What should I do?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by UD Flyer, Apr 17, 2007.

  1. UD Flyer

    UD Flyer Well-Known Member

    I was planning on waiting until Abby and Kate were 3 to send them to preschool, but then I started thinking that maybe I should send them sooner. (They turn 2 on July 29th.) I want them to go to preschool because I want them to socialize with other children and to learn the business of school.

    I visited a program today that has openings in their Tuesday & Thursday 2 year old program for next year. It is for 2 hours each time. I think the price is reasonable, too. Abby was a little shy when we got there, but then jumped right in when we got to the classroom. She even wanted to hold the teacher's hand when the class walked down the hall to another room! Kate was pretty shy most of the time that we were there. She did go off and play, but she kept an eye on me. Kate even wanted me to carry her some of the time we were in the hallway.

    I am really torn about what to do. If I send them next year am I making them grow up too fast? If I don't send them will I regret it?
  2. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Mine go 1 day a week (3 hours) this year and will go 2 days next year. I think it has been great for them (and me!). I love having a little break every week and they really enjoy going. It's so cute to hear them tell me all about what they did when they come home! they get to be with other children, learn to listen to other adults, have some time away from me, etc. Mine will be in the 2 year old class next year (they'll be almost 3) b/c of their bday. I think they would have done fine with 2 days this year as well. They had trouble the first few weeks with me leaving, but now they don't even say goodbye to me!!!
  3. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I sent my oldest to school at 3 years two half days a week but I think he would have liked going at age 2 at least one day a week. He really enjoyed playing for three hours with his new friends and it was good for him with the whole "mommy separation anxiety" problem he had going on. ;)
  4. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    My boys have basically the same birthday as yours. At 2 we stuck with Gymboree, music, and/or gymnastics classes. I think that that was plenty. Even when they stared at 3, they were a little hesistant. Now they can't wait for K in the fall!
  5. LmSjt915

    LmSjt915 Well-Known Member

    I think I may hold off on preschool for mine until they are closer to 2 1/2-3 yrs. Your girls are about a month in a half older then my girls and I CANNOT believe we are talking preschool already. It blows my mind :( They are growing up way too fast.

    BTW, I love love your avatar. Adorable!
  6. lrothrock1

    lrothrock1 Well-Known Member

    My girls are just a little older than yours, and I started them yesterday! I chose a 1/2 day program for 2 days a week. It went smooth yesterday, and hopefully will continue too! I just recently fired our nanny after 6 months with her, and was feeling like I needed a change for me and the girls. I loved it! I was actually able to get alot done, and not feel like I needed to hurry and get home. They did well also!

    Good luck!
  7. Debb-i

    Debb-i Well-Known Member

    Most kids begin preschool after 3yrs for a variety of reasons. I see a big difference in my kids between 2 and 3 yrs old. My kids did mostly parallel play with other children at 2yrs old. (play next to them). Even though I though it was interative...it's much different than now. From about 2.5yr+, it became much more interactive and they could reason with the concept of taking turns, etc. I don't think that they are missing out at 2yrs with socialization because their skills at that age are not mature yet anyway. At 2yrs, we did playgroups and group classes together. That met our needs but every child/parent is different. Another main reason for school starting at age 3 is that the majority of kids are not potty trained at age 2yrs. I'm assuming that a 2yr old preschool will change their diapers/pull ups.

    Just my personal feelings... I'm starting with 3yr old preschool. I think that 2yrs of preschool before Kindergarten is plenty to prepare them. They have YEARS of school ahead of them! My hubby went an additional 12 years after highschool to become a doctor/dermatologist. But go with your gut. Also if you need the break...I would do it.
  8. carilberry

    carilberry Well-Known Member

    I am in the minority here. I am not sending my 3 year old until she is 4. I figure they are in school for so many years as it is, why start them so early. My kids get plenty of interaction with other kids right now that I don't feel the need to start her in preschool yet. And I am just simply not ready for her to go to school yet!
  9. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    K&K were one month shy of 4 when they began. The timing was perfect for us, I actually almost even skipped that year but got a little push from some friends and family so I went for it. I am glad they pushed me but I do not regret waiting until 4 at all!
  10. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    My son started at 3. 2 days at 3 hours per day. He has done WONDERFUL! He loves school and next year he will go to headstart 4 days a week (1/2 days). My son needs it because he has a speech delay, it's amazing the changes I've seen in him just since he started in February.

    I say go with your gut on this one. if you don't have a lot of interactive activities with other children in your normal routine, I'd say that this is a great opportunity to add socialization into the mix. It will also give you some free time to do some things alone!

    Best of luck in your decision!
  11. Sandsam

    Sandsam Well-Known Member

    I'm sending my girls to preschool this fall when they are 3.

    At 2, they were attending an ECFE class (it's a community ed class with the parent and kids) for socialization. This class was alot cheaper than preschool.

