What is on your twins' wishlist for their 1st B-day?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by HT, Feb 18, 2008.

  1. HT

    HT Well-Known Member

    Just looking for some gift ideas for my twins' 1st b-day. People are starting to ask me what to buy them and I have no clue! We have so many of the popular toys already from our oldest DD plus we just had Christmas. I would love some type of climber for outside that is appropriate for young toddlers. We have the Step 2 Kangaroo climber, but it's dangerous in my opinion for small kids. Anyone have experience with the Little Tikes Castle Climb & Slide? They absolutely love our Playhut ball pit, but it's seen better days. Any of you have a ball pit that your kids love? Any ideas ladies?
  2. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    I was just thinking about this same question! I have lots of toys from our oldest, but of course I want something new! For his first birthday we got him the little people farm, and he still plays with it all the time. I love that thing! I'm thinking of getting some more little people sets...but if you're thinking big-ticket items, how about a play kitchen? I am not super familiar with outside climber stuff (I'm spoiled living 5 minutes walk from a park...) but a good ol' sandbox is a favorite of my toddler any day of the week! I can't wait to see some other suggestions!

  3. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

  4. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(MichelleL @ Feb 19 2008, 10:52 AM) [snapback]628485[/snapback]
    We got the girls Step 2 Push Around Buggies and it was by far my favorite gift. We took them for rides in the buggies almost every night. I can't wait for spring to bring them out again!!

    They also got, and LOVE, the Laugh and Learn Learning Home and the Laugh and Learn Baby Grand Piano.

    Thanks for the links! I am seriously getting the Laugh and Learning home!

  5. jschaad

    jschaad Well-Known Member

    Mine have the laugh and learn home and LOVE IT! They received it for Christmas and the sitter has the kitchen it is really cute too. I want the laugh and learn table for like less than 40 but it is never available online and i live too far from TRU!
    If anyone ask me i am asking for bonds or money for their savings account. I feel they have so many toys now. I know alot of people wont like that so i do have a few items in mind: the radio flyer plastic wagon with two seats, the sand and water table or just the water table, a sand box... I hate to sound picky but i dont need five million teeny toys so when i get stuff like that i take it back and save for their bigger items...
  6. **Diane**

    **Diane** Well-Known Member

    My two love the laugh and learn products. We got them the House for christmas and for their birthday they got the L&L chair. We also have the dog, phone, table, bank and vacuum. They love them all ;)

    We also got them a push/ride on toy for their birthday. DS loves it but DD not so much yet as she just started pulling up on the furniture.
  7. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    Another vote for the L&L home- Our boys play with that thing EVERY SINGLE day and it really keeps their attention.
  8. HT

    HT Well-Known Member

    More ideas please! We already have the 2 seat wagon from my oldest - really need 3 seats now though since I always seem to be walking them by myself since DH hates any form of exercise. The twoms got the Laugh and Learn Home for Christmas. We also have a sandbox, water table, playhouse, ect.! Honestly, we didn't buy all of this for our oldest DD, they were b-day and Christmas gifts over the years.
  9. Laura in Alaska

    Laura in Alaska Well-Known Member

    We have the little tykes climb and slide and they LOVE it! I was a little nervous at first, but we put pillows and stuffed animals all around it at first. We taught them how to slide down on their tummies. Now their pros! They're all over it and they giggle and giggle like crazy!

    FWIW, We bought them these little play tunnels and they were the biggest hit! They've found more ways to play with these things than I could've ever imagined!
  10. Aurie

    Aurie Well-Known Member

    Our older kids got a small rocking chair for their first birthdays. The girls will get the same. We also made it a tradition for them to get a stuffed lion for their first birthdays. My 9 yo and 5 yo still sleep with theirs. My 11 yo has his tucked away safely under his bed so it is close by him at night ;) The older kiddies will be picking out lions for their sisters' first birthdays. Other then that, we aren't into getting alot of toys. I can't stand the clutter. So cloths are what I always ask to be gotten as gifts.
  11. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    My girls loved their play pop up tent at that age (still do!). They got the incrediblock for their 1st birthday and all of the kids loved it. Can you ask for Cds, DVDs, Books? How about the smallest slide by Litle Tykes? Oh, we had a fun thing called a jump-o-leen, basically a blow up thing they could jump around in. They LOVED this, but did have a tendency to get crazy wild in it, running and flinging themselves over the sides (Maybe not the best idea, huh?). I'm just typing random things here as I remember. DO they have an adjustable basketball hoop? Kiddie pool? How about :
    -plastic bowling set
    - fish tank/ real fish
    - bathing suits/ beach toys
    - kitchen set?
    - table & chairs
    - gift card to zoo, children's museumm, gymboree, bookkstore, play gym
    - ride on toy (not motorized, of course)
    - small rocking horse

    Have fun!
  12. momlissa

    momlissa Well-Known Member

    I am struggling with this as well. We are so deep in toys at our house, we're literally tripping over them. We have a play kitchen, wagons, trikes, dolls, etc.

    One thing that DD never used at all, but the twins love is the Activity Cube from Parents. I have found that many of the toys that DD never played with are the boys favorite.

    Another current favorite is Fisher Price Shake 'n' Go Chicken. David will play with this for long periods of time. He doesn't get that you shake it and then let it roll, but throws it , gets it going and going and going and then chases after it once it lets loose. It's hysterical.

    THey are also liking the Fisher Price Alligator Xylophone pull toy.

    And last but not least, a favorite of my daughter's and a miracle that we still have the parts!! The Laugh and Learn: Learning Birdbath

    We're hoping for clothes for their birthday!! :icon_biggrin:
  13. Boni

    Boni Well-Known Member

    I was going to post the same picture. We have been getting gifts from our families that stays in other countries already and now i have two sometimes even 4 of everything!!! I have no idea either
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