What should I do with Andrew?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by melissao, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    He turned 3 last week and has NO interest in the potty. He will poop in his diaper and then come tell me he's poopy and wants to be changed. He wakes up dry sometimes and I put him on the potty. He'll pee a little bit and then a few minutes later he'll fill up a diaper. I've put him in underwear a few times and he just pees all over the floor. I don't know what to do with him. I'm kind of embarassed that he's 3 and still in a diaper :blush: Plus I'm so sick of my inlaws making comments about it. Any advice???
  2. Juj

    Juj Well-Known Member

    :hug99: Sorry that your ILs are commenting about it.

    I honestly have no advice as K&M are not interested in potty training at all.

    They both sit on the toilet usually at bath time. Katherine actually peed once but that was it.

    I know that they are just not ready.

    This is actually the first time I have looked at this forum.
  3. Debb-i

    Debb-i Well-Known Member

    You shouldn't feel embarassed about him being in diapers. Quite frankly, my one son Ben (who trained a couple months before turning 3) was more the exception than the rule. I would say over 80% of their male buddies trained somewhere between 3 and 3.5yrs. The thing that I always point out to "older" generation folks is that kids of today wear diapers in which they do NOT feel wet in. Very different than when many of us wore cloth diapers. I think that has made a huge difference in training age. Boys are also notorious later trainers. Most studies show that boys train on average 6-8 months later than girls.

    I'm assuming our situations are similar in that one twin trained alot sooner than the other. My other son Luke trained over 8 months later than his brother (at age 3.5yrs) It really did not phase him that his twin brother was trained and he was not. In some respects, I think he resisted it to be different than his brother! :rolleyes:

    With Ben, he trained himself basically (way too easy). But with Luke it was very different. I think for many kids, it comes down to a combination of timing(when they're ready) and finding something to push their "hot button" and inspire them.

    At 3.5yrs, Luke was certainly able. But 2 things pushed him. One was a potty training video with goofy songs....he likes that sort of thing. The other major thing was visiting preschool. We went to check it out in the beginning of summer. When the teacher showed them the children's bathroom, Luke immediately asked to use it. He never turned back...he was that excited for school. It really is an individual thing. Hope you find Andrew's hot button! It WILL soon come!! :)
  4. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    I agree with Debbi. Some kids are just not ready and really there is not much you can do except keep trying to encourage it. They will eventually come around when the time is right. Also, I would ignore your in-laws and politely state that you don't care for their comments and let them know you are working on it. I had to tell my grandma this as she thought mine should have been trained at 2! :rolleyes: Hang in there! :hug99:
  5. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Thanks girls... I keep hoping he'll "get it" soon. Today at breakfast Catherine was asking him when he would stop wearing diapers!!! :laughing:
  6. HopeforFuture

    HopeforFuture Well-Known Member

    My son, also named Andrew (how ironic!), just recently got potty trained! And he's 4-1/2! I know that's late, but Andrew has some developmental issues as well (delay in speech, fine motor and sensory processing), but his brother Michael (now 16), also wasn't potty trained till about that age, according to DH.

    Try to encourage him, but don't worry about it. Everyone told me boys were more difficult and that is sure true. I would recommend the book on potty training written by the guy who wrote "On Becoming Baby Wise." He points out that we reward the kids when they go in the potty when it should be when they stay dry. Especially since your son has already gone in the potty.

    Try not to stress. I've been where you are. It's his way of exerting independence.Good luck and don't worry about the in-laws!

  7. kerrmommy

    kerrmommy Well-Known Member

    I was just about to post this same thing about my DS (3years 2months). He typically does not care if he "marinates" in his diaper for a long while, hates to stop what he is doing for anything and nothing about using the potty, pull-ups, TMNT underwear, nothing, is interesting to him.

    We've just decided to let him be and when he wants to it will be fast.
  8. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    Melissa, I'm not sure if you've read any of my recent posts on the topic but until last week I would say my Melissa seemed almost terrified of the potty -- wouldn't even sit on it. Now she's peeing many times a day on command and in underwear. We'll still have the poo issue (with both!), and I think it's because of their chronic constipation. She wants a diaper to go poo still, although I put her on the potty and -- well, TMI.

    But anyway, my girls are older than yours and I'm lucky no one's really given me a hard time about it. There was very little I could do about the resistance I was receiving. But I'm happy that it appears to be just happening now. He'll come around.
  9. GirliesGalore

    GirliesGalore Well-Known Member

    Neither of my girls are trained yet! :huh: We are actually trying panties this week at daycare, and Ava stayed dry all day yesterday. We'll see how today goes. We tried to start training them at about 2.5, but they were definitely not ready. They loved the idea of panties, but after our 3rd trip to the potty they didn't want to go anymore.

    I talked to our Ped. about it and she said they just weren't ready. She suggested stopping all of our potty training efforts and to try again in a few months. Age 3 does seem to come with the expectation that they should be potty trained, but we know that there's not much we can do to make it happen.

    On the bright side - at least 1 of your 2 is trained!!! Way to go Catherine!
  10. JackieBlimke

    JackieBlimke Well-Known Member

    I know I'm a little late in replying but try having him stand and pee like his daddy. Thats what worked for us. He saw DH and wanted to do the same. We even bought him a stand alone plastic urnal thing that he could flush and he never looked back. He just told him that boys stand up to pee and sit down to poo and he just accepted that fact. He watched his sister pee on the potty and told me that she couldn't stand to pee because she didn't have a "dinky" like him-was very cute!!!

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