    We have an au pair with our kids all day, so alot of socialization comes from her taking them to this class, playgrounds, etc.
  12. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    We did a Parent and Me class that was for 18 month to 30 month olds. The kids loved it and it was a great introduction for them, plus I got to be there with them. Yesterday, I registered them for Tuesday/Thursday 9-12 classes for the fall. Hopefully they will get in! :)

    I think the decision is totally up to you and what you think is best for them. :)
  13. UD Flyer

    UD Flyer Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(LmSjt915 @ Apr 18 2007, 06:56 AM) [snapback]224882[/snapback]
    BTW, I love love your avatar. Adorable!

    Thanks! I pretty much got the girls to sit still together just long enough to snap the picture!
  14. UD Flyer

    UD Flyer Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Debb-i @ Apr 18 2007, 09:24 AM) [snapback]225009[/snapback]
    Most kids begin preschool after 3yrs for a variety of reasons. I see a big difference in my kids between 2 and 3 yrs old. My kids did mostly parallel play with other children at 2yrs old. (play next to them). Even though I though it was interative...it's much different than now. From about 2.5yr+, it became much more interactive and they could reason with the concept of taking turns, etc. I don't think that they are missing out at 2yrs with socialization because their skills at that age are not mature yet anyway. At 2yrs, we did playgroups and group classes together. That met our needs but every child/parent is different. Another main reason for school starting at age 3 is that the majority of kids are not potty trained at age 2yrs. I'm assuming that a 2yr old preschool will change their diapers/pull ups.

    Just my personal feelings... I'm starting with 3yr old preschool. I think that 2yrs of preschool before Kindergarten is plenty to prepare them. They have YEARS of school ahead of them! My hubby went an additional 12 years after highschool to become a doctor/dermatologist.

    I do see your point about the parallel play. Age 2.5 seems like it would be a better age, but because of the girls' summer birthday they will either start when they are 2 or when they are 3. I was wondering about the potty training thing, too. They do not need to be potty trained to join the 2 year old group.

    But go with your gut. Also if you need the break...I would do it.

    I do need a break! DH travels Sunday night-Friday morning every week. He will continue to do this until December. We do not have any family close by, so we depend on our friends and neighbors for a lot of help right now. The 4 hours they are in school I would be able to schedule appointments, shop, etc. and not have to rely on others to help me with the girls. However, I do not want to base this decision on my needs. I want to make the right decision for Abby and Kate.
  15. UD Flyer

    UD Flyer Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Gabe+2more @ Apr 18 2007, 10:40 AM) [snapback]225149[/snapback]
    I say go with your gut on this one. if you don't have a lot of interactive activities with other children in your normal routine, I'd say that this is a great opportunity to add socialization into the mix.

    We try to socialize with other kids as much as possible. I take them to the library for a story hour once a week. We go to a stroller fitness class 1-2 times per week. After class, we hang out with the other moms & kids. I also try to schedule playgroups with other kids their age a couple of times a month. We do not attend any formal classes like Gymboree because the ones I've contacted in my area require 1 adult per child at class and I do not have anyone to accompany me with the girls. I just wonder if the consistency of preschool would be good for them.
  16. KimM

    KimM Well-Known Member

    I think especially since you have no break, you colud send them for two days. Everybody could use the seperate time, and they will be learning as a bonus. IMO a 2 yr old does not need more than the 2 days, but that is my own opinion.

    Mommy to James and Mia
  17. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I have the girls signed up to start preschool in September, they turn two in August. It is two hours a day, twice a week. I don't feel like it's putting them in "school" or trying to get a jump start on education, or anything formal like that. I am mainly doing it to help their socialization and to give me a small break. They are with me all day, and we do go to library storytime and Gymboree, but they tend to get shy and cling to me. I think it will be good for them.
  18. ihvhope

    ihvhope Well-Known Member

    My kids started pre-school when they turned three for two days and under three hours each day. THEY LOVE IT! It's a short time and they get so much out of it. I've seen the two year class and it looks like they're having a great time and the interaction you'll get with other parents makes it a wonderful experience. I used to be one of those moms that didn't want anything to do with pre-school thinking they have the rest of their lives, but now that I've seen what a great experience it's been for them I'm so happy I went for it.
  19. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    Mine are starting preschool in September. They are four years old. They have been in dance school this past year for the socialization part and so they can listen to another adult other than me and my DH. I have no regrets about keeping them home. Socially, Kelly is a little shy at first but opens up. Kaitlyn is a social butterfly and a chatterbox. The program that they're going into is 2-1/2 hours a day five days a week.

    Bottom line is do what's right for you and your family. :)
  20. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    My oldest has been in a 2 year old program since September of last year (she'll be 3 next month). She really enjoys it (and so does mommy) and has learned a lot. Her speech has gone crazy (she's bilingual so started off a little slow) and she's having the greatest time. She's going 2 full days (usually 8.30 - 4-5pm). In September she'll be going 3 days a week (8-3) at a school literally next to my house, so that will save me a lot of time (they only start at 3). I think it's worth it, but obviously it depends on your child/children.
  21. UD Flyer

    UD Flyer Well-Known Member

    Thanks, ladies, for all of your responses! DH and I are going to sit down and seriously talk about this when he is home this weekend.
  22. micheleinohio

    micheleinohio Well-Known Member

    I think you know your kids best. I wasn't planning on sending mine until they were 3/almost 4 since that would be 2 years of pre-school.

