What is your child's strangest secuirty blanket, bear, toy, ext?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by orcoastmommyof2, Jun 19, 2007.

  1. orcoastmommyof2

    orcoastmommyof2 Well-Known Member

    Hi There, As I was putting my son down to bed tonight I got to thinking what other parents have to go and dig out of the toy box just to get the wee little ones off to bed. Both of our boy's sleep with blankets, but Hunter has to have his "golf ball"(type with holes in it) before he can go to sleep. He run's around the house and yard all day yelling for his golf ball. He is pretty good at making contact with the ball with a club I might add too. Maybe I have the next Tiger Woods on my hands? So anyway I thought it might be fun to see who has the strangest story.
  2. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member


    Mine is not all that odd, it is just how she uses it that strikes me as odd. Hannah has to have 3 binkies to fall asleep: one in her mouth, and one in each hand. And when she gets really upset during the day, she will do the same thing. She likes the comfort of having extras close by!
  3. fourznuff

    fourznuff Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twoin2005 @ Jun 19 2007, 09:11 PM) [snapback]299696[/snapback]

    Mine is not all that odd, it is just how she uses it that strikes me as odd. Hannah has to have 3 binkies to fall asleep: one in her mouth, and one in each hand. And when she gets really upset during the day, she will do the same thing. She likes the comfort of having extras close by!

    Troy is exactly the same way...how weird :crazy:

  4. orcoastmommyof2

    orcoastmommyof2 Well-Known Member

    Funny you should mention that. Hunter has I think four or five binkies in his crib as well. It's pretty funny when he managaes to get more than one out of the crib with him in the morning he run's around with both of them in his mouth like he might lose them. :blink:
  5. Alvionna sleeps with every Dora doll she owns in her bed. She has several of them and some of them are very big. She also sleeps with a book for the Doras and all of her purses, which is about the same amount as the Dora Dolls. Rico must sleep with anything Spiderman. The other night I noticed he put a pair of Spiderman underwear in the bed with him. Eventhough the boys whole entire room is Spiderman including sheets pillow cases and spiderman pillows, he must have something else in his hand with Spiderman. Reggie sleeps with his Shrek. Caprionna does not need anything. She just goes to sleep.
  6. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    Jade: her polka-dotted beach hat. sleeps with it every night, wears it every day. Here she is with it at the TS Pre-Sesame Picnic: http://twinstuff.invisionzone.com/forum/in...=si&img=295

    Melissa: a little plastic turtle for the pool that I brought home after a conference in Philly. I got it at the KMart for $1.29 or something and she and it have been inseparable ever since. :rolleyes:
  7. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    For a while Bea had a wooden snowman Christmas ornament that she would take to bed and carry around the house. It's so five minutes ago now. Now she's on to the boy doll of the Fisher Price Twins, which is more normal than a Christmas ornament at least.
  8. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    For a while, Rachel insisted on sleeping with one of those cradle cap brushes they give you at the hospital. I had to find more online so I could have back up. She seems to be over that now.
  9. StacyK

    StacyK Well-Known Member

    My SON must always have a My Little Pony to sleep with! They just turned 3 and I know Carly received about 4 ponies for their 1st Birthday - Samuel has confiscated all of them. He's a thumb sucker, but he has to have something in his hand while he's sucking his thumb, so the ponies just caught on.

    We also went through about a 2-week episode where Sam would get out of his bed every night & put every single toy in his room on his bed. We would find him sleeping in the middle of a mountain of toys.
  10. Lougood

    Lougood Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twoin2005 @ Jun 20 2007, 04:11 AM) [snapback]299696[/snapback]

    Mine is not all that odd, it is just how she uses it that strikes me as odd. Hannah has to have 3 binkies to fall asleep: one in her mouth, and one in each hand. And when she gets really upset during the day, she will do the same thing. She likes the comfort of having extras close by!

    LOL! I used to have three binkies too! My mom said I had one to suck, one to rub with my fingers, and one to rub on my cheek. :D How's that for odd! My girls on the other hand just have their lovies, pickles a pink bunny and lamby a german stuffed lamb.
  11. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Jack has a pink pig that we call Piggy McPigpig!! It has those bean bag type balls in them and is really soft. He only really needs it at night time, the first thing he does when he goes into his cot is look for piggy and then he sits and strokes it its so cute. My friends daughter when she was little had 3 dummies too. She would have one in her mouth, one between her mouth and nose and one to hold! x
  12. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    When Kira was younger (before 2 when they were still in cribs) she would have to take a pasta cook book to bed with her. It has no pictures at all but she loved that book and had to have it in her crib at night. She also used to love the cloth diapers and carry those around with her everwhere she went. But now she just has two recieving blankets with teddy bears on them.
  13. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Reagan sleeps with a big blankie and Morgan sleeps with a small blankie and a 6" plush Elmo. Those are the absolute "must go everywhere with us" items. However, in their cribs...Morgan has a big flower on a stick (one of those plush ones you can buy for like $1), a puppy, a glow worm, 2 bunnies, a large fleece blanket and usually some random item she finds from downstairs that she HAS to have before going to bed. She basically sleeps with a zoo! Reagan has the same big fleece blanket and a rhinocerous and a puppy.

