed at 5.30 :eek: every day! I think what all pps have suggested are great ideas x
  15. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Mine are technically two, but will be three in a few weeks.

    They go to bed at 9pm. N is often still awake at 10, but asleep by 10.15. On nights I put them to bed closer to 8:30 we have a full hour of wild rumpus. Nights they go to bed closer to 9, they have about 15m of rumpus (silly, but not wild).

    We have a non-traditional schedule, b/c they aren't ready to nap until after 2pm, so are napping 2:00-5pm. One boy could make the day without a nap, the other isn't ready. They are both taking naps fine, and we're enjoying the family time in the evenings (I work 3 days/wk). It works for us. We'll go back to a normal schedule once they give up naps.
  16. my2littlebubbas

    my2littlebubbas Well-Known Member

    I had this nightmare too when mine started to climb out of their cribs. We didn't want crib tents, so we made the switch to big boy beds and I ended up having to put a child proof doorknob on the inside of their bedroom door because they would get out in the middle of the night and explore the house. My guys go to bed at 8:00, usually sleeping in 15-20 minutes now.
  17. JennaPa

    JennaPa Well-Known Member

    My girls are just short of 3 yo and they're in bed between 7:30 and 8:00. Sleep sacks saved us for the longest time. That and using a very firm voice when I saw the leg going up to climb. We've had no climbing at all. We plan to transitition shortly after their birthdays in April - not looking forward to it. I like that I know where they are at bedtime.
  18. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Mine are going to bed at 7:30, although tonight it was 7:45... opps.

    I wish it was was 7 though. It would be nice to have more quiet time at night.
  19. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    We moved to toddler beds at 16 months. We went through about 2 weeks of them waking and running in the room to get in bed with us. I put an end to that REAL quick! Shut the door, and put a baby gate up just in case they could open the door. Well at first they were just to short to open the door. Now they can reach the knob, but still can't turn it, so we're good just shutting the door.

    As for staying in the bed, really, I could care less if they sleep IN the bed, or on the floor, or as I've sometimes found them, head on the bed with legs hanging over the edge.. They're asleep, that's all I care about.

    We never did crib tents. We had another baby coming that needed the crib, I wasn't about to buy a 3rd crib for the house! They've done remarkably well with their toddler beds, and now (at 26 months) are starting to climb in/out of their brother's crib. I'd have gone insane if I kept them in their cribs and had to deal with that.
  20. aandax246

    aandax246 Well-Known Member

    Just a tag on here - but do they make these tents that fit twin beds? The boys have been out of their cribs for several months - they were climbing out of the cribs by 18 months and unfortunately we had never heard of crib tents so we went to twin beds. They did so well in the twin beds with rails for a couple of months - laid them down and they would stay - and now suddenly they are up and out of bed almost as soon as they are in. These tents sound like they might solve our problem if they can be used on twin beds as well. Thanks.
  21. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(SCK1 @ Mar 1 2009, 08:01 PM) [snapback]1210628[/snapback]
    Just a tag on here - but do they make these tents that fit twin beds? The boys have been out of their cribs for several months - they were climbing out of the cribs by 18 months and unfortunately we had never heard of crib tents so we went to twin beds. They did so well in the twin beds with rails for a couple of months - laid them down and they would stay - and now suddenly they are up and out of bed almost as soon as they are in. These tents sound like they might solve our problem if they can be used on twin beds as well. Thanks.

    The size of a crib mattress is what the tents are made for. I dont think it would work on a twin bed because the child would be able to push the sides down as nothing would be there to hold it up. They cant push the side of the tent down when it is on the crib because the crib bars are there.
  22. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    My girls are never the norm. They usually go to bed between 10-10:30 and can absolutely not have a nap after 2 pm or you end up with cranky still awake baby. Which I am currently trying to get to go to sleep. They get up at 7 and usually nap from 12-2. I'm a major night owl and live on about 6-7 hours of sleep a night so they are on the same path.

    My girls have been out of cribs since about 18 months and in twin beds since they turned about 2 1/2.
  23. shgrassman

    shgrassman New Member

    Between 6 and 7 pm and they wake at 7:30 am or so. They love their tents and I love my sleep!


    If the top of your crib rails are too think, Michael's sells velcro extenders that solve the problem. :)
  24. Lynner405

    Lynner405 Well-Known Member

    My older DS is almost 3 and he goes to bed at 9. The time he actually falls asleep depends on how long he napped for. If he doesn't nap he falls right to sleep, and if he napped for a few hours he is up for a while.

    The babies can't get out of their crib yet (knock on wood), but my older DS knows not to get out of bed. He has books that he can look at but no toys (he was getting out of bed and playing with them when he had toys in his room). If we hear him out of bed he gets in trouble. I would definitely be firm with your kids when they get out of their crib....they are old enough to understand consequences IMO. I am like that because I don't want to deal with 3 kids constantly getting out of bed all evening. Maybe you could try putting books in your kids' cribs so they have something to help them wind down.

    You could also try waking your kids up earlier in the morning and bumping up their naptime and see if they are then ready for bed by 7:30. If that doesn't work keep the early schedule and then maybe try putting them to bed a little bit later (even by a 1/2 hour...I know your probably ready for them to be in bed though by 7:30). It's worth a try, they might be tired enough then to fall asleep and not get a second wind in their cribs. I know that is what we had to do with all 3 of mine because they were sleeping in to late, napping to late, and then not falling asleep until 10.
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