What is your favorite thing about their age right now?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by jjzollman, Jun 27, 2011.

  1. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    I have a lot - I'm really enjoying 3.5 year olds! :wub:

    One thing:

    I love that I can pack all 3 of them up at 11:30, run a few errands (bank, pay a bill), go out to lunch (Culver's - kids' first time, they loved it!), and then go to the zoo til closing at 5:00, come home, fix dinner, and there are not meltdowns, diaper changes, etc.!! They are so excited about going places, trying new things, and it is easy to do all of this by myself with them now!

    Outings are much more fun than they are a hassle - and that is a MAJOR milestone!

    So, what is your favorite part about the age your twins are now?
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    The crap they say.

    Tonight (sorry for the repeat FB friends) Alice was wearing her "Strawberry Fields Forever" shirt, so I started singing Strawberry Fields to her. She started pointing at her shirt as soon as I sang "Let me take you". So I finished up "down, cause I'm going to. . .Strawberry Fields." And Roycie goes, so seriously, "Nothing is real."

    Oh and yeah, outings are fun now. AAAND I don't have to carry underwear, pull ups, diapers, or a toilet ring anymore.
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  3. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Yep, that's one of my other top ones.

    Finley, while peeing on the toilet, says to me: "Where are my boobs?" I said, "Right there (pointing to his nipples)." He says, "I want big boobs." I said, "Only girls have big boobs." He says, "That's okay, when I grow up to be a Mommy, then I'll have big boobs."

    I couldn't break his heart and tell him that he wasn't going to be a mommy OR have big boobs, so I just smiled and said, "Ok!". :laughing:
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  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Bex, I love the fact that your kids know the words to Strawberry Fields Forever :wub:

    I am going to have to say, the things that they do say. I love how much my kids love to give out hugs and kisses and say "I love you" I hear "I love you" many times a day and I just go :wub:
  5. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I really enjoy being able to have actual conversations with them & find out what they're thinking/feeling (dare I say reason with them?).

    I love their pretend play - the stuff they come up with is hilarious!

    I also love the random things they say (ex Danika told me she's a teenager the other day. :faint:).
  6. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    Getting out and about is sooooooooo much easier!
    I actually enjoy the pool now rather than being the crazy lady of last summer.
    The pretend play is fabulous.
    Their fights are much more entertaining - i.e. the crap they say to each other.
  7. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    These two crack me up they say the cutest things !I also love it that they really think about things now. they try to figure things out and then when they do they crack me up again - like Finley and his big boobs LOL!!! I love love love it that they are more independent but that they still need and want me and are proud of me. My older boys need me but they do not want me and act more embarrassed to be with their parents than proud they want my wallet to go with them, the twins just want me.
  8. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Same here. My boys are facinated with going to the bathroom. Since I don't have a penis, my BF showed them how to pee standing up. The very first time he did it, they both said "Ed's making bubbles" and now when they go or need to go I hear "I'm making (or want to make) bubbles, like Ed.". We were camping over the weekend and I was taking my one DS to the bathroom. We pass a woman and he proudly says "I'm going to make bubbles, like Ed".

    I also cheer them on when they go potty and they now do it to me. I'll be on the toilet and they will both clap their hands and say "go..go...mommy....go...go...mommy". And then, "yea..you did it, mommy".

    I love that they listen better. We can go places without a stroller. We can go out to eat and they will stay put instead of running around like crazy.
  9. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Yep, some pretty funny stuff comes out of their mouths at this age! Love it!!

    I also am loving that they love to clean. They find it fun! They are always asking what they can do to help . I know it won't last.... but for now, totally enjoying it! ;)
  10. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    Loving not only the things they say but the way they say them! "Hey Mom! It's a fireguck!" Makes me smile everytime!

    And that they are starting to have conversations with each other and answer back and forth.

    But probably the best thing is the facial expressions!!! The look of surprise or the weird faces they come up with are priceless!
  11. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    yeah I love the conversations they have with each other!!

    and then the boobie talk too. both of ours (boy and girl) will say "I have tiny boobie milk, mommy has big boobie milk"...

    also watching their little minds work. like today I gave my dd a cold sippy cup and she got a washcloth out and wrapped it up like a cozy so that her hand didn't get too cold. pretty clever.
  12. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator


    Where to start? Anthony is my love bug. He's just the sweetest of kids!

    1.) I love the way they talk-how they pronounce things. It's just too darn cute!

    2.) I love how they randomly say, "I wuve you mommy! I wuve your shirt mommy!" The stuff they say!

    3.) I love how I don't need a diaper bag for them anymore(but I do for their sis), no strollers, they are awesome in public, they listen, they sit at restaurants, they can entertain themselves(minus the sibling issues) while playing outside, etc...

    4.) I love that they are getting humor. It's so funny to watch them watch a show, or their father crack up-and GET IT!

    5.) I love how they can potty by themselves, get dressed/undressed by themselves(if time allows, which is usually never...lol).

    6.) And most of all, I love how excited they get when they see their sister in the morning, and she sees them. Or if they are off playing elsewhere, and then reappear, she just goes absolutely CRAZY when she sees them! :wub: And I worried how they would interact! They are the best of friends, the three of them! :wub:
  13. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I love watching their imagination bloom. Right now they are playing with rolled up tubes of paper, singing into them, looking thru them. I love how all my kids interact with each other. The other day they were all taking turns blowing raspberries on each others tummies, even the twins! I also love that they are starting to become more independent, they can put their own shoes on, carry their own juice cups, throw trash in the trash can and dishes in the sink, get their own snack bowls out...etc. I love this age! :wub:
  14. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I think 4 is awesome! They are funny, smart, creative, independent people now :). But they are still little enough to come cuddle :wub:
  15. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Although I have to admit 3.5 is my least favorite age so far...they do play really well together. They used to watch a lot of TV but now they very rarely sit and watch a show. I use the TV to put them to sleep for a nap but other than that they are off playing all day, until they get tired and then they start fighting and that's when I know it's time to make the couch into a bed and put on a show.

    And I do like the things they say. They've told me they love my beautiful boob thing (bra), my fancy beautiful phone, etc. Oh and they love to brush my hair. I love that. It's so relaxing when they brush my hair.
  16. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I absolutely love 3 & 4, they are just the best ages. They are old enough to have some great conversations, are so much more independent, but are still so, so cuddly (I really dread them outgrowing the cuddly stage!).
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