What the H E double hockey sticks is going on!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by double-or-nothing, Oct 17, 2007.

  1. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Ok, so for about 2 weeks my dds have had drippy noses off and on. One day they might be drippy the next almost nothing. They had been showing no other symptoms other than the drippy nose (which was usually clear). So a few nights ago, Arwen, who seemed fine all day, goes to sleep and wakes up at about 10pm and pukes her little head off. She is crying hysterically and is scared. She puked up pretty much everything she ate since lunch on. I put her to sleep with me (dh slept in another room) and she was totally fine. She slept pretty well the rest of the night. The next day she seems fine. She wakes up in a great happy mood and remains that way all day. She barely had any drips that day. She goes to bed and at 10:30 again, she wakes up crying hysterically and then throws up. Last night same thing. When she sleeps with me though she is totally fine. Not congested nothing. She sleeps like an angel. Today, she is fine. A couple of drips in the am and then nothing all day. She goes to bed and soon after we put her in, she starts crying hysterically and so I finally say, screw it, and bring her down stairs because dh and I are trying to eat dinner (mind you it's 8:45 :angry: ). I sit her down on her little Dora bed and dh goes over to her and she starts puking. What is going on??? The puke does seem to have a bit of phlem (sp?) in it. Should I bring her to the ped? What are they really going to tell me? Make sure she is getting plenty of fluids, yada yada yada. Should I give her anything? Her appetite seems in tact. Dh suggested that I give her very liquidy type foods tomorrow only (yogurt and what else I have no clue).

    I should mention that for the past few days, during nap times, she always wakes up about 1/2 hour into the nap and starts crying so I take her into my bed and nap with her so that she doesn't disturb Lorien and I'm afraid she is going to throw up again. Help!!!! I am at a loss.
  2. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sounds like post nasal drip. Mine do that a lot. I would try putting a vapor plug in (for children) in their room. That usually helps out a lot!! Or maybe even saline/syringe them before going to bed. My ped said it happens bc they lay down and it all just drips and kids don't know what to do with it so they gag and throw up..

    Hope it goes away soon!
  3. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    I agree it could very well be the post nasal drip. But, suddenly I had to question if she is throwing up due to the big old nasty crying she was doing? Sometimes kids do that, too. So if that were the case, what caused the fierce crying? And did she learn from that first night that that crying got her the attention (I have one on to that deal). Good luck with it. I still wish kids came with instruction manuals.
  4. All Boys

    All Boys Well-Known Member

    I think either way it is a gag trying to resolve. Gregory used to make himself throw up when he cried too hard or suddenly...

    but actually, I have to tell you that Josh had (at about that same age) what sounds exactly like what your Arwen has. In Josh's case, I tried a few things and I think he had a combination of gagging from nasal drip and a little tummy irritation. The tummy irritation/ upset was also part of his cold. When I stopped giving him milk before bed time he did better. I think his upset tummy wasn't handling the milk well (NO idea why), and when he went to lie down, the burps etc couldn't find their way out dry, and caused him to gag and vomit.

    It took me about a month of being on and off the cold to figure it out that stopping the milk at bedtime helped. And in his case, the crying was definitely AFTER the vomit, not before. He did sometimes whimper before, but I think that was him feeling it coming... try to think about what might be easier on the tummy and how close to bedtime is she getting it? And as PP's said, maybe alleviating the nasal drip would help too. If you are uneasy, definitely do not feel strange taking her to the pedi! Good luck, I know how frustrating it is.
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