What is your Nanny's Job Description?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by rachinoc, May 8, 2007.

  1. rachinoc

    rachinoc Active Member

    I have one year old twins and am expecting surprise baby #3 at the end of November and will definitely need some help handling the three of them. I want to hire a nanny but just can't come up with a specific list of what I want her to do. So I am looking for job descriptions from you ladies with nannies! Thank you so much!
  2. carmenandwhittsmom

    carmenandwhittsmom Well-Known Member

    My nanny does the following:
    Bathes the kids
    Dresses the kids
    Combs their hair
    Feeds the kids breakfast and lunch as well as snacks.
    Responsible for washing their clothes
    Cleans up the kitchen after each meal (or so)
    Straightens up their area (the den and their room)
    Takes them to the park
    Reads to them
    Basically, she is responsible for their general welfare while I am at work. She contacts me if there is an issue and keeps me informed of what they need in terms of food, diapers, etc when we are running low.

    Hope this helps!
  3. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Planning, preparing, and cleaning up after children’s meals (meals should be nutritionally balanced and an approved/unapproved food list will be created as the children start to eat baby food, table food, etc.) Includes unloading/loading the dishwasher or hand-washing the children’s dishes/bottles. Making sure the children are clean after meals.

    Children’s laundry including a change of linens as needed (at least once weekly) and effective stain control.

    Straightening up and keeping the children’s bedroom and play areas organized.

    Vacuum children’s play area as needed.

    Planning and implementing age-appropriate activities for the children.

    Assisting with doctors visits and other appointments as needed.

    Informing employer of children’s items that are running low (ie. diapers, wipes, baby food, formula, etc.)

    As the children get older provide them with outdoor activities to keep them physically active (as weather permits). Indoor physical activities can be done in poor weather months.

    Transportation of the children to various appointments/activities (this duty will increase over time, at first this will not happen often).

    I also gave her an offer letter that contained these duties, her hours, her vacation/time off policy, discipline rules, etc.
  4. attebow

    attebow Active Member

    I'm with you - we have 14 month-old twins, and expecting #3 in December! We LOVE our nanny - she comes (right now) only on the days I work, or if I have something to do and can't take the girls. She comes around 7:30 am & finishes feeding the girls for me.

    During the day - she prepares lunch & snacks (i give suggestions - or at least what we've had recently), gets them dressed for the day, stroller/ wagon walks, playing inside/outside, & during their naps she keeps up with all of our laundry (and she loves to iron!!!). She keeps the house picked up and the kitchen clean. Couldn't imagine life without her!

    Good luck!
  5. nami

    nami Member

    great list, but does anyone know of a good nanny spy cam system to keep track of my nanny's activities? i'm just paranoid...
  6. Kessedi

    Kessedi Well-Known Member

    And this is the first time I need a nanny, and that's a problem for me because I'm looking at a bunch of different offers, but I don't understand which of these nannies would be a good choice for me and my kids.
  7. WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot

    WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot Well-Known Member

    It's a perennial problem. It's hard for you as an employer to decide on an employee, and it's sometimes hard for me as a job seeker to find good job openings. How to solve your problem, I unfortunately have no idea, but if you're on the lookout for a job, start with https://layboard.in. Platforms like Layboard can help you save time searching for jobs, and there are a real lot of options out there even for people with no experience.
  8. RichardKnox

    RichardKnox Well-Known Member

    It’s so important to have a clear, well-rounded job description. When I was working on my own autobiography, I found it helpful to reflect on past childcare experiences to better define roles and expectations for everyone involved. I found source that has some great autobiography topics examples that helped me structure my thoughts around previous job experiences and clarify what I wanted in a nanny’s job description. Setting these expectations upfront makes a huge difference!
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