What is in your toddlers room?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by NatalieK, Jun 1, 2007.

  1. NatalieK

    NatalieK Well-Known Member

    Today we are setting up the toddler beds. We've bolted the shelves to the wall and removed the bottom shelves so they cannot climb. We also put a lock on their closet so they cannot pull all of their clothes out. They do not have a burea, all of their clothes are in their closet. They really do not have anything they can grab or play with. I am thinking of leaving a basket of books in there because we always gave them a few books in their cribs. I am afraid to leave any toys. What do you have in your kids rooms if they are in toddler beds?
  2. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    My boys were 2 1/2 when we switched to twin beds. I didn't remove anything or lock anything. So they have toys, books and clothes in drawers and in their closet. Yes, they did empty their drawers a couple of times--the last time I made them clean up the mess piece by piece--it took about 2 hours, and they never did it again.
  3. mom i am

    mom i am Well-Known Member

    My guys started sleeping in bads at 19 months. We bolted the dresser to the wall from the beginning and eventually added the all-purpose safety locks to each drawer. We also put a lock on the closet door and took out everything except some books and a few stuffed animals.

    We also used a baby gate at the door and put a foam thing-a-ma-jig over the edge of the top of the door so fingers would not get smashed. Sorry I don't don't the name of it.

  4. carmenandwhittsmom

    carmenandwhittsmom Well-Known Member

    Mine have been in toddler beds for a few months now. We have not locked or removed anything. They get out of their beds at will but luckily, don't tear up things in their room. They have a dresser, couple of large stuffed bears, a doll, and something else. Not much in there for them to destroy. However, recently my son broke the lamp but other than that, most things have survived.
  5. mamaslilbears

    mamaslilbears Well-Known Member

    We have only their beds, their toys are all downstairs. We have one of those things that go on the door so that they can't open it, only because the stairs are right outside their room and Dustin sleepwalks. We don't allow any hard toys, only soft stuffed animals, because they have a tendancy to throw things at each others heads :rolleyes:
  6. sharon_with_j_and_n

    sharon_with_j_and_n Well-Known Member

    We bought the girls "mate's beds" so their clothes are all in the closet and in drawers under their beds, so when they were toddlers we didn't need to bolt anything to the walls. Now they can easily get their own clothes as well. We have decorative shelves on the walls, but the only other thing in their room is a night table and a wicker basket of stuffed animals. All their toys are in the playroom and downstairs. I like it because it stays tidy.
  7. rosie19

    rosie19 Well-Known Member

    When we switched our kids to toddler beds at 23 months, we actually switched rooms. We moved them to Oliver's old room since it was a tiny room. We moved all the furniture so the only things in Gabe and Natalie's room are the beds, pillows and blankets, some books and a few stuffed animals. There is a built in shelf that is high up on the wall and that's where we keep the monitor. I was way too nervous to leave any furniture in the room. They have never climbed on anything, but I just didn't want to take the chance since they were so young when we made the switch. I have since added a few more soft toys, but otherwise it is just them and their beds :)

    We have a big, wide hallway outside their room, more like an alcove. So the changing table is there - centrally located between their room and Oliver's room. All the other furniture - dresser, armoire, chest, etc are all in Oliver's room. Sometimes I have to sneak in there while he's napping to get something, but otherwise it's been a good system for us.

    Oh and we turned the door knob/lock around. I unscrewed the door knob and reversed it so that the lock is on the outside. We have stairs leading to the third floor and stairs down to the first floor way too close to their room for me to be comfortable leaving it unlocked. DS is really good at figuring out safety locks, so I didn't trust the door knob covers.
  8. Babytimes2

    Babytimes2 Well-Known Member

    The same things we had in their room when they were in cribs...dresser, changing table and glider rocker. That's it. We've never kept toys in their room.
  9. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    There is a queen size bed with rails on each side, a closet (its a walk in closet, where all their clothes and things are) with a child proof door cover on it so they can't get in there and mess or get hurt, and two toy boxes.
  10. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    We moved the girls to toddler beds when they turned two. We didn't move anything out of their room and we were lucky that they never thought to empty out drawers or open their closet. They transitioned very well. They have one dresser, a bookshelf (which is bolted to the wall), a toy box and bins. We also kept a gate by the door with the rubber thing on top of the door so they couldn't squish their fingers. We kept the gate there until they started to potty train.
  11. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    We moved into beds almost a month ago. They have all their toys in their rooms (each in their own room). So we did not take anything out.
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