What Is/Was Your Feeding Schedule for 12mo Olds?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Crystie, Apr 26, 2007.

  1. Crystie

    Crystie Well-Known Member

    The pedi says my girls need to gain some weight. They are only 17lbs and he wants to see them gain a few. I feel terrible, like I'm not "doing it right". :( What is/was your feeding schedule for 12 mo olds? TIA!!
  2. greatexpectations

    greatexpectations Well-Known Member

    I don't think you have much to worry about. We dropped all bottles by 13 months and just used sippies around the clock until they grasped it. If you are willing to give peanut butter -- watch for allergies in the family -- that is what we were told is a good food to give to help gain weight. Also, use full fat everything. Make puddings with whole milk, etc.

    Schedule has been like this for as long as I can remember: wake up -- breakfast around 7:15, sippy and nap around 9, snack of cheese or crackers around 10:30, lunch at 11:45, sippy and nap at 1, another snack of protein/carb mix at 3:30, dinner at 4:45/5. Bed at 6:30 or so (it was 6-6:30 at 12 months, but is later now).
  3. K*D*B

    K*D*B Well-Known Member

    We have been on the same schedule for a while now.

    8:3o wake up breakfast and milk
    10:30 small snack (& milk or water)
    12:30 lunch and milk
    1 nap
    4 small snack (& milk, juice, or water)
    6 dinner and milk
    8 milk (sometime big bro will give them some of his snack)
    8:30 bedtime
  4. cmharper

    cmharper Well-Known Member

    Ours will be 1 year old next week, and here is our schedule:

    6:30 wake-up, 8 oz. bottle of milk
    8:30 breakfast at grandma's - usually oatmeal w/fruit and yogurt, or eggs, toast and fruit. Sippy or cup of apple juice diluted w/water.
    9:30 - 10:30 - nap
    11:30 ish: Snack (crackers/cheerios/cheese, veggie) and sippy w/water
    12:30: Lunch - usually veggie w/mac and cheese, or chicken and rice or pasta and 4 oz. of milk in a sippy or cup
    1- 1:30 - afternoon nap
    2 - 3:30: puffs or fruit snacks and sippy or cup of water
    5:00 - dinner - usually whatever grandparents or we are having for dinner (pasta, chicken, pork or steak, mashed or baked potato, veggie, etc)
    7p.m. - 8 oz. bottle of milk
    7:30 p.m. - Bedtime
  5. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    7:00am wakeup
    7:30am breakfast (yogurt, pancakes w/apple butter, fruit, applesauce, cheerios, cinnamon toast w/butter, sippy of whole milk)
    11:00am snack (protein, fruit, sippy of whole milk)
    1:00pm lunch (leftovers from previous dinner, mac & cheese, pasta w/meat, grilled cheese, bologna & cheese, sippy of whole milk)
    4:00pm snack (protein, fruit, crackers, sippy of 1/2 juice 1/2 water)
    6:00pm dinner (whatever we are having, sippy of whole milk)

    I use full fat everything for them, add a scoop of formula to their yogurt, lots of butter, etc. They are on the smaller side (10-25th percentile) but the pedi wasn't worried - they were 9 weeks early and caught up in weight very well. They also get ice cream and pudding a lot!
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine are 14 months, but this has basically been the schedule since 12 months. BTW at 12 months my DD was only 16 lbs. 13 oz.

    7:45-breakfast with milk sippy
    11:30-lunch with milk sippy
    3:45-snack with juice sippy
    5:30-dinner with milk sippy
    7:30- 6 oz. bottle of milk and bed
  7. Stephe

    Stephe Guest

    7:30am -8oz bottle of whole milk
    8:30am- Breakfast( usually cold cereal, with yogurt or fruit and Pancake or waffle, )
    11:30am- Lunch(goldfish with mac n cheese or spinach ravioli or grilled cheese and finger veggies, sippie of whole milk)
    2:30- 8 oz bottle of whole milk(right before naptime and makes it easier)
    4:30 Small snack
    6pm- Dinner(table food, sippie of whole milk)
    7:45pm- Bedtime bottle of 8oz
  8. Lvdargan

    Lvdargan Well-Known Member

    Our schedules are similar to the pp, but I wanted to also give you some hints that were passed along to me. Both of my guys are pretty small, just making the 5th % in weight.

    * butter or cheese in everything, including full fat cottage cheese
    * as much pasta as they can handle
    * make snacks mini meals, not just empty calories like Cheerios
    * avacado, avacado, avacado
    *smoothies made with yogurt and formula

    You get the idea. After being on this "diet" for a month, they had fabulous weight gain and the ped got off of our backs! Now we are back to a healthier lifestyle without the extra butter and stuff. I do still offer lots of avacado and full fat yogurt. I also continue to add full fat cottage cheese to their scrambled eggs - they love that!
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