what is this behavior?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by fuchsiagroan, Oct 13, 2008.

  1. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    The last couple days, DD keeps half-squatting and grabbing her crotch and whining, like something hurts. She's also protesting diaper changes more than usual. She's not constipated, and doesn't have any diaper rash, but she seems uncomfortable. Any idea what's going on?
  2. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Sounds like she is starting to comprehend why wearing a diaper is not that ideal. Mine started making a stink about it around this age but still didn't want to PT til later. Maybe she would start to PT now if you introduce it.

    If she keeps acting like she is in pain though, I would call my pedi. Could be a UTI too. :hug:
  3. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    Lily has started to squat, hold her diaper in front, and whine also. In her case; however, I really think that she is doing this while she pees. She has really become aware of peeing and if for some reason she does not have a diaper on (like after a bath or swimming) and has to pee she gets really upset and cries right as she is about to pee (on the floor or whereever). Maybe it is her peeing and the diaper changes are just sort of her being more aware of what is "down there" and maybe being a bit shy or confused about it.

    Just a thought.
  4. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    This could be a bladder infection or UTI. I had them a lot as a little girl and I have memories of it being very painful as young as 3 yrs. old.
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Ana does this when she wants to sit on the potty and pee. But she says PEEPEE! Can you ask her if it hurts? Maybe call the pedi to rule out an infection.
  6. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Thanks, guys! I called the pedi - and they are closed for Columbus day. Grr. I'll try again tomorrow.

    Sarah - I sure hope she's not ready to potty train, because I'm not! :lol: In my mind, that is WAAAAY in the distant future, like when cars fly and robots rule the earth...

    Leighann - I tried asking if it hurt and got a blank look. Also, she's at a "parroting" stage where she'd probably agree to anything I asked ("Does it hurt?" "Hurt!" "Does it feel ok?" "OK!"), so I don't know if I'll be able to communicate with her on this one.

    She's been very aware of going to the bathroom lately - loves to announce that she is or is about to poop or fart - but she's never shown any discomfort. So I will try to take her to the doctor tomorrow.
  7. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you got some good advice about a dr visit just in case. Keep us posted!
  8. Cathmar

    Cathmar Well-Known Member

    I was thinking a bladder infection/uti too. Do you notice any strong, concentrated smells? Sometimes that's a hint....
  9. Sarosie

    Sarosie Well-Known Member

    our ped says yeast infections are common and under diagnosed.

  10. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Cathmar - her pee doesn't smell any different.

    Question for everyone - how do they diagnose UTIs or YIs in such young toddlers? Just wondering what to expect...
  11. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(fuchsiagroan @ Oct 13 2008, 04:53 PM) [snapback]1024905[/snapback]
    Cathmar - her pee doesn't smell any different.

    Question for everyone - how do they diagnose UTIs or YIs in such young toddlers? Just wondering what to expect...

    Funny you posted this, Becca has been doing the same thing...saying ow...removing her diapers on a regular basis, digging her fingers into her crotch (lovely). She also insists on lots of diaper creme.

    We introduced the potty about two months ago, they sit, but don't pee.

    I dragged her to the pedi this weekend (ugh!) and he said, it seemed like a bad diaper rash, but not a bladder infection since she didn't have a fever. He said 'air her out' (yeah, you can clean her sheets and my carpet) and to let her sit in warm water.

    I tried to air her out and keep her diapers dry and she seemed better yesterday and today.

    As far as diag diagnosing osning, it involves collecting urine - take a guess how much fun that is on a baby girl?
  12. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    As a previous post suggested, UTI's normally involve a fever. It is most likely that she is aware of what she is doing at this age. My dd had terrible UTI's starting at about 3. (right around the time I stopped helping her wipe every time...) She would be uncomfortable for a day and then be miserable with a really high fever and feel like she had to go all day long and could not. When she did go it would hurt. She had them off and on for 3 years and had a series of ugly tests done- which all came out normal. The dr. put her on maintenance antibiotics for about 6 months- and thankfully hasn't had one since. I think perhaps they would check her urine with a catheter at that age.
    I hope everything checks out fine and take care!
  13. berebunch31

    berebunch31 Well-Known Member

    I'm coming in on this late, but sometimes UTI's don't come with fevers. I had multiple UTI's every year as a child, often with no symptoms other than a sore lower back, and had to have an IVP done when I was 7 to rule out other problems. They'll probably give you a "bag" that sticks onto your DD and can stay in her diaper for collection.
  14. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Today she seemed much better - didn't do the grab-and-whimper thing at all, and didn't seem uncomfortable. We went to the pedi this afternoon, and she thought it probably wasn't a UTI since there was no fever, but sent us home with the plastic bag thingy in case she does run a fever. Everything looked normal down there. So who knows? Maybe she is just getting much more aware of going pee.
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