What skills and knowledge is needed for a successful web3 developer?

Discussion in 'General' started by Uballim, Dec 19, 2024 at 5:22 AM.

  1. Uballim

    Uballim Active Member

    I am currently busy searching for a good and successful WEB3 application developer. What skills and knowledge should he have? Maybe you can recommend someone in particular?
  2. Nerrik

    Nerrik Active Member

    A deep knowledge of blockchain technologies, smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) is important for a successful Web3 application developer. Be sure to read reviews.
  3. Guliver

    Guliver Member

    A Web3 developer should first of all be familiar with programming languages such as Solidity for creating smart contracts on the Ethereum network and JavaScript for front-end and blockchain interactions Regarding specific developers, without knowing the specifics of your project, it is difficult to make a specific recommendation. However, you can consider experts with a proven track record and positive reviews. For example, you can explore the services offered by a company such as Pharos Production https://pharosproduction.com/
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