What is hot with 2 year old boys?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by symercat, Feb 17, 2008.

  1. symercat

    symercat Well-Known Member


    I have 11 mo. old girls and we are going to a b-day party for a 2 year old boy-I'm sorta clueless as to what 2 year old boys are into these days-I could use some help on ideas..........
    Thanks in advance!!!!!!!!
  2. twindependent

    twindependent Well-Known Member

    My boys will be 3 in April- in the last year or so they have been very into train stuff, Diego, cars (their cheapie remote control cars especially), their little toy computer - one of those Vtech ones that run about 20 bucks. They also LOVE kid music like They Might Be Giants kid music and Ralph's World, and love their instruments- shakers, drums, harmonicas, kiddie guitar, etc.

    I would say just about anything goes! Good luck!
  3. guestd

    guestd Well-Known Member

    Mine really like their Geo Track trains.

    ETA - Oh, and their magna doodles. I got them the travel sized ones for their stockings at Christmas, and I was surprised at how big of a hit they were! Also thier bubble mowers. Right now we have them in the house (minus the bubbles) and they get them out every time I vacuum!
  4. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    Mine love their Diego Rescue Center and Backyardigans Circus, cars/trucks FP garage and they love music, DH has musical equipment so they love to sing, drum play with their backyardigans guitar...HTH!
  5. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    My DS LOVES trains at this point. Anything having wheels are hot, too. There are some vehicles age 2+ that you shake the car and it makes revving noises and then drives off on the floor. That's a hit here.

    Also for DS' b-day last week I got him a remote control car. It's age 2+ and I think it was $15 at Walmart by Little Tykes. Has an easy-to-use remote and very cute.
  6. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    My ds will be 2 in April & right now he really likes anything that moves. Cars, trucks, planes, trains, etc. He also really likes playing with Playdough & barnyard animals. He's not really one for sitting still long enough for coloring, books, etc. Although he does like to watch movies sometimes.
  7. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    Thomas the Tank Engine - BIG TIME. My guys go absolutely nuts over anything Thomas. Other trains or vehicles are great too. A nice fire truck, maybe? They also love books and musical instruments. Play dough is also a big hit.

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