What "responsibilities" do your 2-3 year olds have?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twoin2005, Dec 29, 2007.

  1. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    I am currently reading The Blessing of a Skinned Knee, which is about using Jewish teachings to raise self-reliant children. One of the chapters is on the Blessing of Work, and how it is everyone's responsibility to share in the household duties (and it is our job/responsibility to teach this as well). Interesting stuff.

    Anyways, I was starting to think about the expectations I have for my two, and the things that they are responsible for, even at this age. Yes, I understand that they are only 2, and that kids should be kids, but I also believe that instilling responsibility at this age is a good thing. Sure, I have them help pick up toys, and help get themselves dressed, but I was reflecting on other things that they do around the house to help:

    1) Putting their dishes on the counter or in the sink when they are done.
    2) Wiping up their table after they are done eating (they love getting a diaper wipe for this).
    3) Helping sort the laundry and putting away socks (I don't trust them with the other stuff yet).
    4) Putting their coats/hats in the basket (we keep a large basket by the door for this stuff).
    5) Helping set the table (I end up fixing it all, but they set a placemat, napkin, and fork at each place).

    I am sure that there are more, but I am really curious about the expectations that some of you have for your kids. What are your kids responsible for at home? Do you tend to just do things for them because it is easier? If you have older kids, chime in and let us know what they get to do to help out!
  2. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    She'll be 4 in March, but she
    1. Puts plate by sink after eating.
    2. Unloads the silverware part of the dishwasher.
    3. Helps load and unload some clothes during laundry time (into washer, I pull out of washer, she puts into dryer). Also, puts away all of her folded clothes, some of the twins clothes, and bath linens.
    4. Helps out some with the twins - getting sippee cups out of fridge, snacks,... small errands in the house
    5. Helps pick up toys throughout the day.
    6. Listens to the monitor if Mommy has to step away (i.e. to go to the potty...)

    We're working on starting to help dust some in her room, but not too much yet. I also have a cordless vaccuum she has been wanting to try, so we may work on that soon, too.

    It sounds like a lot in a list, but it still is only minutes a day.
  3. Ellen Barr

    Ellen Barr Well-Known Member

    Love that book!!

    I think your list is a really good starting point. And as they get older, I think it'll be easier to start adding things, or expecting more precision with the things you've already got on the list. At that age, my boys just really wanted to help me do everything (well, except clean up their toys all the way :)), so I let them do what they could. Like you, I ended up fixing a lot of their work, but as long as it wasn't super-important, it was just fun to let them feel the satisfaction of having done a good job.

    The only other things I'd add to your list would be:
    - Undress themselves before their bath and put their clothes in the dirty laundry hamper and their shoes back in the closet.
    - Put the silverware away in the silverware drawer when I'm emptying the dishwasher (everything else gets put away in high cabinets that they can't reach).
    - help me in the garden (dig holes for new plants, dead-head the flowers with toddler scissors and water)

    At some point in the next couple years I want to add planning and making 1 meal a week. I'd love to teach them how to plan for, shop for and make a meal. I think it's something they'll enjoy, and be a great lesson for them :)
  4. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Not much yet, but little things like picking up something they dropped instead of hollering for me to get it.
  5. bkimberly

    bkimberly Well-Known Member

    Mine bring their dishes to the sink, wipe down the tables and chairs, go get diapers (yes, I know I need to potty train them), pick up toys, carry in stuff from the car (groceries and such), help make their beds (Drew is much better than Zoe...she gets it honestly), and put the pillows back on the couch.
    I think I may check out that book, it sounds interesting.
  6. jennyj

    jennyj Well-Known Member

    For my 2yr old ... she helps pick up her toys and sometimes with putting her clothes down the laundry shoot

    Twins wh oare 4yr ...... have to clean their room and get all the dirty closes out and Claire puts the trash bag in the trash can Emma likes to put the dishes in the sink...but they both have to help clean up their mess from the table.. and brush thier teeth

    EJ who is goign to be 8 has to bring the trash cans back from the street once a week, clean his room and get dirty clothes down the shoot...feed and water dogs and take out recyling cans, brush his teeth and make his bed

