What is the longest your child was in pain from teething?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AimeeThomp, Apr 20, 2010.

  1. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I know I don't really belong in here but I babysit a little boy who is 21 months. Starting last Monday (4/12) he has been in a lot of pain, we think from teething. So every time he's been at my house since then I've given him either Motrin or Tylenol. It's been over a week now, I don't remember my girls teething for this long!

    So, tell me how long were your children in pain from teething and does this sound normal? How long could this possibly go on for?
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :wavey: Aimee!
    Depending on tooth, my DS could be in pain for a couple of weeks (especially a molar, it seems like those take forever to come in for him)...my DD usually experiences pain for about a week with teething. She does not have all of her 2nd year molars yet, so not sure she will be in pain longer with those or not--hopefully not.
    I know I get nervous about giving DS Tylenol or Motrin for such a long period of time but I also hate seeing him so uncomfortable.
  3. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Hey Aimee! :D

    My guys teethe for a long time (esp. with molars), but the pain seems to ebb and flow. Nate has been working on his first year molars for *at least* a month. When they first started coming through, he was miserable for at least a week. Now they're all in, but obviously they're still giving him some issues because some days he'll be really cranky, easily frustrated, and chewing on his fingers a lot. Then some days he'll be fine. :pardon:

    So it is possible that the boy you're babysitting has been having teething pain for a week. Does he like to chew on stuff? You could give him a lovey/towel or a rubber teething ring to bring him some relief. I hate giving medicine for more than a few days in a row, so I try to find other ways to alleviate the pain. Not that I think Motrin every day for a week will hurt him, but I'm just funny that way. :)

    Does he have any words/signs? Can you ask him where it hurts to see if it's really teething, or if it's something else (like an ear infection)?
  4. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i'm another one who has girls who teethe.for.ever. :faint: i usually reserve motrin for night time and try other things (like chew toys, popsicles, cuddles, etc) during the day. teething sucks. :hug:
  5. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Well I'm glad I'm in good company with some long teethers! He does have some words but I haven't noticed any words about pain or letting me know what hurts. I've been doing orajel along with tylenol or motrin. Today is a really strange day b/c he keeps wanting to lie in his crib - all of you with toddlers know how unusual that is! But he is eating a TON too, so we're thinking maybe he's having a growth spurt and getting molars at the same time, and also transitioning to not having a paci anymore too.
  6. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    My one son would take forever for his teeth to come in. I "thought" he was done with his two year molars, but just last week he was supper crabby & clingy and had a lot of poopy diapers with a rash. When I felt in his mouth the last two were about 90% in but I could still feel little bumps towards the back.

    I always thought the pain would be gone once the teeth broke through the surface, but my pedi said until the entire tooth is all the way through, they will still have discomfort.

    On bad days I would give mortrin & tylenol and that seemed to do the trick.

    Sorry, I did not answer your question:

    It could be on and off for months at a time. I felt 2 of his two year molars right around christmas and he just has a little left of the last two to come on through so 4 months now. :blink:

    But we would have good days/weeks and bad ones. He has not been crabby for the past 4 months, otherwise :faint:
  7. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    Wow, I find these replies interesting. I was told by our boys' pediatrician that intense pain from teething (anything that would cause crankiness or behavioral differences) is NEVER more than 3 days. Anything longer than that should be checked out, because some viruses can cause mouth pain (like our boys had-BAD, and they first told us the mouth swelling was from teething (rolls eyes) turned out it was a coxsackie virus-diagnosed when open sores erupted in one of their mouths, it never erupted in our other twins’ mouth) as well as ear infections or other infections. So I find it interesting to see that some kids really do experience long teething! However, I do think that if this hasn’t happened with him before he should get checked out (If he doesn’t have a reliable history of long teething) as it really isn’t the norm to teethe this long. Specifically, behavioral changes and needing Motrin or Tylenol this long are what would concern me- this is the exception and not the norm.

    I’d especially be concerned since he is wanting to go in his crib and lie down. If it would me, I’d urge at least a call to the doctor, if not a visit, to make sure nothing else is going on. My gut is telling me something else is going on with this little one.
  8. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I wound up calling his mom b/c I know this child and he never wants to stay in his crib all day. I am letting him have his nook out of the crib to see if the reason he wanted in the crib is b/c that's the only place he was being soothed from the nook. So far so good, he's not crying. I'm keeping notes today so his mom can decide if she needs to bring him to the doctor tomorrow.
  9. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    I.E. it is normal for a tooth to take weeks to months to come in, and pain comes and goes, but it is not the norm for intense pain to last more than three days.
  10. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sounds to me like it's teething and wanting his nook for comfort.
    Hope he starts feeling better soon!!

    Also, FWIW my ds was miserable for almost a month cutting his two year molars. Those Hylands teething tablets do work, you may try those???
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