What is it like to have twin 16 month olds?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by babyhopes09, Jan 22, 2011.

  1. babyhopes09

    babyhopes09 Well-Known Member

    I have twin 9 month olds and I lurk here every so often just to see what excitement we have in store for us!!! I would really love to hear what it is like to have twin 16 month olds because we have #3 on the way and my DD's will be 16 months when the new baby is born... what do they eat? are they talking much? What are their interactions like??? any "glimpses" into our future would be much appreciated!!!!!!! :rolleyes:
  2. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It's awesome. Sometimes it's VERY loud. Sometimes it's like wrestling with a bag of snakes. Mostly it's just a lot of fun.

    At 16 months mine were just starting to walk full time (they were a bit late) and very communicative although they didn't have any words yet. They ate tons and tons, and they mostly eat whatever we eat. They really started to be good buddies at about a year and by 16 months they were chasing each other down to hug all the time. It's busy, and gets busier every day, but man, is it ever fun!
  3. dreamer185

    dreamer185 Active Member

    Mine just turned 16 months and I really love this age! They are so much fun. Most of the time they play together really well but they do have some problems with stealing each others toys and things like that. Usually we just let them work it out as long as there is no hitting/biting going on. It's so cute to watch! They are quite active. They run around and climb up and down off of couches, toys etc. They do throw the occasional tantrum but nothing to bad...yet!

    As far as what they are eating, it is pretty much whatever we eat like pp said. The only restriction they have is nuts/nut products such as peanut butter. I'm not sure if that's everyone but our ped recommends waiting until 2 years :) They aren't talking too much yet. Well actually they talk A LOT but the only things we understand so far are mama and dada. They understand everything though. Like you can tell them get your ball, take a drink, etc and they will do it.
  4. two41

    two41 Active Member

    16 months is definitely a fun time. They are exploring and finding out so many new things about themselves and others. My girls were (and are) pretty close at that age. They hadn't yet figured out how to climb things...thank goodness! Eating...in theory they eat whatever we eat, but for us that hasn't worked out like I would like. Sleeping is so much better...two solid naps still and a good nightime routine too. They run around and giggle a lot, and start using words to identify things. Teething is always a huge issue for us...something that disrupts our daily routine a whole lot some days. But, that too shall pass.
    I think that if I were to have another baby right now, the girls would have the beginnings of understanding what that would mean. But they may still have difficulty being able to "share" mommy and daddy with another person. Maybe you can start introducing baby dolls to them (we didn't do this til just recently, but they LOVE them!), and have them hug and kiss them. It's a fun game, and so cute to see them doing it on their own to all KINDS of dolls and stuffed animals! :)

    Good luck to you! And congrats on #3!
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :yahoo: Congratulations on your new baby on the way :babyflips:
    At 16 months, my two ate pretty much whatever we ate and they talked a little and interaction wise, they would play together some what, but it was still mainly side to side play.
  6. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I was just looking back at my photo-sharing site to remind myself what my boys were like at 16 months, and I remember how much FUN they were!! Sure, there was lots of teething, and many bumps/bruises because they were learning to run and climb, but they were also starting to develop a sense of humor and becoming little individuals.

    My guys were totally off of baby food by 16 months, and would NOT let us feed them anymore. We still had to cut up their food pretty finely because they didn't have any molars, but they were able to gum just about anything we gave them. They were also saying and signing a lot of single words, but hadn't really started to put 2 words together yet.

    All kids are different, so your LOs might not be exactly the same as far as milestones, but 16 months is a super age. :) Congrats on the new baby! :clapping:
  7. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    I echo what everyone else said about it being a fun age, but I think you will definitely have some jealousy. Mine got very jealous of each other at that age so I would guess that they would be at least a bit jealous of you giving new baby attention so you may do a lot of new toys and fun videos to distract them and ease the transition.

    I may also be a bit of a Debbie Downer but we still eat separately from ours because regardless of what we try all they will eat are chicken nuggets, goldfish crackers, fish sticks, etc. They are pretty good at self feeding, though.

    Mine had a ton of simple words: dog, baby, kitty, duck, but still used sign language for the important eat, more, done, sleep. I would definitely advise teaching some signs because it definitely helps with frustration over communication.

    Lastly, I would make sure sleep is consistent and that they can put themselves to sleep before baby is born because it will make bedtime much easier. You will need that in those early days when you are not sleeping at night and new baby is needing to be soothed to sleep every few hours.

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