    However, during the summer they were 2.5 I started to notice that they didn't seem to be very social around other kids. I took them to a summer story scavenger hunt hour with other kids once a week and they were very shy. Also, they wouldn't get on the kiddie rides at amusement parks that some kids younger than them jumped right on. I started to call around just to see what was available, still thinking I probably would not send them. However, one of the places I called had an "On My Own" program for 2.5 year olds. It was mostly for socializing with a few learning through play activities throughout the day. I met the teachers and they were very understanding about my concerns regarding how shy they were and how hard it would be for them to separate when we dropped them off. They allowed me to drop them off a few days the week before the classes actually started since it was a calmer time with only a few day care kids.

    They sold me! The boys only took the first week to get past the separation issues and really seemed to enjoy school this year. So I was right there where you are last year and now almost to the end of thier first year of school, I do not regret it at all.

    Good luck with whatever you decide.
  23. PumpkinPies

    PumpkinPies Well-Known Member

    At first, I was going to say that it's not necessary and you should wait if that's what feels right to you. My girls started a 2 morning a week class when they were nearly 2, and now at 4.5 they go 5 mornings a week. We started then largely because DH, who was the SAHD, went back to school.

    Buuuuut, :D after hearing about your DH's travel schedule, I really think you should enroll them. And don't feel guilty about doing it as much for you as for them! They may take a while to adjust, but I think it will be good for the whole family. You will be more refreshed, happier and patient if you can take care of some of your own needs a few hours a week. And, you'll probably be amazed at how they grow and learn.
  24. Saiynee

    Saiynee Well-Known Member

    Mine will start in sept. 3 months shy of their third b-day. I was really unsure whether to do it, I still do have reservations, but decide that they need to socialize with other kids WITHOUT mom or dad. They have a tendancy to cling to me whenever something doesn't go their way, and I want them to learn to be more independant. If it doesn'g go well after a couple of weeks, I will pull them out and try again later on.

    They will be in a tues. Thurs. program, 2.5 hours a day.

    I do have to say though that my girls stopped parellel play before they turned two. The interact and make believe with eachother and their cousins to some extent all the time.
  25. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    Personally I wouldn't send them at age 2. Being sent at age 2 versus age 3 isn't going to make much if any difference in their long-term development. It sounds to me like they see other kids a few times a week anyway. You only have a few short years with your children at home so I'd wait one more year. There are things they need to be learning at this age that they can't learn from other kids and need to learn from an adult role model.
  26. jxnsmama

    jxnsmama Well-Known Member

    In my experience, two years of part-time preschool is fine for preparing kids for kindergarten. Personally, I wouldn't have wanted my kids away from me at 2 years old. At 2, are they really attending "school"? It would have felt more like day care to me.

    My boys attended 2 mornings per week at 3 years old and 3 mornings per week at 4 years old. They are well-socialized, respect authority, and follow directions well, which were my expectations for preschool, so I'm very satisfied.
  27. DWJJ

    DWJJ Well-Known Member

    I also think going to school at age 2.5 is good, but this also depends on your time/financial situation. It is not cheap to send two kids at the same time. Our boys are bilingual and they are not speaking much at 25 months! Both being identical twins and bilingual possibly contribute to their speech delay. We signed them up with daycare for age 2 class this summer hopefully they will get in. Since we both work full time, we can only do either full time at home with a nanny or full time at daycare. The costs of having both (part time) are too high. The full time daycare program for age 2 starts from $900/person in my area. At this age, they will interact with other kids and learn in a social group. The daycare at this age will always include potty train in my area that is another plus.
  28. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    While I agree that there is no point in rushing them into school and that they aren't going to learn loads, or be more advanced than there at home peers at this age. I think in the OP's situation it is a great idea to send them 2 days a week for 2 hours. If you had a nanny, daddy around more or some other time out for Mom, it would be a different situation. But I think the OP will be a much better mommy if she has 4 hours "off" a week to run errrands, do house work, or more importantly relax and indulge herself!

    I work full time now, so my kids are in daycare because of that. DH works part time and cars for them part time. I stayed home their first year and from 9 months to 12 months they started twice a week half day daycare, and I felt like I had come back to life. From birth to 9 months I had been "on" 24hrs a day and wow, what a difference as little as 4 hours a week can make.

    It's not going to be bad for them, if anything it will be good for them, and it will most definately be good for MOM!
  29. UD Flyer

    UD Flyer Well-Known Member

    After talking with DH this weekend, we have decided to wait another year to start preschool. He said he would support whatever decision I made. I gave it a lot of thought, and I just am not 100% sure that it would be the right decision to send them so I am going to wait. Thanks for all of your help!

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