    Im trying to think of things the girls can do.... they all put up clothes in their rooms after I fold them.... and in the summer help pick up the yard..and of course the twinkes and EJ get dressed themselfs and put on and off shoes since they were 2.5 and put then in the closet and hang up coats... lots of little things but major ones I have noted
  7. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Wow. I feel like a slave driver now :p I have mine empty the small bathroom trashcans into the big kitchen can before I take out the trash. This is their favorite chore. They also put their own soggy diapers in the pail and bring me dry ones, help me sort the clean laundry, help unload the dishwasher, take their own silverware and plates to the sink, get their own drinks of water at the fridge, undress and put their dirty clothes in the hamper, assist with dressing themselves, help pick up toys, wipe up spills, sweep the floor/deck, mop, fill the dog & cat's food bowls, collect small fallen branches around the yard and put them in the bonfire pile, and they scrub the bathtub while they're in it. They love to help.

    I basically have them do anything & everything that occurs to me that they might be able to accomplish because busy hands are hands that aren't getting into trouble at that moment. :lol:
  8. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    At this point I don't have any "responsibilities" for them since they are just about to turn 2. However, they love helping out with the cleaning. I will pull their stools up to the sink while I wash dishes and let them hand me the dishes so I can dry them and put them away. Allison loves to put the clothes in the dryer. And if they spill something or dump crayons in the floor they must clean up their mess. They also love to get the broom and push it around the kitchen floor. When they undress they put their clothes in the hamper.
  9. TwinMom205

    TwinMom205 Well-Known Member

    1. Putting away their toys throughout the day and at the end of the day (before baths).
    2. Putting their plates on the counter when they're done eating.
    3. Noah helps me unpack the dishwasher and laundry basket. [Aiden is still more interested in throwing clothes and banging dishes.]
    4. On the weekend they get to pick out their clothes too, so they have to get a shirt and pants from their drawer.
    5. Feeding the lizard. [Lizard is hibernating right now, but when she's up they get her worms and put them in her dish.]
    6. Hang up their coats on the hooks. Put their shoes, hats, and gloves in the appropriate boxes by the door.
    7. Diapers in the garbage can and dirty clothes in the hamper.
  10. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine do the following:

    1. Put their dishes in the sink after eating.
    2. Put their shoes away in their room after wearing them
    3. Help me put cups away from the dishwasher
    4. Put their toys away in my effort to get a bit more organized.
    5. Clean up messes (like this AM, Nolan colored on the wall, he cleaned it up)
    6. They love to help put the groceries away (or at least unload them)
    7. Help put the laundry in the washer/dryer.
    8. They love making sure that there is nothing on the floor that their little brother can get.

    9. Dirty clothes in the hamper.

    10. Put their trash in the wastebasket.
  11. avaoliviamom

    avaoliviamom Well-Known Member

    I am trying to get them to help out a bit more and they actually love to do some of the chores. For example:

    1. Put their dirty cups in the sink
    2.Help unload the dishwasher (with supervision)
    3. Unpack groceries
    4. Help match socks with laundry folding
    5.Pick up clothes to put in hamper
    6. Make bed with help
    7. put shoes away
    8. Set table

    I have trouble with them wanting to clean up their toys though, it is a struggle. I try to limit what they can pull out and tell them they have to put away the puzzle before they can play dolls , but it is a battle.
  12. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    Let's see...everyday my kids know that they are responsible for:

    1. Putting shoes in the "cave" when they come in the door (why they call the closet a cave is beyond me)
    2. Getting dirty clothes to the "bucket"
    3. Taking plates to the sink
    4. Putting out silverware and napkins at mealtime
    5. Picking up toys and putting them away in their room
    6. Drying water that gets out of the tub and onto the floor

    We also involve them in just about any bit of housework we do. While I do laundry, they help carry the laundry from one machine to the next, they pull the wagon to the washroom (we are in an apt), they carry the detergent, they help pick up things that fall out of the wagon or basket. When I do dishes, they like to put the silverware into the drawer and the tupperware into the cabinet. They like to put the dirty cups in the machine. They help bring in groceries and they love to put away the produce. They even help in the grocery store by putting things in the basket for me or onto the belt at the checkout.

    The majority of the time, their help is anything but helpful!! But...they are learning that everyone has to pitch in to keep our home running and they have fun helping. It's fun to get that time with them, too.
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