What kind of cleaner do you use?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Susanna+3, Apr 22, 2007.

  1. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    Okay...so my dd has had the worst stomach bug ever this week... and I joined her too, but not as severe. Thank God my mom has had the twins...that's another story... Anyway I finally have enough energy to really want to clean my house. I'm doing every scrap of laundry in site... I cleaned all the bedding...even the comforters, all in hot water. I've scrubbed my bathrooms, and I'm planning on washing the floors. I've got my windows open, airing out the house. I'm even putting "puked on" already cleaned items in the sunshine b/c my sister told me that the UV rays kill the bacteria and viruses... So this brings me to my question...what kind of cleaner do you like to use to really feel like these bugs have been purged??... I use bleach on my toilets. My sink/counter-top/kitchen spray is usually 409 or fantastic... I have dh use soft scrub on the tub and showers.... I'm not crazy about the fact that these cleaners are probably not the best for me or my kids (including the little bean)... anyone have any good insight on this? My church nursery uses this bleach spray that they claim you can spray on and not wash off...that it's completely safe just air drying on the toys... anyone use this stuff? is it really safe like that? I just can't imagine bleach being all that great to inhale and get on your hands as you are cleaning toys either.... I haven't scrubbed dd's toys down..will the viruses/bacteria just die on her toys or should I worry about cleaning these thing too?? I'm totally parinoid here...but this was absolutely the worst bug I've ever had in my house...and I want my twins to come back here without me having to worry too much about them getting it...

    so much for doctor's orders on not doing too much in heavy house chores :fool: But I figure if I don't do this now I might wind up with even more work if the twins get sick... and I've really maximized my outside help...with my mom watching the kids for an entire week. gotta get her flowers for mother's day!! :give_rose: Thank God I have an u/s tomorrow to check on the little bean..and thus far no more bleeding! Nothing like a stomach bug to make you realize how much better "normal" pg ickiness is... :rolleyes:
  2. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I really like the natural Method lavender cleaner, you can get it at Target. Lavender oil is a natural and safe disinfectant and I use that cleaner on everything. We've had our share of stomach flus over the years and I always clean everything in the house with that (No bleach or anything I wouldn't want us breathing) and only once has someone other than the original sick kid caught the bug.
  3. cajuntwinmom

    cajuntwinmom Well-Known Member

    That Bleach stuff the nursery is talking about it called Clorox Anywhere hard surface or something like that. It comes in a blue spray bottle. I LOVE it. About once a month I go through and spray all their toys and let them sit overnight and dry. You can wipe them down with it too. Except it cannot be used on porous surfaces (ie, wood).

    Your other option is using the lysol wipes. I love those too.

    Hope everyone is feeling better! SOunds like a rough time.
  4. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member


    I use vinegar to clean floors (not carpet), the bathrooms, table/countertops/stove, windows, and toys. It kills as many germs as bleach but it's totally safe around children and pets.

    www.vinegarbook.co.uk is a good source of information.

    I mix it with essential oils such as Lavander, Tea Tree, or Pine to give it an added bang and a nicer fragrence.
  5. cajuntwinmom

    cajuntwinmom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Meximeli @ Apr 23 2007, 04:09 PM) [snapback]230922[/snapback]

    I use vinegar to clean floors (not carpet), the bathrooms, table/countertops/stove, windows, and toys. It kills as many germs as bleach but it's totally safe around children and pets.

    www.vinegarbook.co.uk is a good source of information.

    I mix it with essential oils such as Lavander, Tea Tree, or Pine to give it an added bang and a nicer fragrence.

    Oh yea, I've heard vinegar. That's a good idea.
  6. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    I usually use a lot of castille soap, tea tree oil & vinegar. But when we went through rotavirus, i bleached every surface I could (a cap of bleach in my lg spray bottle) and then shampooed my carpets. ammonia (though counterintuative) does wonders for getting puke smells out and breaks down the "organic" ness of it
  7. LmSjt915

    LmSjt915 Well-Known Member

    We also use Vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Infact that is the only cleaner we use in our house. Works like a charm!
  8. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    I regularly spray frequently touched surfaces with Lysol. I do doorknobs, diaper pail, wipes dispenser, etc. It claims to kill rotavirus. I use Lysol kitchen cleaner (it's yellow and says it disinfects). I use Comet for both bathrooms (the regular powder kind).
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