    What I think is cute is when they get out of bed in the morning, they know they can each take their "regular" items with them, the rest stays in the crib. Well, Morgan has 2 things so that's fine and dandy. Then, I tell REagan to get her blankie and she tells me, "No, 2" and wants something else. If you don't let her have something else, she will keep whining, "No, 2....no, 2" until you either get it for her or you get her downstairs and she forgets after about a mintue.
  14. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Sarah is the only one who has to have a specific blanket. It is a real soft blanket that has a satin border. She sticks the satin border in her mouth and sucks on it until she falls asleep. She will not sleep unless that blanket is in her crib.
  15. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    Mine isn't really the item either but also rather what she does with it. We got new blankets when they switched to big beds and they absolutely love them. Kayla has a care bear blanket and when she goes to bed she rolls one end of it into a tiny twist, sticks it up one side of her nose then grips a little bit of the blanket below that, puts it between her fingers and sucks her thumb. She doesn't do it too often anymore just when she is really tired. She will also do it randomly during the day if she lays on the couch to watch tv to relax a little in the afternoon.
  16. Renea

    Renea Well-Known Member

    Rebekah has a Barney stuffed animal she has to take to bed with her, Hannah has the twins dolls she has to have, and Owen has a Beanie Buddy Teddy bear that was given to Jason for his first bday and a little Beanie Baby that is white with confette all over it that we bought at church a while back. Those are MUST haves. and All three have to take water cups with them to bed.. Jason out grew all that at about 4.
  17. Amanda+2

    Amanda+2 Well-Known Member

    Spencer's security item is his hair, and luckily that is attatched so it's always easy to find. The meanest thing I could ever do would be to shave that child's head.
    Carter isn't really attatched to anything. I've tried putting things in his crib with him when he goes to sleep but he just throws them out. He does take a binky, but I really think he does that because Spencer does.
  18. StacyK

    StacyK Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Dianne @ Jun 21 2007, 10:59 AM) [snapback]301512[/snapback]
    Kayla has a care bear blanket and when she goes to bed she rolls one end of it into a tiny twist, sticks it up one side of her nose then grips a little bit of the blanket below that, puts it between her fingers and sucks her thumb.

    :lol: Carly does that too - she got a blanket with fringe on the end & she's always putting it in her nose when she goes to bed. Weirdo! :rolleyes:
  19. orcoastmommyof2

    orcoastmommyof2 Well-Known Member

    These are all so funny and cute. Isn't it amazing what can comfort a little one. Now if it would just stay the same for a length of time so we could keep up that would be great! Neat stories ladies
  20. TTTSMiracleMom

    TTTSMiracleMom Well-Known Member

    Lucas won't sleep unless his shoes are in the bed. He usually won't sleep unless there is a pair on his feet, either. He loves shoes! He carries them around most of the time, but I think it is hilarious to see him spooned and cuddling his tennies. My other two toddlers don't have anything they typically take to bed -- they may have a night when they want to sleep with something but it's in isolated incidents, not like Lucas. He FREAKS if he doesn't have his shoes!
  21. Tripsmommy

    Tripsmommy Well-Known Member

    You all got me remembering my sweet Pete and his "Greeen O". The large foam/rubber alphabet squares that form a playmat? At a young age he popped out that green O and clung to it for dear life! There is even a picture of him standing in the water in Grand Cayman w/ his beloved green O... It has now been replaced by dinosaur books that sleep under his pillow. :rolleyes: In fact both boys do this. I did this and still do. I always have a book near me, so it makes sense that it would be under my pillow. Kiko still has his "Jesus blanket". A very soft gingham print, so he thought the squares looked like crosses and dubbed it his Jesus Blanket.
    Speaking of...it is 7:30 gotta go get ready for bed...
  22. twindependent

    twindependent Well-Known Member

    My kids just have their lovies, but when my nephew was small he carried around a sticker from a car dealership- kind of one of those business-card type ones. My sister finally laminated it because it was getting so nasty, and then eventually my BIL had a drawerful of them because he was tired of going to the dealership everytime it went missing.
    Kids get attached to the weirdest things sometimes!
  23. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    Mine don't have anything weird really. Kaitlyn has a Winnie the Pooh that sings lullabies that she's had since she was born. She used to get the fringe from his stocking cap and rub it on her nose to help her fall asleep. Now she just needs him in the bed. Kelly has a large stuffed dog named Patch that she got from my SIL after her eye surgery in Sept of 05. It's big but she loves it. They both have tons of stuffed toys on their beds but those two things have to be there. And, their baby blankets too. Nothing too weird.
  24. BellaRissa

    BellaRissa Well-Known Member

    I think I win the prize for the strangest child - my dd Jessica was so fascinated by anatomy, skeletons, etc when she was tiny. A friend had a college science project he gave her - a cat skull encased in Pyrex with all the cranial structures labeled inside. She absolutely would not sleep without her cat skull in Pyrex. She carried it with her everywhere, she played with it constantly. She hung onto that crazy thing from 2 1/2 to about 10 years old. I have read all the posts & so many of he stories are so sweet & cute - but if you are looking for the strangest...you have to give the prize to my Jessica!
  25. melslp13

    melslp13 Well-Known Member

    The cat skull one reminds me of my friend's son, who fell in love with a 2 ft tall skeleton dressed in a wedding dress used as a Halloween prank one year. Man, that kid carried that freaky little skeleton everywhere, talked to it, and took it to sleep. Weird, huh?
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