what should they be eatting/ drinking

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Kristamommy, Jun 25, 2007.

  1. Kristamommy

    Kristamommy Well-Known Member

    ok...so my 1 yr old twins are now only bfeeding one before bed and once in the morning....and i wanted to know if they are getting enough food/drinks for what they need. please let me know what you think.
    here is what we have been eatting and drinking.

    wake at 6 am ish and bfeed
    breakfast at 730 ish 830 ish 1 big bowl of oatmeal with fruit mixed in and some whole milk ( we dont really drink well from our cups) and cerrrios
    am snack at around 10 am 1 full jar of baby food fruit and cerrios and juice or milk
    lunch at 1130 noonish 1-1/2 jars of meats baby food, 1-1/2 jar of veggies baby food, 1-1/2 jar of fruits baby food, cerrios, finger foods, and milk
    snack 330-4 ish 1 jar of fruit baby food
    dinner around 6 pm its the same as lunch
    bedtime oatmeal around 8 pm same as breakfast
    and then nurse at around 830-9 for night time

    please let me know any other finger food ideas? or if i am not feeding them enough?
  2. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Mine were pretty much off baby food by 12 months. They mostly initiated that. Bea refused to eat it anymore, then a month later Ainsley did too. We were on table food by then.
    I guess the amount of food seems fine, maybe a bit much on the fruit (saw that there was fruit at all meals and snacks). I also just served water at meals, except breakfast which was milk, and then a sippy of milk before bed.
    There's a sticky at the top of this forum for toddler meal ideas.
  3. Rose524

    Rose524 Well-Known Member

    mine are almost 13 months old, and i am having a hard time weaning them off of jarred baby food.

    for breakfast they eat oatmeal, milk, and some cheerios to munch on.

    lunch and dinner is usually some sort of jarred food. the only "table food" they will eat so far is:
    waffles, pancakes, toast, frenchtoast, puffs, crackers, cheerios and meatballs.

    i know that is a lot of different starches, but everytime i try regular fruits and veggies, they gag.
    but i keep trying! they are also on whole milk, no more formula for about a month now!

    good luck - i look forward to reading some other tips!
  4. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    It sounds like enough food, although mine were completely off baby food by around 10 months. They eat anything we eat. Your girls might like the variety that more table foods would give them.

    We do 3 meals, 2 snacks (am & afternoon) - no cereal before bedtime...dinner is their final meal.

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